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Everything posted by TAFKA

  1. Getting fucking sick of the molly-coddling and over-protectiveness shown to the dildo in the dugout. Threads getting locked because fans are expressing their views? Fuck that. To be fair , I don't agree with calling him a cunt - a cunt has a use. McCoist is a tumour, dragging us down, making us weaker and weaker - and there is no chance of recovery until it is cut out
  2. For what it's worth, I commend you on your self-discipline and your highly restrained "fuck off".
  3. Cute line in there suggesting the stick is all about the Hearts game. We know it isn't and so does he. My affection for a club hero is turning to contempt day by day. I despise him now - he is like a fucking tumour - our recovery cannot start until he is removed
  4. Am I the only one who finds thse threads about formations, shapes and styles of play utterly futile while we have such a useless bastard in charge? Normally, I'd be happy to discuss these things but, to be honest, there is only one thing that comes to mind when I think about our team - we are paralysed until that fat parasite is given his jotters.
  5. I think we're way past the "perhaps if we tut loudly, someone will hear" stage. The lift that the club would get upon hearing he was away would be on a par with hearing that Craig Whyte caught an STD from Neil Lennon. Instead of which we whinge, we wring our hands, we shake our heads, we bow our heads and we mope around hoping that some miracle will occur. It is fairly obvious that Wallace and Ronnie/Reggie don't see a problem with our manager. That only confirms my suspicions that none of them are fit for purpose either but that's another story. I simply do not accept the "we can't afford to sack him" argument - give him (and the other Marx Brothers) one year's notice and put them on gardening leave and let Jukebox take the first team on a trial basis. If anyone is insane enough to employ any of the three duds, we stop paying them at that time. The fact is that we cannot afford NOT to get rid of him. In the meantime, our voice MUST be heard - "dignified silence" just ain't getting the job done.
  6. You're right - but if we had someone like McInnes, McCall or even McLeish, we would get much, much more out of these players. If any of these three had been in charge, we would have won the Scottish Cup last season, never mind the Ransden's.
  7. Can you imagine the first game after our joke of a manager leaves? It will be like Christmas, Mardi Gras, 12 July and a wee win win on the lottery all rolled into one. Keep thinking about that day guys, that wee light at the end of the tunnel. Every tunnel has an end: we're just wading through a really long, shitey one at the moment Oh and Ally? Get to fuck, please
  8. I don't know where people get this idea he can't change. Sometimes he folds his right arm over his left, sometimes it is left over right. Can't ask for more radical change than that , can you?
  9. Sent an email through the "Contact" section of the club website, marking it "FAO Mr G Wallace, CEO". Content very similar to Signor Corleone's but I did ask for the courtesy of a reply - not holding my breath. I think this is a good way to let him realise that denial is not an option - this problem must be addressed or he'll have a different problem - lots of empty seats and a huge drop in revenue. I would urge all Bears to send messages. Don't "cut-and-paste" as that will look like a campaign. Write it from the heart, keep it civil and he will be unable to ignore our views indefinitely. PS : the definition of the word "indefinitely" is that you know, when your balls are slapping her arse, you are in, definitely
  10. A sniper on the roof of the Sandy Jardine Stand? A trap door in the dugout?
  11. Ian Murray or Elvis But we need to get the squatter moved out first "hello, Mr Wallace? Can you hear me?......."
  12. Time for our big hitter CEO to step up and show some leadership. It is obvious that, when McCoist leaves, there will be the terrible sound of scratching nails on marble as he is dragged across the lobby and thrown on to PRW. He is useless and also shameless - he will NEVER resign (can't remember whose fault it was yesterday but not his) and is happy to take the criticism, the boos - and the big salary. So it now up to Wallace to prove he is not a spineless lackie for Ronnie and Reggie and actually show some leadership . Robbie Neilson said the usual "hard place to come and get three points" - is it fuck. Hibs , Hearts and Rangers will win most games against the other sides in this division so the matches between us are critical - that is why that result was do important. Wallace - step up and solve the problem, earn your salary.
  13. This single decision and his inability to see the danger that Aird could offer is all the proof you could ever want that the prick in the dugout hasn't a fucking clue.
  14. Can't afford to NOT sack him. Fans without STs will stop going if he isn't removed. Wallace needs to grow a pair.
  15. Law was Motherwell's best player in the SPL 2012/13 when they finished second in the table. He is just one of many good/decent pkayers to come to Ibrox and go backwards. The common denominator is abysmal "coaching" from Moe, Larry and Curly
  16. With the way Hearts were lunging in, Aird would have had a couple of them off. Can't blame Hearts for all the fouls mind you - you see how shite we are at free-kicks, you realise that the safest way to defend is to concede Rangers a free-kick - danger over What the fuck happens all week at Murray Park?
  17. OP on the wind-up Miller our best player
  18. So you've got a promising midielder playing on the wing - and neither player nor team are getting any benefit. Central midfilder gets injured so you have an opportunity to correct your mistake. Push MacLeod into his actual position and bring on a natural wide player in Aird. What does our useless bastard of a manager do? Brings on a defensive midfielder and leaves MacLeod to rot. That one single decision sums this fucker up to a T. Not got a fucking clue. If there remain any McCoist defenders out there, please explain yourselves.
  19. Agreed. But I'd rather McCoist rested him than try to make him a winger especially as we have Aird and McKay. Aird running at these fuckers would have them down to eight or nine men , meanwhile MacLeod's confidence takes a doing. Miller is our best player by a mile - hope Clark and Gallagher are taking notes.
  20. Feel sorry for Aird. But he'll be on when Templeton is injured in second minute.....
  21. Great idea. Needs to be a way to still allow members access when ghuests are infecting/clogging the site. If Hearts were to score first (or, God forbid, win) today, you can bet the site would be almost unusable for all the Declans, Aidens and John-Pauls.
  22. He won't last an hour, never mind a whole game. Start him on the bench. Back four picks itself then Aird, Black, Macleod across the middle, Law just in front, Starsky and Hutch up front. Gerrintaethem FFS!
  23. "Rangers supporter spotted at Rangers game" shocker!! New season, first day - leave the infighting for an hour or two, eh?
  24. Were Aiden O'Timothy and John Paul Fenian not available?
  25. Oscar has sacked his legal team and hired Celtic's advisers. He heard they'd lost both legs, four shots on target and looking likely to get away with murder.
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