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Everything posted by TAFKA

  1. Stewart and Wilson (Herald) were confirming their views on Radio Scotland and were both pretty scathing. The biggest difference seems to be the realisation by these two that this is NOT a "knee-jerk" reaction (translates as "Rangers supporters are stupid, fickle and disloyal") as the majority of the MSM like to portray it, but a dawning over a number of years that McCoist is useless. I really feel the tide is turning and even the postponement of the Cowdenbeath game was being highlighted as a stupid decision. Hearts will play their game as planned which means that we could be TWELVE POINTS behind after the international break, depending on results. Unless there is a dramatic upturn in our play and our results, McCoist's failings are now, at last, on the radar.
  2. You see, this is exactly the point. We keep hearing about "we can't afford to sack him" - well, we can't afford to NOT sack him. Crowds will dwindle to the point where the lost revenue of thousands of fans times so many weeks would recoup whatever settlement this great Rangers man would demand. And you could guarantee Ibrox jammed to the rafters on the first game after he leaves.
  3. GTF McCoist. And take Brainiac McDowell with you. And Durrant. And Wallace (if you can find him )
  4. I need subtitles (or should that be "sub-tettles") when he's on
  5. A decent manager would win this division comfortably with our squad. Managing Rangers can be a career-making opportunity or, as in this case, a career-ending one. McCoist knows that he will never get another job when he is eventually, shamelessly dragged out of Ibrpx, no doubt bawling "when will mah severance money come through.. ?" Our biggest problem is now the lack of leadership from the board- they seem unwilling to act until it is mathematically impossible for us to be promoted
  6. We actually brought more kids through when we HAD money (Ness, McCabe, Wylde, Wilson etc) than recently with no money and apparently no choice. My disappointment is turning to anger, week by week.
  7. Someone quoted Keith Jackson at 1.6m to get rid of McCoist. Best money we could spend - get him to fuck. Perhaps we should start a "McCoist Severance Fund" (I'd be happy to donate fifty to get rid) and try to shame the bastard into leaving? The board are impotent or blind, Wallace is a fucking joke and nothing will happen until promotion has been blown. We need to take the initiative - it is OUR club FFS
  8. Wallace is spineless and is as shite at the CEO job as McCoist is as manager. Ray Charles teaching Stevie Wonder to play tennis. We are an embarrassment.
  9. Niemi Porrini Moore Andrews Munro McMinn McInnes Reyna Weiss Johannson Lovenkrands
  10. Karaoke anyone? Oh wait, we won...... To Ally, the player - Happy Birthday To Ally, the manager - "no, it's not a birthday card Ally, it is a termination of contract....."
  11. Obviously haven't observed Jose McCoist's tactical masterclass lately. Celtic ARE pish although I heard tonight Adrian Durham correctly point out on Talksport that the team leading the division were beaten 6-1 by the scum just the other week. With our current squad fully fit and a good manager, we would give Celtic a helluva game and could well win. But, with McCoist in charge? Never.
  12. The problem is no longer McCoist, the problem is Wallace. He has an employee seriously and consistently under-performing and he is not dealing with it. They are both equally poor at their jobs and we will go backwards until they are BOTH out the door
  13. Good first paragraph, fell away with usual shite
  14. Bell back if fit, otherwise no change. Of course the balloons in the dugout will revert to one up front
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/29197915
  16. Which Rangers fans want to help destroy Ibrox? Why can you not just enjoy the picture without posting your point-scoring shite?
  17. These "clowns" see things differently from you and want change. Presumably you don't share that desire for change - how's that working for ya?
  18. In this type of situation previously, the board has issued a "In view of recent press coverage, the Board wish to clarify..." type statement. In the absence of a similar statement over such a crucial issue, then I choose to believe that King WAS denied access to the books which is very worrying. As is the deafening silence from our leaders, Somers and Wallace.
  19. When did we start referring to Bill Struth as "Satan"?
  20. When did I become a Rangers scout? And when will I start receiving a salary?
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