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Everything posted by RyanRfc

  1. Back to managing reserves you prick
  2. Winning the SPL won't be as sweet if there isn't guaranteed CL group stage. CL plays a huge factor for most big players when there singing anowl. co-efficient bullshit!!
  3. Poor :jelavic: bet hes just as gutted as we are
  4. Fuckin hopeless. Petrovs penalty
  5. Hopeless team, fucking pathetic. Can't believe there a top flight premiership side.
  6. If all 3 teams go out it lowers the co-efficient giving us worse chances of getting our automatic qualification to group stages from winning the SPL.
  7. Hope timmys win to better the co-efficient. There fucking abysmal though.
  8. Weir playing LB, I like it! His pace will run riots down the flank, why didn't walter think of this! its genius.
  9. :mcgregor: :whittaker::bougherra::weir::papac: :weiss::davis::edu: :miller: :jelavic::
  10. By looking on the Man United forums they think we're a fucking joke. Hope we ravage them, pricks.
  11. Charlie Nicolas statement about Rangers. 'They are turning up thats it' timmy bastard!!
  12. 1. Bayern Munich / AC Milan 2. Real Madrid 3. The Rangers 4. FC Twente / Aviv
  13. He reminds me of Ferguson. Still made a cunt of himself though.
  14. Load of shite mate. Welcome to the forum
  15. I couldn't agree more mate. Great post Also young kids arn't aloud to play on school grounds now as its private property. You have to hire a pitch which is around £30 for 1-hour. fucking disgrace if you asked me. Theres times i've went round for a game of 7s with my mates and the police have came and threatened to fine us for tresspassing, whats this country coming too.
  16. 1. Bayern Munich 2. Madrid 3. Rangers 4. FC Twente
  17. Only for CL. Hes far to slow and unmobile.
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