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Everything posted by alectrician

  1. Agreed....and lets face it.... who in their right mind would change a winning team....err..answers to the usual address....
  2. Was thinking back to the...err..."old" days when it was always perceived that " A good BIG yin would always beat a good wee yin"...I think Messi blows that arguement right oota the windae...anyone disagree? Btw...anyone know who the tallest and smallest are in the Rangers camp?...And just how good can McKay become?
  3. C'mon everybody...Teles rubbage tonight ..get yourself along to Ibrox and support our youngsters...They are the future of our club...and lets keep the momentum going...onwards and upwards... Rangers Then..Rangers Now...Rangers Forever...
  4. In my opinion this 55th title win should be clebrated right up there with the best...simply because of what has happened...and more importantly...because we are...Simply The Best...and when we are crowned Champions not one seat should be empty at Ibrox ...the volume turned up...so that they know there was No Surrender..and we didn't die...Rangers will be still here long after we are gone but our children will carry on the traditions of this Great Club.... I LOVE YOU RANGERS Rangers Then..Rangers Now..Rangers Forever...
  5. I've watched the game over and over until I'm BLUE in the face...and my analysis is quite simple...its the WHITE socks...cos I RED it somewhere...they are pure dead brilliant...
  6. Oh c'mon now...nobodys THAT stupid...you connect the Red wire to the ...err...err.....on second thots....
  7. Charles should be looking deeper into this....the possabilities are endless...Myself.... I would intoduce a free pie with every season ticket sold...
  8. Now now..you forgetting about ...err..."sporting integrity"?....You know the thing...whereby everybody gets together and tries to beat the living daylights out of their mentor...well....let them enjoy watching how WE conduct ourselves....A Family so united that the powers that be... will in the end....be powerless. Rangers Then...Rangers Now...Rangers Forever...
  9. That second Goalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll wudve been worked on at Auchenhowie....a thing of beauty...Gotta hand it to you Charles ...you are one smart cookie...
  10. The first thing is to get Ian Durrants hands out of his pockets....
  11. Feel a song coming on.....as I said at the time...."Go on now go...walk out the door...just turn around now...cause your not welcome anymore...weren't you the one who tried to break us with goodbye...did you think we would crumble?.....did you think we would lay down and die?...Oh no.....NOT US....WE HAVE SURVIVED!!!"....err..without your help...... Rangers Then...Rangers Now...Rangers Forever....
  12. Football League loan rules Maximum of five loan players (standard, emergency or youth) in a matchday squad Maximum of four players under 23 and four over 23 on a standard loan in one season Maximum of two players over 23 from the same club on a standard loan Players signed on loan deals from abroad (including Scotland) are registered as transfers, not loans.... Wonders if this is the same for us up here?.....Leading on to our new found friendship with Juventus...Dare we read between the lines and maybe brush up on our Italian ....For "Get intae them"?....
  13. Have worn mine at games since they first came out. They are a reminder of what we've been through....Never to be forgotten....and will make us stronger in the years to come. Rangers Then..Rangers Now..Rangers Forever... ...Wish they had that in Red and Black....
  14. Born just a stones throw from IBROX I'm sure the roar of the crowd was the first thing I heard...Yep..super duper hearing me...But I can't honestly remember the first game I attended..I cudve been about 7/8 ..and without giving my age a way...that was waaaaay back....The first come duties of the day were to politely ask if we could possibly look after your car sir...or words to that effect...and after an exchange of contracts...well ok...a "tanner" was handed over..me and my mates would make our way to the game...and although money was in our pockets we still would stand head bowed at the turnstyle awaiting a kind soul..and most times we didn't need to ask..."gauny lift me over mister"?...Of course once inside it was a mad dash to get right behind the goals and hopefully get a seat on the wall..Only downside of that was the bottle throwing that happened at some games.. ..err..no WE didn't throw them... we were the recipients... ...were we mad or what... .. By the way Tizer in todays world would have been known as "Pure dead brilliant"...Some of the games we would only manage what was known as getting in for the "Last twenties"...When they opened the Main gates to allow fans to leave and didn't stop kids entering...Happy days..Although Now at the age where the Main Stand although lacking in atmosphere as opposed to sitting or standing as it came to pass in the Copland Road end...is to me still HEAVEN... Rangers Then...Rangers Now...Rangers Forever....
  15. Oh c'mon boys and girls...lets all kiss and make up....well...you know wot I mean...ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL....are we or we not THE PEOPLE... 3-1 seems about right...Little first goal scorer...GO RANGERS....
  16. I just saw Terrys.....and thot I'd take a Butchers.....
  17. Totally agree....Lets leave Saturdays fiasco behind and move on...Upside is other results in the league went our way with the four clubs below us dropping points...So heads up fellow bears...UNITE...AND SUPPORT....Lets not forget that first game of this season at IBROX when we got together as one.....
  18. A 1-1 Draw then we'll welcome THEM back to Ibrox....Wont we guys.......Like lambs to the slaughter.....You can do it Gers...
  19. I think its only open to UK residents....but in saying that....we MUST have over 100,000 fans here.
  20. As far as we're led to believe Walter doesn't have any say in the running of the team...but surely to goodness for the sake of OUR team he should have some sort of input...especially as he can see more from his position in the stand than Ally can on the ground...also wouldn't think Ally would see it as an infringement on his capabilities....more a case of one for all and all for one...What to do you fellow bears think?....
  21. I'm thinking the game has draw written all over it.......They would welcome the revenue from a replay...and I would welcome the prospect of putting them to the sword at IBROX....
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