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Everything posted by Bossorange

  1. wow, wow, wow! What did the govan rear loyal do to deserve this?
  2. Uefa cup final. And I doubt anything will top that in my life time (19)
  3. what's the story behind this? Cracks me up every time I see it
  4. aye, as did miller we should've won like 4-0
  5. He's had one good game for us in the champions league
  6. Happy New year from Glasgow, Scotland
  7. ^ aye it's his arse that's lined way diamonds
  8. can you do co-op story mode with a pal online?
  9. Hope it isn't too much but I'll renew regardless of the price.
  10. More in stock lads http://m.tesco.com/mt/www.tesco.com/direct/ps4-500gb-console/599-1388.prd?icid=eml_BIS_599-1388&un_jtt_redirect
  11. you on your phone? If so try laptop and vice versa. Amazon was like that for my mum as was tesco but changed to phone and it worked.
  12. http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1716094.htm
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