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Everything posted by MARK92GERS

  1. what about dorrans or hitzlsperger for the midfield ?
  2. it's scary to think we need about 4 defenders at least 2 midfielders and a striker all in your looking at about 6-8 new players where are we going to get the money even with a takeover I hate to say it but there will have to be a few assets moved on in the summer to make more money available ie shagger, and boughy
  3. hahahahaha what a retard that cunt is funny video but surely that is a wind up if its not then that guy has problems
  4. really hope this happens now Im well excited hahaha
  5. but is there any games on the ps3 worth buying cause I dont really know any apart from killzone 3 ?
  6. "The kids want left alone" hahaha
  7. Didn't think we was that impressive still well off pace and would rather have had hutton in there sooner hes out the better sorry guys but its the truth
  8. at the end of 90 minutes he was my Motm but davis edged it but again what a performance from him I hope he starts every game now with weiss on the right and naisy up with jela that will rip teams apart for sure
  9. Great performance great fight & spirit thats how we should play against that manky mob WATP MON THE GERS !!
  10. fucking useless bring nothing to the team
  11. good second half have to keep it going this is the football we should be playing every week cant understand why we didnt do this from the off ohh and ps. GET EDU TAE FUCK USELESS CUNT HONESTLY !!
  12. Can't wait for the return of Naismith & Ness we have certainly missed them for sure get ness in for edu as soon as possible he has got to be the worst player in the team so sloppy in possesion its unreal so frustrating watching him
  13. Have they really ? cause I haven't heard anything of the sort lol
  14. If I had the 7 million I would tie shagger,boughy,& davis down on new contracts. I would then look at getting rid of lafferty,edu,kerkar,& whittaker hopefully get about 3-5 million for them use that to tie other players down on new contracts also I would let weir leave cause hes done. then I would sign goodwillie 1 million, Conway free,morrison 2-3m million, dorrans dont know how much he would cost ? then I would TRY ! and get bardsley or hutton in then for a cb Evans & bartley back on loan also weiss and diouf sorted I may have over done it but Im aloud to dream
  15. Im just glad we got the points in the bag cant wait until we get naisy,weiss,jela,ness & broadfoot back we need them badly
  16. they are nothing but scum its in our hands and we will win it in the end WATP !
  17. aww mate that is magic sorry about the delay ahaha not been checking the thread cheers
  18. so great result tonight thought the performance could have been better but I suppose its the result that counts but what do we think of our tie against psv what do you think of that team do we have a chance ?
  19. Its a gay song but its catchy as fuck and I like it haha I think a full ibrox siging this would be awesome man WATP
  20. MARK92GERS

    Sig Request

    been meaning to do this for ages could anyone make me a sig please one preferably with diouf and weiss ? thanks in advance
  21. looks class loved this game back in the day
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