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Everything posted by magic8ball

  1. Probably isn't right to compare Barton and Black to thumb. It was bookmakers who highlighted the rule breaking. nominal fun bets that were more than likely reported by taig employees . Thumb is more comparable to Lafferty who admitted gambling problems .but he was also not given any show of support . This thing with Griffiths for me is nothing but a typical tarrier smoke screen to cover the issue .Lafferty wasn't signed off on the sick .Fair enough he didn't try and top himself like the half breed did .For me this is more about covering a drug issue and the fear of failing a test and making him a worthless asset on a very very long ban . Cast your mind back to the day he went off on the sick .he was in the papers that very morning gloating that the police wouldn't stop him celebrating at ibrox and tieing a scarf to a post .It was a ver6 very sudden change . Typical of the half baked morality from separate entity FC
  2. the darts tonight either a cheeky bear or a thick mick
  3. can't remember where I saw it but he's meant to be in debt to 250k to the wrong type too . now it may seem outrageous that an spfl player at a top club could get into such bother . but 80k will be close to what he earns after tax in 2 months .total idiot if he is blowing 2 months wages in a night and it's more that help he needs .
  4. wee fucker is milking it too . call them out on that and your labled a bigot . same as point scoring regarding their filthy court cases the bastards do and say what they like without reproach .getting sick of it to be honest
  5. popcorn teeth now coming out offering support lieswells PR machine has done an amazing job here taking the attention of the real problem .it's not just bookie LINES
  6. just noticed the guy on the other rail 😂😂😂
  7. sick of seeing all the sympathy and headlines for this wee rat cunt As far as I'm concerned this is another load of smoke and mirrors from seperate entity fc .The wee half breed has been gambling like mad and snorting lines for months . on Wednesday he was full of the joys of spring having a pop at us in the media .the police were not going to stop him celebrating against us .yadda yadda yadda .later that day the poor wee scone is out of football coz he's depressed . far to close timings for me .the wee fanny has been rumbled for a drugs test .and decided to play the mental health card. demeaning all the people with actual problems
  8. that will be just a blow to the economy as the tarriers boost it by .more than golf too
  9. no 9 my friend .an extra minute for the actual piss 😁
  10. got the vision of somebody standing at a corner flag wi thousands watching .the guy pissing has stage fright and takes 5mins to get a dribble and another 3 mins to get full flow 😂
  11. he says he will ignore police warnings and tie a scarf to a post in future . surely if he does that he should be up in front of the courts and he will have no defence to fall back on as he has full intent on breaking the law and written proof of his intention another thick Mick
  12. going by some tweets going round last week the police are working on a positive line of enquiry that the offenders (some still alleged) were connected . once they can prove what we all know we have a totally different ball game for the authorities to deal with . At the moment we only have Torbett convicted .We all know there are plenty more that will get their day in court regarding sex abuse .This is getting us all angry but until there are more convictions it's unlikely anything will be done Lieswell knows this too .makes his current actions all the more disgusting .If any decent person knew what was coming they would be lying low and avoiding controversy
  13. guy got a lot of praise from early performances. future captain etc . suffered badly with the rest of the team with the spring slump .all of a sudden he's a dud . glad for the guy that he's finding form again. could be like a new signing in the summer . if not we could earn a few quid from him moving on
  14. not really.old testament had a home for the Israelites. oops I see what you mean 😂😂😂
  15. maybe need to enlighten them on the crusades .and they can lose their shit about that too . oh wait .that was the Vatican behind that . maybe need to enlighten them about the conquistadors in South America. oops Vatican again . ethnic cleansing in Ireland 19th century oops Vatican again
  16. associated with this shower could affect his wallet though. or affect the future wallet
  17. The victims will not be set up for life with compensation. probably a few 10s of thousands each will probably be all they get . Potentially the biggest hit financially would be from sponsors not wanting to be associated with such a vile toxic brand .over years this would run into ten of millions of pounds . Who knows even Fritzel might develop some morality and withdraw his backing
  18. na .she has stuck her baws between her legs to avoid a bulge at the front
  19. bounce it back to the SFA.who themselves have issues and are controlled by beast FC
  20. dozens of conflicts throughout the world . why the obsession with this one .and ignorance of others is it anti Semitic. or is it pure and simple a connection between the PLO and the IRA that attracts these fannys
  21. for me this is a fairly recent phenomenon. 20 years or so ago there wasn't so much hatred aimed at our war dead from the tarrier support .there was an underlying hatred of all things British due to the troubles in northern Ireland lasting many many years. but it wasn't so fashionable to be so open an public about it . since lieswell became involved they capitalised on the anti British feeling and promoted ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ who then politicised everything they touched ,politicised bigotry and hid played the sectarian card to defend their own bigoted agenda . when they were first exposed nationallyfor the "bloostained poppy" banner ,Dr death said the would be dealt with .any board with any real intention would have banned the culprits from the stadium .but probably deliberatley disbanded ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ and instead of taking their season tickets from them .they gave them seats in other parts of the ground. the pink QC got involved and court said they had the right to sit together again. makes sense. if a company allows you in they can't dictate where you sit . so the cancerous green brigade remained . the board at this club need to be taken to task by the authorities .but due to the corrupt way the football association's are governed and the political situation in the country this will never happen
  22. it will be throbbing. lots of post match sucking cock
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