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Everything posted by bluedylan

  1. Modric kind of shites all over Strachans theory about height and build
  2. Also the myth that the media in England always build the team up beyond expectations...the opposite is true media pundits and fans mostly underplay their chances and infact mock their own failures.
  3. Lost his son recently probably needs to get a fresh start...seems a bit of a bitter character but I would not wish the lose of a son on anyone...good luck to him
  4. If I remember correctly Souness was not picked for the opening game
  5. Spain 82 for me but 78 was brilliant ...the teams atmosphere and even the kits. I remember staying up late with my dad to watch the games ...the Argentina v Peru game sticks out.
  6. Scotland actually played the better football in that game against Holland who tried to kick them off the park
  7. Victory parade around Hampden before they went
  8. Great tournament did that clown leave Souness out at the start?What is forgot about the game against Holland was how dirty the Dutch team were in that game...total football my hole!
  9. That would be the same idiot who claimed a few years back he was willing to bet his house on celtic beating Rangers in the semi...then he disappeared off social media for weeks when the Gers beat them
  10. It has become the Stasi of football forums...pity it was great back in the day
  11. This forum at times ...fuck me It could have been Messi in the photoshoot and some fucking eejits would be squealing"hope that is not the new kit he is wearing"
  12. This was the same Collymore who was announcing over a year ago he was getting a seat on MOTD.The same Collymore who has a go at Wright for taking the Murdoch shilling yet was angry at being let go at Talksport which is owned by Murdoch.At least Liverpool supporter Colin Murray had some principles and walked away from Talksport when the Sun owner took it over yet Collymore was looking his job back...what a hypocritical piece of trash
  13. Road Racing is a virtual religion in Northern Ireland with the NW 200 drawing up to 100k spectators but year after year there are fatalities but the riders still come from all over the world to challenge themselves
  14. Yaya and his agent are one of the reasons this sport now sickens me at this level.
  15. Yeah because the cheating bastards were all doped up by Juventus doctor...he was kicked out off the game a few years later
  16. Mattheus of Bayern Munich got a great round of applause after he made the point of applauding all four stands after the game at Ibrox.
  17. Was it not Lampard who got the great reception taking corners?
  18. They need us more than we need BBC Scotland...fuck them
  19. Will give it a listen...he is being heavily tipped to be the next England coach after Jones leaves next year.
  20. Saracens head coach Mark McCall went to the same school as me.
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