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East Enclosure Row N

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Everything posted by East Enclosure Row N

  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇬🇧🇬🇧
  2. Do you sniff fucking glue? Have you got any idea what constitutes a nightshift security guard in Scotland? I think you are confusing it with Madonna's minder.
  3. A draw is fuck all use to us. Means they need to drop points in two further games out of 6. We must win. Anything else and we'd be as well hsnding the trophy over there and then.
  4. Outfield player of the year for me.
  5. Stevie Wonder in a dark room could have told you that from the second it was launched. What else did you honestly think it was going to be? Rangers could sell dug shites with a club crest on them and people would still be daft enough to buy them.
  6. The twat on last night epitomised a guy I used to work with (and a few on here too the other way around unfortunately). This guy I knew didn't support celtic - he HATED Rangers. Come in on a Monday morning and he could tell you everything that every Rangers player had said, done, everywhere they had been, what car they drove and what they had for lunch. He HATED Rangers. He could tell you the celtic score, but that was it. Knew nothing about his club, their players, team performance, who's injured blah blah. He had watched every single second of our game though. 100% I SUPPORT Rangers. I dislike celtic - lots, but since the thumb and lego muncher left, I honestly would not recognise a single celtic player if they stood next to me in a supermarket queue. I really don't give a fuck if they live or die. I could not care less. Any other team in the league? I'm only slightly interested in our ex- players or possible future signings. Near enough a full moon last night, maybe that brought out more eejits than usual? Two weeks coming up with no games - I HATE international breaks, especially at this point in a season :-(
  7. Just seen a story headline elsewhere about "GVB already has Goldson replacement lined up". Didn't read further as these clickbait things are all pish. BUT.......... As we all believe, Goldson has been offered new terms and has not agreed them. He is therefore a free agent in around 10 weeks. WE ARE...... ● In Scottish Cup semi final ● Challenging for the league title ● 90 mins of half decent defending away from the last 8 of the Europa league ● Almost certainly guaranteed Champions League football at Ibrox next season. Connor Goldson is 29 and in his prime as an athlete. He is as good as he will ever be both physically and in terms of ability. Before us, he left both Shrewsbury (106 league games in 5 years) and Brighton (32 league games in 3 years). He is our vice captain. At Rangers he has played 52, 54 and 56 games in the last three seasons. He is on 46 so far this season and is likely to reach mid 50's again. What does he think he's going to get elsewhere away from Ibrox Stadium that's better than what he has just now?
  8. Of our 38 league games, how many have stayed at 3pm on a Saturday over the last few years? Printed media died years ago.
  9. QF? Am looking at flights for Seville - where Seville may be in the final. Bit mad that.
  10. Sands had a good game today, but watched every competitive minute that Ramsey has played, and am still wondering what all the fuss is about?
  11. Possibly answered the question right there - maybe the guy is knackered and in need of a bit of a rest to come back refreshed for the run in?
  12. There only 9 games left. We are 3 points and 11 goals behind. Now isn't really the time to "throw somebody in". Every minute of every game will be crucial and we are in a fucker of a state domestically just now. We'll need a miracle to win the league this year. We've been dropping points for fun and a lot of what we do is excruciating to watch. I agree that Aribo blows hot and cold, as does Kamara. Barisic should get a bench place at the very most and I don't know what McLaughlin has to do in order to get a game?
  13. Sorry if I missed this in the other 60 pages of this thread, but what happened to the gallant pioneers strip we were supposed to be wearing?
  14. How do you win back fans to a sell out game? We're pissed off, but we're still there.
  15. Don't want to open a can of worms - so you started a thread solely about this and nothing else? Walloper.
  16. McGregor starts again. What has McLaughlin got to do to get a game for Rangers?
  17. Don't have exact info, but there were a couple of indiscriminate knife murders a few years ago on old firm days. Victim's only crime was wearing a Rangers or celtic top sadly.
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