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Everything posted by Heshootshescores

  1. So the coin attack on TLB is racism, and the coin attack on Morelos is not. Only in Sturgeon's Scotland.. You seriously couldn't make this shit up.
  2. Oh well at least you recognised yourself as 'the cock' in question. I see your mate James McLean making a cunt of himself and his club this year again.
  3. Right, there's even a cock on here siding with the taigs over their annual piss over the poppy ffs. The best bit is that for all their bridge building efforts, the taigs still despise these guys, while we see them as the weak, sorry, cuckolding apologists that they are.
  4. Neil Lennon is an arsehole,he just happens to be an Irish Catholic. Plenty of other Irish catholics live and work in Scotland without having coins thrown at them. The key is that they are not all arseholes. TLB is bizarrely calling this racism, but in fact it is arseholeism at play here. Barry Ferguson has clearly been taking lessons from his big brother on how to be a weak apologist cunt.
  5. Would provide stiff competition for Rossiter on the treatment table.
  6. Taigs have many disgusting habits, but they are loyal to their own kind,even to the point of ridicule. I see Tom English report on BBC that Lennon was trying to 'calm the Hearts fans down' following their apparent late winner being ruled out. Not mocking them or goading them apparently. Well done to those who are speaking out against the clown. McCoist and McInnes?.. I didnt really expect any better from those two apologists.
  7. We should never tire of calling them out for their annual dance over the graves of our glorious war dead. Luckily our brave servicemen didn't find the act of going to war, and giving their life, boring too.
  8. Those of us who witnessed that pitiful surrender at the Savilledome last season, in a humiliation unseen since Corbetts days, knew that our whole team would be tainted by that performance. They all needed to go. It's extremely difficult to do that in one transfer window but Gerrard had a right good try. We are much improved since then, but guys like Coulibally who got off to a flier are now struggling for form. The replacements aren't strong enough yet. We struggle against teams who don't want to play football, and in Scotland most teams have no interest in playing. Gerrard was a great player, and will be a good manager but he will need some time. If he doesn't get it at Rangers, I'm sure some other club will happily provide it.
  9. Just as well we have our own former players out there representing Rangers, guys like Billy Dodds, Derek Ferguson etc... Oh no wait, they are a bunch of taig appeasing shite bags ?
  10. I see yet another taig arsehole in the press (John Hughes.. AKA Brian Laudrup's bitch) demanding retrospective action against McGregor for his clash with Mackay Steven on Sunday. They are fucking relentless.
  11. Telling someone what they did wrong, with the benefit of hindsight, is the easiest thing in the world.
  12. Alan Cumming would be an improvement on the useless cunt.
  13. Interesting to hear that he's scoring and providing assists. From the limited amount I saw, I thought he was more of a 'Stuart McCall' type of player who would graft hard but leave the fancy stuff to others. There's always a place for those guys in any team.
  14. It doesn't matter too much who the ref is, the relentless media campaign goes on. Days after we are awarded 2 of the most clear cut penalties you will see all season the Sun are running renewed stories about the handball. I can only imagine what would happen if we were awarded a penalty which TV replays showed shouldn't have been given. Sturgeon would probably declare a state of emergency! Even a good referee would struggle to perform in these poisonous climes, and Scottish referees are far from being any good.
  15. The lack of clarity on here of what we should be raging at, has frankly left me incandescent with rage.
  16. Not taking anything away from Tav, I am in awe at his calmness from the spot, when I would literally be shitting my pants. But the meeting I would like to see is between Tav and Sourness, with a bit of advice from the old guy on how to handle things when your young players are being openly intimidated by no mark taigs from the opposition.
  17. Right. When I see another team, or an individual, constantly bullying one of our young players, getting zero protection from officials, I can't help but wish for another Sourness. He would have snapped McKinnon for his antics on Sunday.
  18. Huge well done to Morelos for not rising to the provocation he faced from this hatefilled mutant. I doubt I could have put up with what he suffered from that cunt yesterday.
  19. Dismayed but not surprised to see the Record sticking the knife in today. What a dismal odious rag it truly is.
  20. It's funny having watched Liverpool face a similar test at Huddersfield against a team that don't really want to play, their manager and the media celebrate their ability to 'win ugly'. Well, if Willie Miller and Andy Walker are annoyed by our ugly win, well that just makes the win even fucking sweeter.
  21. Daily Record almost vomiting at the result.. Brilliant.
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