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Paisley Blue Loyal

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Everything posted by Paisley Blue Loyal

  1. Girlfriend served Walter and his wife some years ago close to Christmas in House of Fraser and whilst Walters wife was trying something on my girlfriend asked Walter if he would mind signing a Christmas card she had bought for her dad, He asked her dads name and wrote a lovely wee message to him, One of her dads most treasured possessions, Girlfriend says Walter was an absolute Gentleman.
  2. I like him but for me He needs to do Plan A better
  3. Believe In Blue, Stole that from The Ryder Cup Team but fuck it as soon as I saw it on Sky Sports News I took it as an omen so Aye I Believe ??????????
  4. I've gone for Burnley, Fulham and The Fucking Spoonburners, A fiver to return £45
  5. Not sure if this will help or not mate but see if you want decent odds but without too many teams in your Acca you could simply try putting on a double but with both teams to score in each of the 2 matches you select, I recently put a fiver on Portsmouth and Peterborough both to win but their opponents had to score as well, Bet came in and paid out £97.50, Obviously the losing teams do need to score but for a relatively small stake the returns are decent.
  6. Craig Dhu is probably the closest to a local that I have Cushy, Normally either start off or end up in there when out and about as it's not too far from where I live, Never been in The Wellington, Always just walk past it, Like you say The clientele leaves a lot to be desired ??
  7. The Tea Gardens, Just down the road from The Wellington is a Rangers boozer
  8. Don't forget the free tampons Ffs for their poor wee downtrodden season ticket holders who can't afford to buy their own ??
  9. Aye, She was a looker alright, Never used to miss The Champions, Half the time I never had a fucking clue what was going on but it was definetley worth watching for her alone.
  10. Alexandra Bastedo, One for the older bears I think, Just Champion ?
  11. Aye, Auld enough to remember that side, Ran Liverpool very close the one season iirc and Liverpool were in their pomp then as well, Brilliant team they had back then with the likes of Mick mills, John wark, Trevor whymark and Paul mariner
  12. Nothing to do with us but pretty sure something similar happened between Sheffield Weds and W.B.A some years ago, Seem to remember Neil Warnock and Gary Megson being the managers, Fuck knows what it was all about but iirc Gary Megson was going fucking apeshit accusing Warnock of all sorts for days afterwards, Could be wrong but don't think there's any love lost between them.
  13. Exactly This, The S.F.A have allowed our club to be demonised at every fucking turn and will get No Blue Pound from me
  14. Not turning my back on my own country just yet, That day will come if Scotland ever becomes independent, As for The National Team, They can get to fuck, Hope their attendances actually continue to plummet and The S.F.A go fucking bankrupt ??????????
  15. Not been to a Scotland game in years mate and genuinely never knew that but it does not surprise me one bit given how even more divided this shithole has become under The SNP, Not going to apologise on behalf of other people who imo are clearly nothing but fucking scum but can assure you bud They Do Not Speak For Me ??????????
  16. Seen Eck getting interviewed from last night on Ssn this morning, Glad to hear the final whistle he said Ffs
  17. They obviously never heard it was supposed to be a Sell Out Friday ???
  18. Fucking Hell bud, Couldn't have put it better myself, Spot on, Probably about the same age as me a Naw
  19. I expected them to get pumped and wasn't disappointed
  20. You sure it was masks mate, Paisleys full of ugly cunts
  21. Did they have a wee open bus parade for him or something
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