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Everything posted by Scottywellhousetb

  1. Lazy bastards, get bin bags on and run up and down sand dunes, that's what real footballers do
  2. I'm forty and this thread is making me feel double that, I don't know what any cunts on about , whatever happened to talking about real football then getting pissed and just posting FTP and what not, fuck this I'm away to get on it
  3. My point entirely brother,they don't want us but they need us, we don't need them though, I really don't want to see it but I can forsee much trouble ahead at away games next season, hopefully with a supporters voice now we can start to strike back, never underestimate the power of propaganda only now it won't be all one sided
  4. The only way any of these rat bag bastards (in their strange logic ) think they can get at us now is to cut our allocation, it is completely laughable, if any of these small time fuckers decide to do this then we should tell them to ram all tickets, I know I stated before that we need our fantastic away support next season more than ever and I am not talking about a boycott here but don't let them pick and choose what allocation we're getting, it's what we usually get or stick it up your arse, I guarantee they will get sick of this wee cat and mouse game before we do.
  5. I've always despised thistle, can remember year's ago getting pelted with coins and getting spat at through the fencing before my wee brother eventually getting his head cut by one of said coins, fuck them, fuck Motherwell fuck every last one of them, cunts the lot of them
  6. Just ordered the 1984 league cup final one for going on holiday, you just can't beat that big fuck off badge , it stands out a mile away
  7. If you want to go to away games then go with your head held high and loud be your voice, if you choose not to go then I completely understand why you may have reached this decision but please let's not go down the boycott road, it creates division in our support at a time when unity is our greatest weapon, personally I have not decided what to do yet, I certainly won't be at every away game but will not doubt end up going to some as supporting the team away is more important next season than probably at any other time in our history imo, remember the proposed boycott at Tannadice, utter fiasco and we don't need a repeat so as I say each to their own but I believe we will have a large away support wherever we play.
  8. Pitch is looking fantastic and watching that has me longing for the new season, already seems an age since I was last in our wonderful home
  9. Woh there yourself brother the stalking bit was tongue firmly in cheek, get your big boy trousers on ??
  10. Here we go again, I hate what this country has become over the last decade, it's not the Scotland I used to love, what would you have me do ? perhaps run for first minister? Start a paramilitary group and start a bombing campaign? other than vote against what I perceive to be wrong I don't see where you are going with this, also I do not hate Scotland but it is slowly becoming a republican shitehole and it doesn’t sit well with me but to accuse me of hating Scotland is way wide of the mark and as there is numerous threads discussing this over and over let's not derail this one any further and I look forward to your next stalking adventure on my next post that upsets you which will no doubt be soon ?
  11. She can promise all she wants m8, the only thing she represents for me is everything that's wrong with this country right now.
  12. WTF has this to do with the cup final events, it actually sounds like you are making excuses for the behaviour of those horrible hiv bastards , shocking post
  13. I just tried a test jump from the couch onto some cushions and it didn't end very well, sorry but this bear will have sit this one out
  14. You might want to try the 10 page long season ticket renewal thread m8 ???
  15. Great wee read m8 and as others have said I can relate as our time lines seem very similar, I also went to my first match at 4, my auld man says it was against young boys from Switzerland and that I was a pain in the arse (I can relate to that now taking my own) I'm very fortunate to still go to the games with my brothers, like your own dad mine is more comfortable watching on the box as he got older and I'm sure their looking down on you very proud indeed
  16. If I remember correctly m8 the waiting list far outweighed the number of season tickets expected to be left, so I would have thought a public sale will be unlikely, only time will tell I suppose but as a club it's a great position to be in
  17. Didn't see that one, that's an unbelievable statement and obviously comes from someone who hasn't been caught in amongst crowd trouble while attending the match with young children, I despair
  18. I find its a lot easier to just not read any newspapers,I stopped buying them year's ago as they were just full of shite , big headlines with he said this and that, then when you read the article they said nothing of the sort, I just watch the news or go to news websites now and my mental well being is far better for it
  19. I'm with you, it's Saturday night and I'm on it, what's up with just calling each other fuds and pricks and what not I can't be arsed reading through all that , ya fud ye
  20. It is a fucking disgrace, 25% ? that's shite and we must strive to do better, a wee bit of exuberance at motherfuckerwell and some fuck the popes will do for a start, I want to win everything next season including this so come on to fuck bears, in all seriousness though anybody who thinks we are not being targeted needs fucking strong medicine
  21. I have last week's winning lottery numbers, first five bears who PM me can have them ?
  22. That's quite a read my friend and good one at that, you will no doubt get the usual suspects asking what the SNP has to do with Rangers etc etc blah blah blah but again I agree with your sentiments
  23. Never said they were on the same plan m8, the lads I know were on both jobs, as I said I'm no architect or engineer but that's what they told me
  24. I agree while I think it would be structurally feasible I really don't see the need, leave her as she is in my mind
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