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Everything posted by RS4_wul

  1. Nearly choked on my Irn Bru reading that.
  2. About time, enough's enough. Good on the UB's.
  3. Cheers for that mate.....didn't expect to be smiling this morning, or any time soon. Cheered me up a little.
  4. Definately the league win at the piggery, they lost the plot that day ...........until later today that is
  5. 10 fans in each section seems a bit daft
  6. Games against the "Glasgow" clubs. Bitter, hate filled cunts. Like the majority of "fans/clubs" in spl/spfl........hate Rangers more than they love their own shitty teams. They are all spewing that we are still here.....and have by far the best, most passionate and loyal fans in the country WATP
  7. Tav and McCrorie for me. Though wouldn't have any issues if Candeias gets it........fights like fuck every game and delivers good early crosses most of the time, some fantastic inch perfect ones too.......and some not so good ones. Tav most improved player in the squad for me and still more to come imo. Missed McCrorie like fuck at DM. Looks like he's played in there for years. Still early days obviously but looks the part and is big, quick and athletic.
  8. We seem to start well against them more often than not over last couple of seasons, with one or two exceptions so hoping for the same on Sunday. Only this time taking our chances when we get them, which we will. If we turn up and press them early as in previous games then we can do them...........then sit back and enjoy the meltdown from them and the smsm. They are classless in victory.....wait till we pump them on Sunday Optimistic Loyal
  9. Superb vid as ever. Have a lump in my throat after watching that ending.
  10. Was there that night, went on the Kinning Park bus.......25 years ago today, that's a scary thought FFS. Met the late, great Bobby Shearer at the game, still got his autograph. For all you young pups that's what we'd ask for when we met a Rangers player back in the day......before selfies Old git Loyal. That season will live with me for the rest of my days, 45 game unbeaten run (45 consecutive games, not just counting the ones we didn't get pumped in like that mob across the city Baw hair from champions league final and winning the treble at the piggery. Happy days
  11. Sitting on the couch at home watching on the tv with a few beers shouting "Blooter that c#nt" every time one of them has the ball.
  12. Know where you're coming from mate but McCrorie looked like he had been playing in our midfield for years before he got injured, missing him like fuck in there.......having said that Alves his been a bit underwhelming this season and Cardoso is a bombscare.
  13. Where do you even start with that.........Jesus fuck.
  14. Best player : Tav....most improved too. Worst player: Cardoso....a centre half who's won 2 headers all season, WTF? Favourite player: McCrorie...by a long way. Least favourite: Try not to dwell on the negatives........where would I start ffs . Overrated: Morelos. Underrated: Bates. Wouldn't disagree with Creampuff to be fair........Windass would have me tearing my hair out in frustration........if I had any
  15. Wish I'd seen the OP sooner, decorating on my week off too
  16. You're a glass half full king of guy.......I can tell
  17. Surely if we signed him that's exactly what we'd want him to do
  18. Well deserved. He has improved immensely this season and scored some superb goals along the way as well as the assists. Happy for the lad.
  19. FFS This season has been brutal for long term injuries.......even for us. As Courtyard Bear said some of those injuries have been down to unpunished bad tackles......not even given as free kicks re Jack/Dorrans. Jack's knee stamped on........,with the ref 3 yards away.....to be fair to the ref the cunt only stamped on his knee the 2 times........and Dorrans injured by a late tackle from behind......again fuck all to see here. Add Wallace and McCrorie to the long term injury list.....and Rossiter (I know) and now young Bates too.
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