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Barry Ferguson has Grown in my Estimations


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Poor Barry has the weight of the world on his shoulders.......aw he can go home and relax in his indoor heated pool in his Scottish home and then maybe go into his snooker room and watch the football with a few beers and then maybe drive to work tomorrow in his 50 grand motor....god i really feel for him.

personally i think the abuse is went way over the top...he got pissed,big deal...he gave the fingers..stupid boy and deserves to be carpetted but hardly a hanging offence .He should not have disrespected his manager and needs to apologise for that...but he really has done nothing major wrong

I don't rate him now but the abuse is way way over the top .

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While you can definitely say Barry should have been there, I think this thread is a good example of why he might have wanted to stay home.

Barry should have lost the captaincy after PLG to make clear that no player is bigger than the club and that Rangers players don't argue with the manager in the tabloids.

However he has always tried his best and deserves some recognition for past successes.

All that said, time to go.

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in my opinion barry is a big headed.. arrogant player/person ...and deserves to be brought down a peg or two and im glad a role model such as Davie Weir is captain of this great club

dont get me wrong he has been a good servant to Rangers over the years and the abuse he got from the media was abit over the top but i hope this is the kick up the ass he needs.

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I’m caught in 2 minds with this, the childish petulance shown while on the bench with the “V” signs was IMHO a disgrace for a Rangers captain and he fully deserved being stripped of the captaincy.

I have however had the pleasure of playing golf with Barry and the arrogant facade that he seems to show is just simply not true. He was a perfect gentleman not only with me and the other 2 players in our foursome but with everyone who came along looking for autographs etc. Perhaps this is why I’m so disappointed at his stupidity but it certainly does not surprise me that he showed up for Jimmy’s tribute.

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I think with every passing win without him in the side, Barry's getting more worried about his future.

He should have been apologetic on the morning that Smith called him in, if he was REALLY embarrassed about what he done.

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I think with every passing win without him in the side, Barry's getting more worried about his future.

He should have been apologetic on the morning that Smith called him in, if he was REALLY embarrassed about what he done.

Thing is, the story which says he wasn't apologetic is conjecture based by Thomas Jordan from the Evening Times.

No quotes, pure prose.

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I've defended Barry through the years but as a 'man' of 31 years of age it's an embarrassment to have him as captain of The Rangers.

shut it pisshead bazza is a legend

think you should look that word up in the collins dictionary

legend he is not

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Got to admit barry has given us some great performances in his time at our club. And yes he has not done it for a while, but this might be the wake up call he needs.

Doesn't it worry you that the captain would need a wake up to start playing football again?

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I've defended Barry through the years but as a 'man' of 31 years of age it's an embarrassment to have him as captain of The Rangers.

shut it pisshead bazza is a legend

think you should look that word up in the collins dictionary

legend he is not

Maybe not in you eyes but according to the definitions .......i would say he is

"If you refer to someone as a legend, you mean that they are very famous and admired by a lot of people."

you can read about him here


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A little to late for some

This has been coming for years.

Does Barry really know what he has done?! or does he just feel sorry for himself as he is no longer Captain of Rangers/Scotland.

You dont know what you had until it has gone and Barry is finding that out the hard way.

I'd imagine this is more along the right lines. He's acted like a wee ned who wants to cause trouble, but when he gets caught and gets a bollocking, he acts all repentant and feels sorry for himself.

I do believe that he has "reaped what he has sown" this time, and it might be the last time.

??? acted like ned cause he got steaming!!!!

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When he was in the team everyone was desperate for him to leave. noe he's leavin n everyones desperate for him to say. My opinion of him hasn't changed. Not captain material and after his antics in the last few weeks coupled with other incidents over the years I would be happy if he never kicked another ball for us.

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I was in the Supper Club within 29 last night for a tribute night for Rangers kit man Jimmy Bell.

Most of the first team squad and management team where in attendance to pay tribute to the hard work that Jimmy has done for the players over the years.

I would imagine most folks would have forgiven Barry Ferguson for not attending the event but all credit to him for turning up. He stayed for the opening speeches and then he left after paying his best wishes to Jimmy.

To be honest he looked totally distraught and a guy who had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

What was clear to the couple of folks that spoke to him was that he loves the Rangers and he is totally gutted at the last couple of week’s events.

Now let me tell you that this is not a defence of Barry. I did defend him during the PLG fiasco but since then I believe that Barry has ‘reaped what he sowed’ and he has had far too much influence in our club.

Who knows what will happen next – maybe last night was an indication that Barry has finally realised the error of his ways. The question must be is it too late?

There are alot of Barry knockers around at the moment, I know he has not been setting the heather on fire but he has not become a bad player overnight its never too late Gazza carried on alot worse to name but one @ Ibrox

As we are not overflowing with midfielders at the moment. I would let Barry back in the mix to hopefully win the title this season but in the summer i think we need to have a good hard look. I have no doubt he is hurting and we have all made mistakes in our own lives,but i dont think we can take the chance to leave him out when we need to all stand together and stop this 4 in a row. Same thing in my opinion with Mr McGregor we have 6-7 cup finals left lets Shout and Scream & Kick if need be to get over this winning line top of the heap .We can all play a part fans,players ect WATP .

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As we are not overflowing with midfielders at the moment.

Edu, Mendes, Davis, Hemdani. We have 4 central midfielders currently fit. 5 including Ferguson.

I'd say we're covered.

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