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Why do celtic keep crying rangers are racist?

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i was surfing the net and came across this website.well i boiled my pish frankly.


the timms are bleating on about us being racists and how the spl is run by us and how fifa need to fine us for racisum. ( i didnt know being irish was a race)

why do the timms always try to get the world to turn against us. i mean if you were say a yank and you read this website you would think that ibrox is like something out of bloody lord of the rings.

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i was surfing the net and came across this website.well i boiled my pish frankly.


the timms are bleating on about us being racists and how the spl is run by us and how fifa need to fine us for racisum. ( i didnt know being irish was a race)

why do the timms always try to get the world to turn against us. i mean if you were say a yank and you read this website you would think that ibrox is like something out of bloody lord of the rings.

It's called deflection. Peadophiles need something to deflect from their own sins. And most if not all tims are peado's, just like every RC and priest to boot. Read the papers... It's FACT!

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Deflect and deny. It should be in f*cking latin on their club crest. The more they talk about other teams supposed deficiencies, the less chance folk will have of noticing their heinous past. (tu)

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By the way, can anyone justify the Nazi pic in that excuse for an article? I think the article's just been written by a paranoid parasite, but if the people in the picture are doing a Nazi salute then that's low.

It's the red hand salute but is intentionally misconstrued by the vermin as a Nazi salute. The only guy in that pic who could conceivably be accused of doing a Nazi salute is the guy behind the Israeli flag. Either that or he's just too shitfaced to lift his arm up properly.

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i was surfing the net and came across this website.well i boiled my pish frankly.


the timms are bleating on about us being racists and how the spl is run by us and how fifa need to fine us for racisum. ( i didnt know being irish was a race)

why do the timms always try to get the world to turn against us. i mean if you were say a yank and you read this website you would think that ibrox is like something out of bloody lord of the rings.

It's called deflection. Peadophiles need something to deflect from their own sins. And most if not all tims are peado's, just like every RC and priest to boot. Read the papers... It's FACT!

fuck off my family are roman catholics :P

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From the age of 7, when they start going in confession boxes, with the priest, these idiots are taught, that as long as they share it with a priest, all will be forgiven. They cannot see the wrongs they do themselves. They cannot see that those things they sing the praises of, stick right in the craw of every true Brit. Ireland supported the Nazis in WW11. The neutrality, meant Allied ships could not use their ports. The whole article in the Bheggars site, falls on its arse, when reference is made to Mark Walters, and throwing bananas. They showed in graphic detail what a shower of Racist scum Celtic are. Why do these people, who revere everything 'oirish', not come out with a single word, about the children, tortured and raped by Irish Priests and nuns. Why no sympathy, why no shock? Because they do not want to believe it. They wish it had never happened. But it did. Irish abusing Irish.

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Racist you's say,well what about when Mark Walters played his 1st game for Rangers. At Celtic Park,the Celtic fans threw fruit at him and made Monkey Noises everytime he got the ball,is that not Racist.??? scottish Celtic Fans sing Brittish Soldiers why don't you's go home, but when Rangers Fans tell Yous scottish Wnnnabe Irish Fans to go Home it's Racist. The big Bad Rangers Fans cannot say Anything or yous will go running to The Irish Government.most Irish People Are Embarresed About Celtic Supporters having Ireland shirts At Celtic Games. Yous Are "Embarresed About Nothing Offended By Everything"

THis Is Brittain We Are Brittish Get used to it,It's A Free Country we can sing and say what we want,what harm is it doing Really.?? Parkhead is full of Irish Flags / and irish Music, you's Hate Anything to with Brittain,But Yous Don't have any Problems in spending Brittish Money,and Taking Houses here,OrTakeing Jobs. do Yous Now.

Glasgow Rangers Are Clearly Alot Bigger Than Celtic,They Have History in abundance.Scottish Premier Leagues (52) Scottish Cup winners (33, League Cup winners (25) Cup Winners' Cup winners (1). Rangers were Also the First Scottish Team To get into the Last 16 of the Champions League,which didn't seem A Big Feal To Many People But when,Celtic done it was, A Great Achievement.Glasgow Rangers History Goes On & ON & on, but thats just A Quick Summary Of our Great History. "Rangers FC The most Successful Club IN The World" (FACT)

A comment from A Rangers fan on there. just saw it there.


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Ted-E Bear says:

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June 14, 2009 at 2:51 pm

Your all daft wee lassies, the Famine song isn’t racist. Since when were the Irish classed as a race?

The Famine is over, why don’t you go home?

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By the way, can anyone justify the Nazi pic in that excuse for an article? I think the article's just been written by a paranoid parasite, but if the people in the picture are doing a Nazi salute then that's low.

It's the red hand salute but is intentionally misconstrued by the vermin as a Nazi salute. The only guy in that pic who could conceivably be accused of doing a Nazi salute is the guy behind the Israeli flag. Either that or he's just too shitfaced to lift his arm up properly.

Thanks for clearing that up mate.

You know, it really does go to show how stupid they are, by making out that we're a bunch of Nazis. We're proudly British, who, funnily enough, were the ones who fought AGAINST the Nazis. They're proudly Irish, the country whose government decided not to back Britain and remain...ahem...'neutral'.

On a side note, check out the poll on the top right corner of that article, look at the results :lol:

Yet they conveniently forget that they dah their stadium shut for nazi chanting have had fans arrested at ROI games for Nazi chanting typical tims eh :craphead:

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By the way, can anyone justify the Nazi pic in that excuse for an article? I think the article's just been written by a paranoid parasite, but if the people in the picture are doing a Nazi salute then that's low.

You must be fucking shitting me if you think that is a nazi salute you numpty!!!!

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i was surfing the net and came across this website.well i boiled my pish frankly.


the timms are bleating on about us being racists and how the spl is run by us and how fifa need to fine us for racisum. ( i didnt know being irish was a race)

why do the timms always try to get the world to turn against us. i mean if you were say a yank and you read this website you would think that ibrox is like something out of bloody lord of the rings.

maybe cause were the champions :scot:

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Friday, June 6, 2008

More Racist shame from Celtic Fans

Martin Kelner

The Guardian, Monday August 29 2005


"It was the search for televised cricket that took me into the Porter Bar in suburban Edinburgh on a Saturday lunchtime, and possibly the funniest incident I have witnessed while watching broadcast sport.

The Celtic v Rangers match was on, playing to an audience of enthusiastic Celtic fans, one of whom took to jumping on the table and jabbing the screen with his finger at any outrage he felt the Rangers players had committed, accompanied by imprecations containing our two best known four-letter words, used as verb, noun, adjective, and adverb.

Thus Rodriguez was dubbed "a little f***ing Dago bastard f**k," and worse; Prso was told to "get the f**k away back to Croatia and feed your f***ing family," and various other players in blue were given similar treatment, with the choleric fan showing an almost uncanny knowledge of their provenance, and the appropriate racial slur for the occasion.

This continued unabated until the referee booked Celtic's Senegalese defender Camara, at which the fan leapt up and spluttered at the referee, utterly without irony: "Get away to f**k, you wee racist c**t.""

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