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Am I a Bigot?

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Bluedell, with all due respect it was you who said it was orchestrated and that means a level of organisation is involved. If you feel that organisation is emanating from Celtc messageboards then that is fair enough and answers my question. However I also think it backs up my stance that this is not some conspiracy. If it is simply Celtc fans trying to get Rangers into trouble well that really isn’t anything new. I stopped visiting the Follow Follow messageboard because of the number times posters encouraged others to complain to somebody or other about something Celtc fans had done. This seems to be exactly what you are accusing them of doing. What’s good for the goose and all that.

Frankie/Bluedell et all, I still feel we are taking random events and seeing a pattern in them where none exists. I agree we have been dealt with harshly at times and agree we should stand up for ourselves when it happens, however, what seems to be happening is it is creating a siege mentality and leading to, in my opinion, the paranoia being shown in both the original posts. This is more dangerous to us than the apparent attacks on us. And if we condone this paranoia, which is what a lot are doing on this thread, we will simply legitimise it and it will escalate. We are not an oppressed minority, we are not a voiceless persecuted group, but we are starting to act like that, I used too slag Celtc for doing that when it was patently ridiculous they were nothing of the sort. We’re the biggest club in the country, one of the biggest in the world. Lets start acting like that.

At the risk of going round in circles, we are acting as leaders because we have changed our behaviour when required. What we're annoyed about (and this isn't via paranoia or siege mentality) is the continued imbalance regarding 'Unacceptable Conduct'...

That isn't just being expressed in a ridiculous fashion but generally sensibly and with evidence. Sure a few people take it too far but when the club themselves air concerns publicly then we have to take the matter seriously. You say there isn't a pattern, but other teams have yet to be punished. Meanwhile we also suffer from the vast majority of negative publicity. You still haven't explained that anomaly.

Again, no-one is suggesting we suddenly stop being pro-active on removing 'offensive' stuff or that we mass email organisations trying to force action on others. All we're saying is that we shouldn't automatically think we need to change just because others demand it. In essence the meaning and extent of alleged bigotry (or offence) can and should be debated.

How else can we improve if we don't examine the bigger picture and put everything into context? At what point are we entitled to question the intentions of the authorities given the imbalance shown? We have improved when will others join us?

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MON and Neil Lennon played for N.I.

Real bigots would never pull the green of NI on.

These threads are getting depressing, our obsession with all things Timmy has reached record levels. This faux war against a few journos and the odd insignificant person taht no-one has ever heard of is getting ridiculous.

To the OP, no you are not a bigot, a drama queen perhaps, but not a bigot. :craphead:

Defending martin o neill and Neil lennon, surely the straw that broke the camels back.....

Is calling Rangers fans orange bastards not enough bigotry for you ? Why would you defend that and constantly lay into fans of your own team ?

Whos defending them "token"?

Im stating a fact and who is "laying into" Rangers fans??

Trying to deflect some heat away from yourself???

Both of them played for NI. Would Gerry Adams or Martin McGuiness do the same??

They are not in the same equation, they are the least of our worries.

remind me again, why did Neil Lennon stop playing for NI ?

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In no way , shape or form are you a BIGOT !!!

If there is a god then he most probably would disassociate himself with any church or religion and he would be wearing a blue jersey !!!

fuk the pope am a bigot a proud :)

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MON and Neil Lennon played for N.I.

Real bigots would never pull the green of NI on.

These threads are getting depressing, our obsession with all things Timmy has reached record levels. This faux war against a few journos and the odd insignificant person taht no-one has ever heard of is getting ridiculous.

To the OP, no you are not a bigot, a drama queen perhaps, but not a bigot. :craphead:

Defending martin o neill and Neil lennon, surely the straw that broke the camels back.....

Is calling Rangers fans orange bastards not enough bigotry for you ? Why would you defend that and constantly lay into fans of your own team ?

Whos defending them "token"?

Im stating a fact and who is "laying into" Rangers fans??

Trying to deflect some heat away from yourself???

Both of them played for NI. Would Gerry Adams or Martin McGuiness do the same??

They are not in the same equation, they are the least of our worries.

You are

You are saying they are not bigots. Neil lennon called Rangers fans ornage bastards yet you say he isn't a bigot ? You constantly lay into Rangers fans on here, in fact the only thing that sticks in my mind you have said about the team last season was we wouldn't win the league and you made an arse of yourself there as well.....

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MON and Neil Lennon played for N.I.

Real bigots would never pull the green of NI on.

These threads are getting depressing, our obsession with all things Timmy has reached record levels. This faux war against a few journos and the odd insignificant person taht no-one has ever heard of is getting ridiculous.

To the OP, no you are not a bigot, a drama queen perhaps, but not a bigot. :craphead:

Defending martin o neill and Neil lennon, surely the straw that broke the camels back.....

Is calling Rangers fans orange bastards not enough bigotry for you ? Why would you defend that and constantly lay into fans of your own team ?

Whos defending them "token"?

Im stating a fact and who is "laying into" Rangers fans??

Trying to deflect some heat away from yourself???

Both of them played for NI. Would Gerry Adams or Martin McGuiness do the same??

They are not in the same equation, they are the least of our worries.

You are

You are saying they are not bigots. Neil lennon called Rangers fans ornage bastards yet you say he isn't a bigot ? You constantly lay into Rangers fans on here, in fact the only thing that sticks in my mind you have said about the team last season was we wouldn't win the league and you made an arse of yourself there as well.....

I think around 80% of folk on here said that.

To think I was ALMOST pained to defend you when you were getting hounded on here a few weeks ago, I know why I never.

At least BD and others you know what to expect, they are 100% honest in thier own minds even though I deem most of it pish.

You on the other hand are a different kettle of fish, forever twisting and turning, like a snake in the grass.

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Defending martin o neill and Neil lennon, surely the straw that broke the camels back.....

Is calling Rangers fans orange bastards not enough bigotry for you ? Why would you defend that and constantly lay into fans of your own team ?

Unfortunately, I think some posters prefer the infamy of the continual contrary opinion to actually looking at subjects in a reasoned fashion.

The Neil Lennon DOB issue proves the point of slewed media/authority coverage perfectly. Why any Rangers fan would want to suggest Lennon isn't a bigot is beyond me?

I can sometimes be a bit contrary myself, you may have noticed..... :ph34r: At least it is my honest opinion though. I have never met/spoke to/encountered online a Rangers fan who doesn't think Lennon is a scumbag and a bigot.

He spat on a Rangers scarf and has publicly stated how much he hates our club, who would even begin to defend that...... <cr>

A Rangers fan would not think anything else of Lennon!

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Bluedell, with all due respect it was you who said it was orchestrated and that means a level of organisation is involved. If you feel that organisation is emanating from Celtc messageboards then that is fair enough and answers my question. However I also think it backs up my stance that this is not some conspiracy. If it is simply Celtc fans trying to get Rangers into trouble well that really isn’t anything new. I stopped visiting the Follow Follow messageboard because of the number times posters encouraged others to complain to somebody or other about something Celtc fans had done. This seems to be exactly what you are accusing them of doing. What’s good for the goose and all that.

Frankie/Bluedell et all, I still feel we are taking random events and seeing a pattern in them where none exists. I agree we have been dealt with harshly at times and agree we should stand up for ourselves when it happens, however, what seems to be happening is it is creating a siege mentality and leading to, in my opinion, the paranoia being shown in both the original posts. This is more dangerous to us than the apparent attacks on us. And if we condone this paranoia, which is what a lot are doing on this thread, we will simply legitimise it and it will escalate. We are not an oppressed minority, we are not a voiceless persecuted group, but we are starting to act like that, I used too slag Celtc for doing that when it was patently ridiculous they were nothing of the sort. We’re the biggest club in the country, one of the biggest in the world. Lets start acting like that.

At the risk of going round in circles, we are acting as leaders because we have changed our behaviour when required. What we're annoyed about (and this isn't via paranoia or siege mentality) is the continued imbalance regarding 'Unacceptable Conduct'...

That isn't just being expressed in a ridiculous fashion but generally sensibly and with evidence. Sure a few people take it too far but when the club themselves air concerns publicly then we have to take the matter seriously. You say there isn't a pattern, but other teams have yet to be punished. Meanwhile we also suffer from the vast majority of negative publicity. You still haven't explained that anomaly.

Again, no-one is suggesting we suddenly stop being pro-active on removing 'offensive' stuff or that we mass email organisations trying to force action on others. All we're saying is that we shouldn't automatically think we need to change just because others demand it. In essence the meaning and extent of alleged bigotry (or offence) can and should be debated.

How else can we improve if we don't examine the bigger picture and put everything into context? At what point are we entitled to question the intentions of the authorities given the imbalance shown? We have improved when will others join us?

You know if this had been the original post my contribution to the thread would probably have been very different. You might claim that what BC, D’art and you are saying is basically the same thing however you are saying it in a very different way and so that will engender a very different response. I’ve avoided tackling the negative publicity anomaly because it will lead to the thread becoming and us-and-them comparison thread and will move away from the issue being raised. Suffice to say Celtc have experienced bad publicity the severity and frequency of it can be debated ad nauseam.

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Bluedell, with all due respect it was you who said it was orchestrated and that means a level of organisation is involved. If you feel that organisation is emanating from Celtc messageboards then that is fair enough and answers my question. However I also think it backs up my stance that this is not some conspiracy. If it is simply Celtc fans trying to get Rangers into trouble well that really isn’t anything new. I stopped visiting the Follow Follow messageboard because of the number times posters encouraged others to complain to somebody or other about something Celtc fans had done. This seems to be exactly what you are accusing them of doing. What’s good for the goose and all that.

Frankie/Bluedell et all, I still feel we are taking random events and seeing a pattern in them where none exists. I agree we have been dealt with harshly at times and agree we should stand up for ourselves when it happens, however, what seems to be happening is it is creating a siege mentality and leading to, in my opinion, the paranoia being shown in both the original posts. This is more dangerous to us than the apparent attacks on us. And if we condone this paranoia, which is what a lot are doing on this thread, we will simply legitimise it and it will escalate. We are not an oppressed minority, we are not a voiceless persecuted group, but we are starting to act like that, I used too slag Celtc for doing that when it was patently ridiculous they were nothing of the sort. We’re the biggest club in the country, one of the biggest in the world. Lets start acting like that.

It's not just emanating from messageboards. That's just an example. However there are lots of people ready to jump on board at the slightest excuse. There are plenty of examples on this board and others over the past few months.

We can debate the meaning of orchestrated but we'd end up going round in circles, but it doesn't take away from what is happening. I, for one, haven't used the word conspiracy.

There is a difference between what is suggested on FF boards and what happens to us. Anything eminating from our support isn't picked up by the press (sports and general) and crusaded/promoted to the public at large. It's not raised in the Scottish parliament (or even foreign parliaments). It doesn't influence court judgements.

Your attitude seems to be to ignore it, which is a very valid approoach, but I don't believe that will solve the problem which has grown and will continue to grow if left unchecked.

I'm going to leave our exchanges there as we have both made our views quite clear, although I was already well aware of your thoughts from another board/blog. :)

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I must be a bigot i just refused to eat a green Jelly Baby. :(

The papers have their front page for tomorrow then! :D

I wonder how/if they will report the Edu story tomorrow.....

What's this? Something to do with an online interview?

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I must be a bigot i just refused to eat a green Jelly Baby. :(

The papers have their front page for tomorrow then! :D

I wonder how/if they will report the Edu story tomorrow.....

What's this? Something to do with an online interview?

he was on ustream doing a broadcast and Celtic fans went on and got him to say Happy Birthday to IRA scum bags etc

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I must be a bigot i just refused to eat a green Jelly Baby. :(

The papers have their front page for tomorrow then! :D

I wonder how/if they will report the Edu story tomorrow.....

What's this? Something to do with an online interview?

He was doing a webcast and twitter feed and they got him to wish happy birthday to IRA guys, he said republican sayings...obviously didn't have a clue what he was saying......

Shoe was on the other foot i know how this would be reported.....

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Ah, right - heard about the stream but didn't hear about this....

If the media do decide to cover the issue I'm sure we all know how the jolly craicsters will be portrayed.

I can't imagine Rangers will allow the player to do any more either.

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