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We miss Fergie!


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i said it when he left we will miss him for nights like last nght we need a winner someone that wants to play for rangers n someone that will tell shyt players like rothen to get a grip. who in that rangers team accually grew up supporting rangers n shows every game he wants to win a cant see any in that team atm yes ferguson was poor last season but i wonder what he would ave been like if he had a full pre season last year and never got rushed back as he did because of thomson getting injured.i mind last season in the cup when we lost to them he was the only one wanting to win running after every ball.

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i said it when he left we will miss him for nights like last nght we need a winner someone that wants to play for rangers n someone that will tell shyt players like rothen to get a grip. who in that rangers team accually grew up supporting rangers n shows every game he wants to win a cant see any in that team atm yes ferguson was poor last season but i wonder what he would ave been like if he had a full pre season last year and never got rushed back as he did because of thomson getting injured.i mind last season in the cup when we lost to them he was the only one wanting to win running after every ball.

Yes we do Mate there is NO leader on the pitch ! :sherlock:

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We don't miss him as such but we miss someone who can whinge the face off anyone who plays football like the clowns did last night.

we miss a leader, an actual leader who will grab the game by the scruff of the neck and lead by example. Fergie was that at Rangers although his influence became destructive in his last season.....What happened to Thommo he needs to step up and be that, he needs to get fit and get rallying the troops!!

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i think we do miss him. its not a case of being a good player on the pitch. i was talking to gregg wylde and he says barry used to watch reserve and under 19 games at murray park and go into the dressing room afterwards and if they had a bad game, he would rip into them telling them what they should do better. and if he gave you praise, he meant it, and it was a big deal.

he had a real presence about the place and everyone wanted to do well under him as captain.

i cant see david weir in the dressing room last night telling everyone what he thought of them. Barry would have.

some may argue thats not what the players need. but i think that barry going off his nut would be the kick in the arse rangers need. The sooner he comes back to rangers in a coaching role or whatever, the better

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i said it when he left we will miss him for nights like last nght we need a winner someone that wants to play for rangers n someone that will tell shyt players like rothen to get a grip. who in that rangers team accually grew up supporting rangers n shows every game he wants to win a cant see any in that team atm yes ferguson was poor last season but i wonder what he would ave been like if he had a full pre season last year and never got rushed back as he did because of thomson getting injured.i mind last season in the cup when we lost to them he was the only one wanting to win running after every ball.

Yes we do Mate there is NO leader on the pitch ! :sherlock:

Ferguson was a shite leader. Moaning at people, pointing and playing square balls isn't leadership.

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We don't miss him as such but we miss someone who can whinge the face off anyone who plays football like the clowns did last night.

That's not being a leader, that's being a moany wee ned.

Things are all too nicey nicey at Ibrox. No-one's willing to go through a fellow teammate after a glaring mistake.

Fergie didn't do it much either, and he NEVER gave any of his 'pure bestest mates' a bollocking for their regular fuck ups, so no, we don't miss him.

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i said it when he left we will miss him for nights like last nght we need a winner someone that wants to play for rangers n someone that will tell shyt players like rothen to get a grip. who in that rangers team accually grew up supporting rangers n shows every game he wants to win a cant see any in that team atm yes ferguson was poor last season but i wonder what he would ave been like if he had a full pre season last year and never got rushed back as he did because of thomson getting injured.i mind last season in the cup when we lost to them he was the only one wanting to win running after every ball.

Yes we do Mate there is NO leader on the pitch ! :sherlock:

Ferguson was a shite leader. Moaning at people, pointing and playing square balls isn't leadership.

We need somebody like him, big Davie ain't the answer. ! :sherlock:

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i said it when he left we will miss him for nights like last nght we need a winner someone that wants to play for rangers n someone that will tell shyt players like rothen to get a grip. who in that rangers team accually grew up supporting rangers n shows every game he wants to win a cant see any in that team atm yes ferguson was poor last season but i wonder what he would ave been like if he had a full pre season last year and never got rushed back as he did because of thomson getting injured.i mind last season in the cup when we lost to them he was the only one wanting to win running after every ball.

Yes we do Mate there is NO leader on the pitch ! :sherlock:

Ferguson was a shite leader. Moaning at people, pointing and playing square balls isn't leadership.


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i said it when he left we will miss him for nights like last nght we need a winner someone that wants to play for rangers n someone that will tell shyt players like rothen to get a grip. who in that rangers team accually grew up supporting rangers n shows every game he wants to win a cant see any in that team atm yes ferguson was poor last season but i wonder what he would ave been like if he had a full pre season last year and never got rushed back as he did because of thomson getting injured.i mind last season in the cup when we lost to them he was the only one wanting to win running after every ball.

The last thing we need night now is a self-serving wideo destroying our club from the inside out. We have enough problems. Thankfully, the bampot is not longer one of them. We lack a REAL leader in the mould of Gough, John Brown etc the kind of players Smith used to have an abundance of.

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it was only one year ago every rangers fans was talking bout how amazin fergi was n hes a legend n that when we got to uefa cup final

You and who were doing that?

The rest of us were saying how he wasnt the player he was when he left us.

me n mostly everyone that went to manchester he was prob the best player that nght for us.

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We sell people like barry,and get stuck with a horrible bastard like Lee Mculloch & he's supposed be playing like barry.

I read in the paper that, Lee Mculloch thinks he's won over his critics because of the so called brilliant start to the season he had.

This is why we're Shite! he if doesn't no Football's not the game for him We're fucked.

but he will still play against hibs.

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