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"A H*ns a H*n for a' that"


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Ever heard anyone at the BBC jokingly refer to Celtic fans as 'Tims'

Ask yourself why not.

That's because they would be charged (as you would) with inciting religious hatred.

Now they call themselves Tims and f****** but if we address them in the same manner we will get arrested and charged.

This isn't about whether the word H** is sectarian or not but about the flippant disregard the BBC has for Rangers fans and ONLY Rangers fans.

They wouldn't dare use such derogatory or insulting terms to describe Celtic fans because they and their club wouldn't tolerate it.

We do and our club does.

There is a bigger picture which many refuse to see or are too scared to see for fear of having to do something about it.

Incidentally both Nil by Mouth and the PSNI would state that the use of the word H** in the context that these wankers used it in their show was Sectarian.

Some food for thought to the sheep and handwringers amongst us.

yes spot on mate, all in all we dont care what we are called nor does our club because you know what we are above all the huun pish ,we are grown ups ffs

we can handle it cause we aint paranoid 3rd class citizens that always feel sorry for themselves ..we are RANGERS ...no more to say ..

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Ever heard anyone at the BBC jokingly refer to Celtic fans as 'Tims'

Ask yourself why not.

That's because they would be charged (as you would) with inciting religious hatred.

Now they call themselves Tims and f****** but if we address them in the same manner we will get arrested and charged.

This isn't about whether the word H** is sectarian or not but about the flippant disregard the BBC has for Rangers fans and ONLY Rangers fans.

They wouldn't dare use such derogatory or insulting terms to describe Celtic fans because they and their club wouldn't tolerate it.

We do and our club does.

There is a bigger picture which many refuse to see or are too scared to see for fear of having to do something about it.

Incidentally both Nil by Mouth and the PSNI would state that the use of the word H** in the context that these wankers used it in their show was Sectarian.

Some food for thought to the sheep and handwringers amongst us.

tim is a pet name for themselves , so in thier book it wouldnt be offencive , were as the H word is extremely offencive .

i,ve allready sent my form of complaint away . more folk should do likewise , THEY ARE THE F****n H*** . friends of they nazi regime during both world wars

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I dont think H**, tim or F***** are secterian. H** comes from Atilla the H** and his army, who went round eastern europe causing a bit of damage or similar like that I understand and means "barbarian". Tim comes from celtic fans theirselves I think which came from Tim Malloys an Irish gang or something and rhymes with bhoys and has ended up shortened to tims - Tim has no real meaning. F***** is the same as Tims it comes from an irish gang or something like that and Celtic fans call themselves it to even today they were singing "Paddy McCourts F***** army" - F***** has no real meaning either. People just assume that H**, F***** and Tim mean Protestant/Catholic when all they really mean is Rangers/Celtic fan

Like I dont think anybody has ever said about people walking in to a church/chapel "look at those F*****/H** bastards" it's onlyto do with the fans themselves.

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Is it true that "go home ya H***" used to be sung by us towards Celtic fans? Then it spread to all teams, before becoming specifically attached to us?

I'm amazed no one has mentioned it in any of the six pages. I remember reading it on FF years ago and have believed it ever since. Has anyone else heard this, or am I a gullible bastard?

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You are indeed correct Cleland as the original H*** are indeed the Green and Grey filth from the East End.

From memory it may have been Ian the alcoholic Archer who coined the term H*** for the Rangers support after Barcelona 72 and regrettably we allowed it to become associated with us.

On the subject of the word H** you will hear many scum fans stating that it is their pet name for Rangers fans and it isn't sectarian or offensive.

Strange then that they have been caught singing it to Dundee,Airdrie and Hearts fans who they perceive as having a predominantly Protestant fan base.

As usual with these chunts they are liars from cradle to grave.

And in answer to thE poster who referred to Tims and f****** you are indeed correct about their meaning.

Even more ironic that the authorities deem the word Tim's,who were named after a gang much like the Billy Boys,as Sectarian yet they indeed callthemselves by this name.

Taken in this context the authorities,the Police,NbM and the BBC all deem its use to be Sectarian towards Catholics therefore why the double standards with H** as it's clearly been proved to mean Protestant and not merely a Rangers fan.

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Maybe its because u act & talk like a soapdodger?

So once again you resort to 'The retort of the WEAK' - keep going maybe you'll win me over with your well thought out arguments and concepts (oops wait - you dont have any - you just follow others and resort to name calling i someone doesn't bow down to your views) lighten up hunny!

OMG poof alert..

Sorry pillow btter, T****** alert...

What - I cant be gay and support rangers - go on gee's a kiss and lets make up xx

are you gay?

No - just in touch with my feminine side - (I cry at sad movies and when I get mauled by the andrex puppy called schwantz on here) - all gayish sort of actions I know but hey what the hell its the new decade.

Would it matter if I was gay? We are bound to have some gay supporters ? schwantz has a sort of repressed homo-erotic energy about his posts but we are all gers fans are we not?

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I dont think H**, tim or F***** are secterian. H** comes from Atilla the H** and his army, who went round eastern europe causing a bit of damage or similar like that I understand and means "barbarian". Tim comes from celtic fans theirselves I think which came from Tim Malloys an Irish gang or something and rhymes with bhoys and has ended up shortened to tims - Tim has no real meaning. F***** is the same as Tims it comes from an irish gang or something like that and Celtic fans call themselves it to even today they were singing "Paddy McCourts F***** army" - F***** has no real meaning either. People just assume that H**, F***** and Tim mean Protestant/Catholic when all they really mean is Rangers/Celtic fan

Like I dont think anybody has ever said about people walking in to a church/chapel "look at those F*****/H** bastards" it's onlyto do with the fans themselves.

So you can speak for every Celtic fan and every Rangers fan and know that they they are not being sectarian when they use h-un or fen-ian? :rolleyes:

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I don't think the issue with the use of this word is over how offensive it is as we all have our own subjective opinions on that - including the Scottish Courts of course... ;)

What is the issue is that other similar words - i.e. the alleged sectarian/racist equivalent of H** (be it fen!an, n!gger, y!d, pak! or whatever) - would never be used by the producers of the programme.

To be clear the presenters are not the people to blame here (although they can play their part in avoiding future issues). The producer of this programme is the person who must be questioned as it is he who permitted the freelance comedian to record the piece and it is the producer who decided to air it - without the prior knowledge of the hosts.

No matter who we think of the word H**, every Rangers fan should be asking why a publicly funded body continues to be selective in their standards. And that's before we address their hypocrisy.

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This is us now had the whore of a weather girl (killie fan apparently) say it will be raining over castle greyskull, H** on the radio, the constant jibes of Manchester being described as "that" final, Sectarian chanting and the rest all reported by the "impartial" BBC. Is BBC =Broadcasted by Catholics?

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The issue is double standards, simple as that. It shouldnt matter if you find it offensive or not, and, you dont need to have "heard it", nor understand and study the "context". Wrong is wrong. Plus, the more this happens unchallenged, the more it will continue, and worsen. A lie, told often enough, will eventually be believed, and, our club, and fans, are fair game for almost anything as it stands. By not doing anything, we simply continue to open ourselves up to increased attacks, which, in turn, leads to more negative views about the club and support, since, each accusation goes unchallenged, and, that is something many will see as an admission that its true.

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I don't think the issue with the use of this word is over how offensive it is as we all have our own subjective opinions on that - including the Scottish Courts of course... ;)

What is the issue is that other similar words - i.e. the alleged sectarian/racist equivalent of H** (be it fen!an, n!gger, y!d, pak! or whatever) - would never be used by the producers of the programme.

To be clear the presenters are not the people to blame here (although they can play their part in avoiding future issues). The producer of this programme is the person who must be questioned as it is he who permitted the freelance comedian to record the piece and it is the producer who decided to air it - without the prior knowledge of the hosts.

No matter who we think of the word H**, every Rangers fan should be asking why a publicly funded body continues to be selective in their standards. And that's before we address their hypocrisy.

Do we know the name of said Producer?

I have said for long and weary that it would be worth compiling a list of Sports Producers and News editors at BBC Scotland. eg When BBC Radio Scotland's Abeer McIntyre on Newsdrive read out the e-mail, "half human half animal embryos are nothing new, they've been attending Ibrox for over a hundred years", the BBC apologised and claimed the show's Producer had failed in his responsibilities. Similarly, with Richard Gordon's, "Edinburgh Zoo have accepted the transfer of Rangers player Fili Sebo, they plan to exhibit him". It was the Producer who okayed it.

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I don't agree with it at all. But I didn't think it was a sectarian term. More a derogatory term which was making us out to be savages basically. Either way it stinks of double standards from the BBC but I am not surprised.

It's a derogatory term for a Protestant.

"Kill all H***" daubed on Belfast walls isn't referring to Rangers supporters.

I know that's what people use it for. But originally a H** meant savage it was from thousands of years ago in asia or something. I am not trying to justify it.

the word H** means different things but there all bad -

the H** = the scurge - foreign opressor and finally killer and rapest of women and children !

I have complained ! F-off BBC licnese ! ( i hope one of those kn*bs come to my door asking for money acting hard ! )

Ill clean my Timbs on his Face !

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It terms of editorial standards; these names are involved throughout Scottish Sport on Radio Scotland...

Ewan Angus (Head of Sport, BBC Scotland)

Tom Connor (Editor Sport, BBC Radio Scotland)

Donald Garden (Producer, BBC Scotland)

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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

Thanks for the support - I wont put it in my sig tho' that would legitimise all that T*** hunting nonsense that goes on - it is usually obvious after some posts those with 'contrarian' views but are Rangers supoorters and those who are not. I prefer just to laugh at them (and occasionally myself) for taking it all so seriously!

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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

Thanks for the support - I wont put it in my sig tho' that would legitimise all that T*** hunting nonsense that goes on - it is usually obvious after some posts those with 'contrarian' views but are Rangers supoorters and those who are not. I prefer just to laugh at them (and occasionally myself) for taking it all so seriously!

I have to say, am quite impressed you still have my comment in your sig! Must be 2 years old that isnt it?

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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

Well you reap what you sow mate...He does act like a knob.

TBF, I've had information passed to suggest he may indeed be a bear, but jeesus, what an embarrassing shit-stirring excuse for a supporter he is.

He's certainly unlike any other bear I've ever met......Hold on a minute, there's that other shit stirring fud called GCLM on here too, ........Hmmm

Who needs enemies with this sort in the support.

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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

Well you reap what you sow mate...He does act like a knob.

TBF, I've had information passed to suggest he may indeed be a bear, but jeesus, what an embarrassing shit-stirring excuse for a supporter he is.

He's certainly unlike any other bear I've ever met......Hold on a minute, there's that other shit stirring fud called GCLM on here too, ........Hmmm

Who needs enemies with this sort in the support.

whos that mate?

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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

Well you reap what you sow mate...He does act like a knob.

TBF, I've had information passed to suggest he may indeed be a bear, but jeesus, what an embarrassing shit-stirring excuse for a supporter he is.

He's certainly unlike any other bear I've ever met......Hold on a minute, there's that other shit stirring fud called GCLM on here too, ........Hmmm

Who needs enemies with this sort in the support.

HE acts like a knob?

you called him a pillow biting T****** lol

irony much?

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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

Well you reap what you sow mate...He does act like a knob.

TBF, I've had information passed to suggest he may indeed be a bear, but jeesus, what an embarrassing shit-stirring excuse for a supporter he is.

He's certainly unlike any other bear I've ever met......Hold on a minute, there's that other shit stirring fud called GCLM on here too, ........Hmmm

Who needs enemies with this sort in the support.

whos that mate?

GeneralCartmanLee,i think!
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BluePeter9 is 100% definitely a Rangers supporter. He's been met by several of us in Manchester.

Stick this in your sig BP9 :)

Maybe then some of the people on this board will stop the "you are a t**** pish"

Some of you might not agree with bp9 ( i dont agree with all his post fwiw) but the abuse he gets on here for speaking his mind is pretty horrid.

Well you reap what you sow mate...He does act like a knob.

TBF, I've had information passed to suggest he may indeed be a bear, but jeesus, what an embarrassing shit-stirring excuse for a supporter he is.

He's certainly unlike any other bear I've ever met......Hold on a minute, there's that other shit stirring fud called GCLM on here too, ........Hmmm

Who needs enemies with this sort in the support.

HE acts like a knob?

you called him a pillow biting T****** lol

irony much?

I take it you don't have an opinion on the OP points?

Read the whole thread, and his comments, then engage brain, before typing and making an arse of yourself...

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