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Vanguard Bears official complaint


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LF call me one sided on this but if i had a "mate" who hated Rangers fans, who celebrated scurrilous lies against the club that i loved and branded the support as "Paedopiles" for no reason I'd have enough to question this said friendship.

It's a ridiculous hate filled article. Vanguard Bears are perfectly right to fight back against these lies about the Rangers supporters in general. These papers are rags but shit sticks and we've been open and defenseless to it for far too long.

I agree with the fightback from VB, as I have done with everything they've done that I've seen.

VB cannot be commended enough for the work they've done, I've just tried to throw some light on the background of the journo behind this.

Somehow, more people on here who've never clapped eyes on the journo seem to think they know her better than me - a mate of hers for about five years. But whatever. Some people need to vent like this, and if that's how they get it, fair enough.

I have sympathy with LF's stance.

I've also met journalists who have been torn apart for fuck all on here, even though they have nothing against our club in person. Feel free to try and educate us on the press industry by the way, feel free....

Nonetheless, he's quite clearly stated that he feels that VB are right, so why he's getting pelters for doing nothing but giving a bit of background on someone he knows far better than any of us is a bit stupid really.

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LF call me one sided on this but if i had a "mate" who hated Rangers fans, who celebrated scurrilous lies against the club that i loved and branded the support as "Paedopiles" for no reason I'd have enough to question this said friendship.

It's a ridiculous hate filled article. Vanguard Bears are perfectly right to fight back against these lies about the Rangers supporters in general. These papers are rags but shit sticks and we've been open and defenseless to it for far too long.

I agree with the fightback from VB, as I have done with everything they've done that I've seen.

VB cannot be commended enough for the work they've done, I've just tried to throw some light on the background of the journo behind this.

Somehow, more people on here who've never clapped eyes on the journo seem to think they know her better than me - a mate of hers for about five years. But whatever. Some people need to vent like this, and if that's how they get it, fair enough.

I have sympathy with LF's stance.

I've also met journalists who have been torn apart for fuck all on here, even though they have nothing against our club in person. Feel free to try and educate us on the press industry by the way, feel free....

Nonetheless, he's quite clearly stated that he feels that VB are right, so why he's getting pelters for doing nothing but giving a bit of background on someone he knows far better than any of us is a bit stupid really.

Evening mate.

You'll get it in the neck now from the 'NoGrayAreaRSC' now.

Go figure.

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Meh, don't really give a fuck.

It's fine and well for certain individuals to criticise an industry they've never stepped foot in.

I, like you, agree that your buddy has went too far here and deserves a complaint against her for what is a ridiculous story. Why you're getting shot down for saying that you agree with VB is utterly beyond my comprehension.

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Meh, don't really give a fuck.

It's fine and well for certain individuals to criticise an industry they've never stepped foot in.

I, like you, agree that your buddy has went too far here and deserves a complaint against her for what is a ridiculous story. Why you're getting shot down for saying that you agree with VB is utterly beyond my comprehension.

I shared my knowledge of her that despite the story and the fact that she's got a tricolour in her gaff, she's not got an agenda and her first big exclusive kinda ran away with her.

I'm a tim/sympathiser now apparently. doh

Think that was one of the VB boys as well. (Maineflyer)

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Nonetheless, he's quite clearly stated that he feels that VB are right, so why he's getting pelters for doing nothing but giving a bit of background on someone he knows far better than any of us is a bit stupid really.

Look at who is attacking laudrupforever and you get your answer

Stupid is as stupid does.

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There's so many things to consider from first draft to signed copy.

I'm sure no-one on here or VB would write heavily anti-Celtic stories if they found themselves in a publishable position :rolleyes:

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I daresay that if the club aren't willing to defend 'us', this IS the sort of thing we should be looking at more (tu)

The power of the PCC is very questionable though. A commission made up by currently-employed editors and elite journalists, what chance do you have?

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Most worrying for me is how this got by the editors. Did anyone actually read this article? It doesn't take much disecting to see this is strewn with errors. Also why was a girl, who seems to of mainly wrote about girly stuff and gossip, chosen to write about a footballing/sectarian incident. Just bizarre, and I can't get my head around it tbh.

Lets assume for arguments sake the story has a grain of truth in it, I can't understand why somebody would take a 10yr old to an Old Firm game, and then be surprised to hear some nasty things! It's not as if the hatred in this particular game isn't particularly well known or well documented, being one of, if not the, most famous derbies in the world. I certainly wouldn't take my 8yr old nephew to an Old Firm at Ibrox (never mind the Piggary!) on account of the fact I don't think he's ready to hear the things you hear on Old Firm days. Besides, my sister would boot my balls if I did!

I'm sure plenty of unsavoury things were said last Sunday, however not many others have made the news. The News of the World in that one article probably dedicated more column inches to it, than their whole stable of papers did to the disruption of the minutes silence.

That's what made me think someone else told her about it or told her to write it up.

But I'm only a student journalist, wtf do I know about the workings of the press, eh Maine/sOw? :rolleyes:

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Indeed Badger.

Assuming you think it's 'got past' the editors. There's about as much chance of that is there is that the story looked nothing like that after the first draft was submitted

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Most worrying for me is how this got by the editors. Did anyone actually read this article? It doesn't take much disecting to see this is strewn with errors. Also why was a girl, who seems to of mainly wrote about girly stuff and gossip, chosen to write about a footballing/sectarian incident? Just bizarre, and I can't get my head around it tbh.

Lets assume for arguments sake the story has a grain of truth in it, I can't understand why somebody would take a 10yr old to an Old Firm game, and then be surprised to hear some nasty things! It's not as if the hatred in this game isn't particularly well known or well documented. You know, with it being one of, if not the, most famous derbies in the world. I certainly wouldn't take my 8yr old nephew to an Old Firm at Ibrox (never mind the Piggary!) on account of the fact I don't think he's ready to hear the things you hear on Old Firm days. Besides, my sister would boot my balls if I did!

I'm sure plenty of unsavoury things were said last Sunday, however not many others have made the news. The News of the World in that one article probably dedicated more column inches to it, than their whole stable of papers did to the disruption of the minutes silence.

I'm sorry Badger but this is a very niave comment. Journalism, or at least as far as British tabloid journalism goes, doesn't work like that. It should, but it doesn't.

Speaking as someone with several years worth of experience in the industry, the old adage is true .. never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Not be having that....

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I added my comment on the day the article was published online, I didn't know anything about the Jurno, but I complained it was slopply journalism, that anyone could make an accusation but there had to be some sort of verification before a journalist printed it as fact.

The first comment on the article was defineatly from a Tim he signed off by saying "Scotlands Shame"

I now know there was an agenda behind the story, these Mhanks will stop at nothing.

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Most worrying for me is how this got by the editors. Did anyone actually read this article? It doesn't take much disecting to see this is strewn with errors. Also why was a girl, who seems to of mainly wrote about girly stuff and gossip, chosen to write about a footballing/sectarian incident? Just bizarre, and I can't get my head around it tbh.

Lets assume for arguments sake the story has a grain of truth in it, I can't understand why somebody would take a 10yr old to an Old Firm game, and then be surprised to hear some nasty things! It's not as if the hatred in this game isn't particularly well known or well documented. You know, with it being one of, if not the, most famous derbies in the world. I certainly wouldn't take my 8yr old nephew to an Old Firm at Ibrox (never mind the Piggary!) on account of the fact I don't think he's ready to hear the things you hear on Old Firm days. Besides, my sister would boot my balls if I did!

I'm sure plenty of unsavoury things were said last Sunday, however not many others have made the news. The News of the World in that one article probably dedicated more column inches to it, than their whole stable of papers did to the disruption of the minutes silence.

I'm sorry Badger but this is a very niave comment. Journalism, or at least as far as British tabloid journalism goes, doesn't work like that. It should, but it doesn't.

Speaking as someone with several years worth of experience in the industry, the old adage is true .. never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Nay a truer word spoken from Gid.

Perhaps it the industry was a bit more straight-down-the-middle, it wouldn't be dying on it's arse.

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Meh, don't really give a fuck.

It's fine and well for certain individuals to criticise an industry they've never stepped foot in.

I, like you, agree that your buddy has went too far here and deserves a complaint against her for what is a ridiculous story. Why you're getting shot down for saying that you agree with VB is utterly beyond my comprehension.

I shared my knowledge of her that despite the story and the fact that she's got a tricolour in her gaff, she's not got an agenda and her first big exclusive kinda ran away with her.

I'm a tim/sympathiser now apparently. doh

Think that was one of the VB boys as well. (Maineflyer)

Maineflyer has nothing to do with VB ....... but I do support everything they do to take direct action against the sort of Rangers hater you've spent the entire evening covering up for. Despite claiming you've been criticised for merely acting in a reasonable fashion, you've actually tried very hard indeed to deflect the debate from the factual attack your wee friend perpetrated against Rangers. No matter your attempted victimhood, no one accused you of being a tim and it's possible you may not actually be one - but you certainly try hard to impersonate one and it's entirely disengenious to claim that defending our enemy is anything other than giving succour to those who would do us down at every opportunity. You describe yourself as a tim sympathiser and by your words tonight you are indeed just that. It may be your own pet tim you're seeking to protect but, given what she's been doing, I think you're barking up a particularly dubious tree.

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

I've not defended her once, as you should know if you've read the thread - I've only offered info about what I knew about her.

I'm still waiting for her to get back to me, so as I've said time and again, I'm making no final judgments till that point.

And your last comment shows you up for the deplorable wee character you are.

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LF it's decent of you to stick up for your friend/mate but i have to disagree with you here, she imo knew what she doing.

I'm not doubting that as such, I just don't think she's straining at the leash for any chance to do us down.

I'm not saying she'd turn the story down, (I fucking wouldn't if it was the other way around and had the chance to do some damage to the mhanks) but that's just life I suppose.

We'll just agree to disagree mate. (tu)

So you don't doubt she knew she was sticking the boot Rangers and its support over a bullshit non story, but your still pals with her.. outrageous

You and yer wee pals sticking up for you on here are not The Rangers i was brought up with

I hope you rot in hell with her and her tri colour

Not be having that....

He's not wrong though.

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Most worrying for me is how this got by the editors. Did anyone actually read this article? It doesn't take much disecting to see this is strewn with errors. Also why was a girl, who seems to of mainly wrote about girly stuff and gossip, chosen to write about a footballing/sectarian incident? Just bizarre, and I can't get my head around it tbh.

Lets assume for arguments sake the story has a grain of truth in it, I can't understand why somebody would take a 10yr old to an Old Firm game, and then be surprised to hear some nasty things! It's not as if the hatred in this game isn't particularly well known or well documented. You know, with it being one of, if not the, most famous derbies in the world. I certainly wouldn't take my 8yr old nephew to an Old Firm at Ibrox (never mind the Piggary!) on account of the fact I don't think he's ready to hear the things you hear on Old Firm days. Besides, my sister would boot my balls if I did!

I'm sure plenty of unsavoury things were said last Sunday, however not many others have made the news. The News of the World in that one article probably dedicated more column inches to it, than their whole stable of papers did to the disruption of the minutes silence.

I'm sorry Badger but this is a very niave comment. Journalism, or at least as far as British tabloid journalism goes, doesn't work like that. It should, but it doesn't.

Speaking as someone with several years worth of experience in the industry, the old adage is true .. never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Nay a truer word spoken from Gid.

Perhaps it the industry was a bit more straight-down-the-middle, it wouldn't be dying on it's arse.

Correct. Can't see the Tims agreeing to journos from down south too though. :pipe:

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Saying that he wants one of our members to 'rot in hell' after he has backed VB in saying the story was shite IS wrong Gid.

Oh, I may have misread a part of that.

Give me a sec.

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Just shows you what happens when someone with actual genuine knowledge steps into one of the little Two Minutes Hate on here. Some of you need to seriously calm down. Telling people to rot in hell for having an Irish Tricolour in their room, or even just knowing someone who does? Go and fucking look at the sky you madman :lol:

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Meh, don't really give a fuck.

It's fine and well for certain individuals to criticise an industry they've never stepped foot in.

I, like you, agree that your buddy has went too far here and deserves a complaint against her for what is a ridiculous story. Why you're getting shot down for saying that you agree with VB is utterly beyond my comprehension.

I shared my knowledge of her that despite the story and the fact that she's got a tricolour in her gaff, she's not got an agenda and her first big exclusive kinda ran away with her.

I'm a tim/sympathiser now apparently. doh

Think that was one of the VB boys as well. (Maineflyer)

Maineflyer has nothing to do with VB ....... but I do support everything they do to take direct action against the sort of Rangers hater you've spent the entire evening covering up for.

Despite claiming you've been criticised for merely acting in a reasonable fashion, you've actually tried very hard indeed to deflect the debate from the factual attack your wee friend perpetrated against Rangers.

No matter your attempted victimhood, no one accused you of being a tim and it's possible you may not actually be one - but you certainly try hard to impersonate one and it's entirely disengenious to claim that defending our enemy is anything other than giving succour to those who would do us down at every opportunity.

You describe yourself as a tim sympathiser and by your words tonight you are indeed just that. It may be your own pet tim you're seeking to protect but, given what she's been doing, I think you're barking up a particularly dubious tree.

Okay, breathe MF.

At what point did I say I didn't support what VB do and that I disagreed with them on this one? Bullshit - I've said a few times throughout this thread that I support their reporting to the PCC on this one - because this needs stopped asap.

You did, you left a comment about 'denying and deflecting' which is very much the tim way of things and when I asked you if you were calling me a tim, you said fuck all in response - so for all to see you were as good as doing so. I better give my season ticket back then, eh?

As for describing myself as one, sarcasm and irony are obviously not your stronger suits.

And again, for about the hundredth time, how am I protecting her? Giving background info doesn't seem to be doing that.

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All I can see is LF offering what he knows about her, as well as pointing out a few reasons as to why this story may have surfaced.

The fact that she may be a greetin' bitter tim is one of them, but I can't see LF denying that.

I see no condonation whatsoever. This thread has went way off course :anguish:

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Saying that he wants one of our members to 'rot in hell' after he has backed VB in saying the story was shite IS wrong Gid.

Yeah right, his position is so clearly aligned with VB that he's currently an object of ridicule on VB for the "support" he's offered. Weasel words are cheap and easy for those who use them often enough.

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