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The RST's Takeover Plans


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GL Cartman's assertion that the ownership model simply won't be taken up the fans is not particularly uncommon, I agree as well the issue of the RST (to some extent, large in my opinion) is not the issue-I don't think there's much to be had by that debate-I think it is workable but I'm a realist selling it is the hard part.

Imho the ownership model will only work with a figurehead of sorts, good marketing etc on the launch but above all a viable plan for how the club sustains itself and a strategy going forward...all easy to say but very difficult to deliver on. I know and I suspect those who have worked on the subject know even better it is fraught with problems.

Moving on to the thorny subject of the RST and this site etc. GLC didn't do any favours by hinting the RST leaked the news indeed many on this thread and elsewhere on this board can't even follow the train of events. It happens on FF as well but the lack of traffic on this site merely highlights the lack of understanding. In a rush to put the boot in many have missed the fact McColl was approached by the RST, he had time to check out their credentials etc and he was willing to work with them. We need to see what happens now but the ownership idea I fully believe will arrive someday for the support to consider as an option....and when it arrives it won't be about stances,alliances, ego, agendas or anything else it will be about us individually and collectively deciding if it is right for us and for the future of the club.

To finish off this is not a pro-RST piece-I have many views on the RST, I sympathise with the struggle they face but I do believe there is much work and change required for them to change certain perceptions about them and see them grow into a credible force. In some ways FF is not the best place to debate that for a variety of reasons but neither does this site seem to be either-we have two sets of extremes in my book but even the criticism on FF regarding the RST seems more tempered and balanced than on here.....indeed Rangers Media isn't a site that holds the attention whereas FF for all its faults tends to......whilst I can understand certain parties (not the ex-RST board members)have gravitated here they are not really creating anything new for the Rangers support in terms of debating. One of my biggest gripes about the RST is the passive nature of the membership and whilst its nice to see support for volunteers the RST will only really grow and improve once real accountability is asked from within the ranks-an endless list of DE was great on the radio comments won't change anything nor will the personal abuse/cyncism on here.....maybe RM and its members would do well to ignore the RST unless it can deliver reasonable and balanced debate on the subject......................

To finish a post like that with a claim about "reasoned and balanced" beggars belief, frankly. <cr>

Not sure where to start, maybe with your FF-type jibe about the "lack of traffic" on this site? Many on this board can't follow the chain of events? Lack of understanding? Maybe, if the RST are hoping to involve the wider Rangers support in this scheme, they should be addressing these issues. Issue a statement to all Rangers supporters' websites, asking for input and opening discussion.

You say McColl was willing to work with the RST, is it true that he has now declared that he is not willing to? I'm assuming that, if the reason for his change of heart is that he didn't want his name made public, he must have been careful who he told he would be involved? To my mind, if the RST approached him (as you say they did) and he wanted his name to remain private, presumably he only spoke to them? Doesn't leave many options as to where his name came from, does it? :unsure:

It amazes me, truly amazes me, that you can suggest that FF is a better place for a reasoned, balanced debate on the RST. Genuinely astonished you think that. What about the posts which ask awkward questions of the RST and are deleted on FF? Is that part of the reasoned, balanced debate?

I guess everyone has different things which will hold their attention, for me RM holds my attention far better than FF has ever managed to. That it doesn't hold yours is different from it not holding the attention generally.

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Yeah, I tended to ignore the patronising stuff at the start of the post. Suffice to say it wasn't really worth responding to because it was so subjectively wrong.

People (on both sides of the debate to be fair) need to stop the unfair generalisations which don't help anyone.

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He's anpother in the long line of follow follow posters who only come here for one debate (the rst) slag off the site with the same insults and then dissapear until the next time.

I think anyone who believes Jim Mccoll was about to shell out 31 million but changed his mind just because of a sunday hearld story is living in such a fantasy land it's hardly worth debating with them. The RST have had their few days in the limelight like they wanted it's a shame they had no substance to back up the claims.....again......

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maybe RM and its members would do well to ignore the RST unless it can deliver reasonable and balanced debate on the subject......................

Thanks for your constuctive "RST/FF good, RM bad" epistle.

If you've any more propitious comments like that, please do not hesitate to let RM know where it's going wrong. After all, 18,000 members and 1m posts on each of its two main forums simply isn't good enough. :rolleyes:

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And my understanding is that your comments are utter bullshit.

That'll be why he's distanced himself from them publicly. Likewise he's done some background checks and not liked what he's found on Dingwall's and Smith's.

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simple question, are most trusts like ours, are most at odds with the fans, are most like a secret society doing the work for the fans without the input of all fans, is trust the right word for an organisation, maybe RSS rangers supporters sideshow, and another thing, if there was a buyout with the fans, can i be a director or summit like that, i have the cradentials such as an ability to rile and a viewpoint that is right to the only person that matters and thats me and thats the most important thing for rangers, in all seriousness though, i like to roll in high places, like to feel important and believe my word speaks volumes for the whole rangers family, so vote me

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simple question, are most trusts like ours, are most at odds with the fans, are most like a secret society doing the work for the fans without the input of all fans, is trust the right word for an organisation, maybe RSS rangers supporters sideshow, and another thing, if there was a buyout with the fans, can i be a director or summit like that, i have the cradentials such as an ability to rile and a viewpoint that is right to the only person that matters and thats me and thats the most important thing for rangers, in all seriousness though, i like to roll in high places, like to feel important and believe my word speaks volumes for the whole rangers family, so vote me

u have my vote

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I think I make it quite clear in my post FF is NOT ideal for debating the RST. However to suggest there is no criticism of it on there is daft-I state clearly the types of pro-RST posts that add nothing to the mix BUT my point was a simple one the debate on it tends to focus on the detail more-we've had more personal replies on here since I posted.

The "problems" that exist between the two sites I suspect won't go away.I have zero interest in that. I was just making the general observation that RM are actually missing a trick imho.

For GCL yup I came over for a look relating to the takeover just to see-I'm not interested in defending anything per se my reputation is actually the opposite people consider me willfully opposite/different on FF-I try to stick what is known\the facts and debate around that. The fact I'm being tagged in a certain fashion is amusing to me and really just shows how cemented minds are-again not uncommon anywhere.

It comes across to me regarding recent events and I might be wrong (and it is very often the case on FF)that minds are made up on this-still if you read what is known you'll see that many of the stances don't stack up on here. I doubt if the full detail of recent events were known it would be believed anyway still you never know it might come out in the wash.

The RST issue in terms of reaching out is an issue for them-if there were any level of debate in a wider sense then I would not be sitting here saying yup they're wondeful, they do no wrong-it's everybody else's fault etc etc. Still many of the issues they face are chicken and egg situations however I have very specific notions of what is wrong and what needs to change but Dingwall, Smith et al are knobs (consistantly)doesn't inspire me to get into it.Sorry,

Finally to Boss whatever the membership numbers etc this site moves slowly from what I've seen there is nothing on here you can't get on FF with much more depth and variety-and to clarify I stated quie clearly there are aspects of FF I really don't like. It was merely an observation and an opinion you'll live but I am being 100% honest lookng around for an alternative this place doesn't inspire me.

If I'm seeing issues on here as I do with everything to be fair :-) you can bet I'm not alone.

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I don't think any forum professes to be perfect so you're going to be disappointed if you want a happy balance of high volume with any great quality.

All I'm saying is don't buy into this inter-site rivalry thing. Sure a few posters on either side may wish to perpetuate such division for their own reasons but generally speaking the vast majority of bears on either forum probably couldn't care less about the other while probably using both.

The best course of action for any fan interested in canvassing opinion on a variety of matters is to use a variety of forums. There are several good ones out there which provide such platforms and is the case with any subject there are posters and opinions who'll you learn to discount when it comes to neutral, informed views.

Writing off the majority though is certainly not a good tactic and isolating your demographic to one online area is even worse. Perhaps if we heard genuine ideas and plans from the Trust as opposed to rhetoric in the media (and unsubstantiated vitriol from some reps on FF), we'd all be better off.

The Trust have promised an improvement in that regard. Unfortunately for them, scorn and cynicism is to be expected so the best way to counter that inevitability is via sound, achievable plans. When that is offered up, I'm sure most bears genuinely interested in proper supporters representation are more than capable of making up their own mind - irrespective of their forum of choice.

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im in talks with a wealthy woman in perth, she likes her buses, now its all going to go ahead unless someone says anne gloag, so keep schtum folks, cant let the cat out the bag

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im in talks with a wealthy woman in perth, she likes her buses, now its all going to go ahead unless someone says anne gloag, so keep schtum folks, cant let the cat out the bag

Epic Fail :wink:

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I think I make it quite clear in my post FF is NOT ideal for debating the RST. However to suggest there is no criticism of it on there is daft-I state clearly the types of pro-RST posts that add nothing to the mix BUT my point was a simple one the debate on it tends to focus on the detail more-we've had more personal replies on here since I posted.

The "problems" that exist between the two sites I suspect won't go away.I have zero interest in that. I was just making the general observation that RM are actually missing a trick imho.

For GCL yup I came over for a look relating to the takeover just to see-I'm not interested in defending anything per se my reputation is actually the opposite people consider me willfully opposite/different on FF-I try to stick what is known\the facts and debate around that. The fact I'm being tagged in a certain fashion is amusing to me and really just shows how cemented minds are-again not uncommon anywhere.

It comes across to me regarding recent events and I might be wrong (and it is very often the case on FF)that minds are made up on this-still if you read what is known you'll see that many of the stances don't stack up on here. I doubt if the full detail of recent events were known it would be believed anyway still you never know it might come out in the wash.

The RST issue in terms of reaching out is an issue for them-if there were any level of debate in a wider sense then I would not be sitting here saying yup they're wondeful, they do no wrong-it's everybody else's fault etc etc. Still many of the issues they face are chicken and egg situations however I have very specific notions of what is wrong and what needs to change but Dingwall, Smith et al are knobs (consistantly)doesn't inspire me to get into it.Sorry,

Finally to Boss whatever the membership numbers etc this site moves slowly from what I've seen there is nothing on here you can't get on FF with much more depth and variety-and to clarify I stated quie clearly there are aspects of FF I really don't like. It was merely an observation and an opinion you'll live but I am being 100% honest lookng around for an alternative this place doesn't inspire me.

If I'm seeing issues on here as I do with everything to be fair :-) you can bet I'm not alone.

To be honest I have had this debate about the rst/ff/rangers media one million times now and with far more interesting people than yourself. I have no appetite to have it again. I thought this thread was about supporters ownership schemes and we were leaving the other stuff behind.

You sound like you prefer being the rebel without a clue on follow follow than posting on here so that will be a relief to us all…..

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I think I make it quite clear in my post FF is NOT ideal for debating the RST. However to suggest there is no criticism of it on there is daft-I state clearly the types of pro-RST posts that add nothing to the mix BUT my point was a simple one the debate on it tends to focus on the detail more-we've had more personal replies on here since I posted.

The "problems" that exist between the two sites I suspect won't go away.I have zero interest in that. I was just making the general observation that RM are actually missing a trick imho.

For GCL yup I came over for a look relating to the takeover just to see-I'm not interested in defending anything per se my reputation is actually the opposite people consider me willfully opposite/different on FF-I try to stick what is known\the facts and debate around that. The fact I'm being tagged in a certain fashion is amusing to me and really just shows how cemented minds are-again not uncommon anywhere.

It comes across to me regarding recent events and I might be wrong (and it is very often the case on FF)that minds are made up on this-still if you read what is known you'll see that many of the stances don't stack up on here. I doubt if the full detail of recent events were known it would be believed anyway still you never know it might come out in the wash.

The RST issue in terms of reaching out is an issue for them-if there were any level of debate in a wider sense then I would not be sitting here saying yup they're wondeful, they do no wrong-it's everybody else's fault etc etc. Still many of the issues they face are chicken and egg situations however I have very specific notions of what is wrong and what needs to change but Dingwall, Smith et al are knobs (consistantly)doesn't inspire me to get into it.Sorry,

Finally to Boss whatever the membership numbers etc this site moves slowly from what I've seen there is nothing on here you can't get on FF with much more depth and variety-and to clarify I stated quie clearly there are aspects of FF I really don't like. It was merely an observation and an opinion you'll live but I am being 100% honest lookng around for an alternative this place doesn't inspire me.

If I'm seeing issues on here as I do with everything to be fair :-) you can bet I'm not alone.

To be honest I have had this debate about the rst/ff/rangers media one million times now and with far more interesting people than yourself. I have no appetite to have it again. I thought this thread was about supporters ownership schemes and we were leaving the other stuff behind.

You sound like you prefer being the rebel without a clue on follow follow than posting on here so that will be a relief to us all…..

Thanks for that interesting insight.....I'll try in the future to be more interesting....though I'm not sure I can keep up.

Just for the record and I suspect in time all will be revealed what you believe to be certain is actually wrong regarding the takeover but as I say no point getting into you can debate with the more interesting people.....

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GL Cartman's assertion that the ownership model simply won't be taken up the fans is not particularly uncommon, I agree as well the issue of the RST (to some extent, large in my opinion) is not the issue-I don't think there's much to be had by that debate-I think it is workable but I'm a realist selling it is the hard part.

Imho the ownership model will only work with a figurehead of sorts, good marketing etc on the launch but above all a viable plan for how the club sustains itself and a strategy going forward...all easy to say but very difficult to deliver on. I know and I suspect those who have worked on the subject know even better it is fraught with problems.

Moving on to the thorny subject of the RST and this site etc. GLC didn't do any favours by hinting the RST leaked the news indeed many on this thread and elsewhere on this board can't even follow the train of events. It happens on FF as well but the lack of traffic on this site merely highlights the lack of understanding. In a rush to put the boot in many have missed the fact McColl was approached by the RST, he had time to check out their credentials etc and he was willing to work with them. We need to see what happens now but the ownership idea I fully believe will arrive someday for the support to consider as an option....and when it arrives it won't be about stances,alliances, ego, agendas or anything else it will be about us individually and collectively deciding if it is right for us and for the future of the club.

To finish off this is not a pro-RST piece-I have many views on the RST, I sympathise with the struggle they face but I do believe there is much work and change required for them to change certain perceptions about them and see them grow into a credible force. In some ways FF is not the best place to debate that for a variety of reasons but neither does this site seem to be either-we have two sets of extremes in my book but even the criticism on FF regarding the RST seems more tempered and balanced than on here.....indeed Rangers Media isn't a site that holds the attention whereas FF for all its faults tends to......whilst I can understand certain parties (not the ex-RST board members)have gravitated here they are not really creating anything new for the Rangers support in terms of debating. One of my biggest gripes about the RST is the passive nature of the membership and whilst its nice to see support for volunteers the RST will only really grow and improve once real accountability is asked from within the ranks-an endless list of DE was great on the radio comments won't change anything nor will the personal abuse/cyncism on here.....maybe RM and its members would do well to ignore the RST unless it can deliver reasonable and balanced debate on the subject......................

To finish a post like that with a claim about "reasoned and balanced" beggars belief, frankly. <cr>

Not sure where to start, maybe with your FF-type jibe about the "lack of traffic" on this site? Many on this board can't follow the chain of events? Lack of understanding? Maybe, if the RST are hoping to involve the wider Rangers support in this scheme, they should be addressing these issues. Issue a statement to all Rangers supporters' websites, asking for input and opening discussion.

You say McColl was willing to work with the RST, is it true that he has now declared that he is not willing to? I'm assuming that, if the reason for his change of heart is that he didn't want his name made public, he must have been careful who he told he would be involved? To my mind, if the RST approached him (as you say they did) and he wanted his name to remain private, presumably he only spoke to them? Doesn't leave many options as to where his name came from, does it? :unsure:

It amazes me, truly amazes me, that you can suggest that FF is a better place for a reasoned, balanced debate on the RST. Genuinely astonished you think that. What about the posts which ask awkward questions of the RST and are deleted on FF? Is that part of the reasoned, balanced debate?

I guess everyone has different things which will hold their attention, for me RM holds my attention far better than FF has ever managed to. That it doesn't hold yours is different from it not holding the attention generally.

This whole RM vs FF/RST debate is tiresome and embarrassing and GCL is the worst for petty point scoring. The permanently outraged South Park fan :rolleyes:

Why don't you all just fight each other? Or drop this egotistical nonsense and put Rangers first.

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GL Cartman's assertion that the ownership model simply won't be taken up the fans is not particularly uncommon, I agree as well the issue of the RST (to some extent, large in my opinion) is not the issue-I don't think there's much to be had by that debate-I think it is workable but I'm a realist selling it is the hard part.

Imho the ownership model will only work with a figurehead of sorts, good marketing etc on the launch but above all a viable plan for how the club sustains itself and a strategy going forward...all easy to say but very difficult to deliver on. I know and I suspect those who have worked on the subject know even better it is fraught with problems.

Moving on to the thorny subject of the RST and this site etc. GLC didn't do any favours by hinting the RST leaked the news indeed many on this thread and elsewhere on this board can't even follow the train of events. It happens on FF as well but the lack of traffic on this site merely highlights the lack of understanding. In a rush to put the boot in many have missed the fact McColl was approached by the RST, he had time to check out their credentials etc and he was willing to work with them. We need to see what happens now but the ownership idea I fully believe will arrive someday for the support to consider as an option....and when it arrives it won't be about stances,alliances, ego, agendas or anything else it will be about us individually and collectively deciding if it is right for us and for the future of the club.

To finish off this is not a pro-RST piece-I have many views on the RST, I sympathise with the struggle they face but I do believe there is much work and change required for them to change certain perceptions about them and see them grow into a credible force. In some ways FF is not the best place to debate that for a variety of reasons but neither does this site seem to be either-we have two sets of extremes in my book but even the criticism on FF regarding the RST seems more tempered and balanced than on here.....indeed Rangers Media isn't a site that holds the attention whereas FF for all its faults tends to......whilst I can understand certain parties (not the ex-RST board members)have gravitated here they are not really creating anything new for the Rangers support in terms of debating. One of my biggest gripes about the RST is the passive nature of the membership and whilst its nice to see support for volunteers the RST will only really grow and improve once real accountability is asked from within the ranks-an endless list of DE was great on the radio comments won't change anything nor will the personal abuse/cyncism on here.....maybe RM and its members would do well to ignore the RST unless it can deliver reasonable and balanced debate on the subject......................

To finish a post like that with a claim about "reasoned and balanced" beggars belief, frankly. <cr>

Not sure where to start, maybe with your FF-type jibe about the "lack of traffic" on this site? Many on this board can't follow the chain of events? Lack of understanding? Maybe, if the RST are hoping to involve the wider Rangers support in this scheme, they should be addressing these issues. Issue a statement to all Rangers supporters' websites, asking for input and opening discussion.

You say McColl was willing to work with the RST, is it true that he has now declared that he is not willing to? I'm assuming that, if the reason for his change of heart is that he didn't want his name made public, he must have been careful who he told he would be involved? To my mind, if the RST approached him (as you say they did) and he wanted his name to remain private, presumably he only spoke to them? Doesn't leave many options as to where his name came from, does it? :unsure:

It amazes me, truly amazes me, that you can suggest that FF is a better place for a reasoned, balanced debate on the RST. Genuinely astonished you think that. What about the posts which ask awkward questions of the RST and are deleted on FF? Is that part of the reasoned, balanced debate?

I guess everyone has different things which will hold their attention, for me RM holds my attention far better than FF has ever managed to. That it doesn't hold yours is different from it not holding the attention generally.

This whole RM vs FF/RST debate is tiresome and embarrassing and GCL is the worst for petty point scoring. The permanently outraged South Park fan :rolleyes:

Why don't you all just fight each other? Or drop this egotistical nonsense and put Rangers first.

thats another poll i think, who would back who, for the scrap, good idea man but this can be your babie

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