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Rangers and Danny Wilson have decisions to make


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JUST six months ago, more people had heard about Danny Wilson than had actually seen him play.

Only those sufficiently devoted to traipse out to watch Rangers’ under-19 matches or the occasional Murray Park bounce game had caught a glimpse of the player in the flesh, but word was not slow in getting round that this one was “a bit special”.

Football is full of false starts – players hyped to the hilt but who then fail to live up to those lofty, often unrealistic, expectations – but Wilson has so far shown himself to be worthy of all the adulation that has gone his way.

With Madjid Bougherra regularly unavailable this season, either due to unsanctioned extended trips overseas following international duty or his troublesome hamstring, Wilson has been given an extended platform on which to showcase his undoubted talent.

After making his first-team debut against Dundee in the Co-operative Insurance Cup at the end of October, the 18-year-old hasn’t looked back, his red card in the final of the same tournament aside. After less than six months in the side and just 23 appearances, the man with the No.66 on his back is an established figure in Walter Smith’s plans. 
Now London is calling. And Liverpool. And probably Birmingham and Manchester. And maybe even Stuttgart, too. For if there is a downside – from Rangers’ point of view – to Wilson’s stream of surprisingly consistent displays, it is that they have pricked the attention of a host of clubs from the Barclays Premier League, as Martin Bain, the club’s chief executive, confirmed recently.

“Two English Premiership clubs approached us in January and since then I have had the odd discussion and we have seen people coming along to watch our players and you can see who they are coming along to watch,” he said. “I can confirm that Liverpool have expressed an interest, but a lot of clubs are keeping abreast of Danny’s situation.”

Centre-halves leaving Ibrox for England’s bright lights is not a new phenomenon (see Boumsong, J-A, and Cuellar, C) but few have made the journey south at such a young age. Wilson only turned 18 in December. By all accounts he is a smart, articulate kid with his head screwed on.

The sensible thing would probably be for him to sign the contract Rangers have placed in front of him and prolong his stay in Scottish football for a few more years. Only the brave or foolish would try to predict with any degree of accuracy what shape Rangers will be in off the field come the start of next season, but it seems probable that Wilson will still be able to command a regular slot in Smith’s side. Or that picked by whoever is in charge come August.

Bougherra will likely return to England, David Weir, at 40, may be used more sparingly, and there are no guarantees of any new big-money signings arriving to threaten his place. It would not be ludicrous, at this stage, to envisage Rangers’ opening-day defensive partnership comprising Wilson and the recalled Andy Webster.

There is something about the prospect of playing in the Premier League, though, that makes even the most rational of thinkers go a bit funny. Blame Andy Gray, Richard Keys, Rupert Murdoch or whoever, but there is an aura surrounding England’s top league that draws players to it like a moth to a flame.

Wilson may still be a teenager not long out of school, but you can bet that in the back of his mind there will be a nagging voice, wondering aloud, is this my only chance of a crack at the Premiership? What if he were to remain at Rangers and sustain a serious injury or loss of form and the chance to move to England never materialises again?

That prospect may instruct his thinking. And, of course, there is the financial aspect to consider, too. There is little purpose in those of us who can only dream of such exorbitant earnings questioning how much money a teenager really needs. It is irrelevant.

The point is that Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool, Aston Villa or whoever will offer Wilson a contract far greater than he could ever expect from Rangers in their current financial state. Only those with the highest of principles or the most basic of material needs would not have their heads turned by the prospect of such wealth.

Rangers have a decision to make in all of this, too. Wilson’s contract has only 15 months to run. The longer he remains at Ibrox without signing a new deal, the more his value drops. A ballpark figure of £3m has been spoken of if the player were to move on this summer.

That sum will probably be halved if he stays until January, and will be reduced to a derisory development fee if he leaves at the end of his contract in the summer of 2011. Given that Rangers seem almost certain to lose Kris Boyd for nothing this summer, they will be surely be unwilling to stomach a similar story a year further down the line.


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I'd be a bit worried if he went to Spurs and was getting the reported £20,000 a week.

He could and I hope not end up like Gazza, being a young man with lots of money in London.

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I would hope Danny rejects any offer, gives us another 4 years then quench his thirst of the EPL later. Giving us money and a chance to replace him.

He has had a sound education with Rangers but if we let these lads run down a contract and receive hee haw but a pittance what is the point of Minty Park?

Stay Danny, you'll be in the side next season on skill alone.

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i keep saying it everytime something like this gets mentioned. He is a smart boy and he knows if he wants game time and to learn the game he would be better staying here, but if hes in it for the money and doesnt mind sitting on a bench he knows were to go. Im sure he will make the right choice but.

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i keep saying it everytime something like this gets mentioned. He is a smart boy and he knows if he wants game time and to learn the game he would be better staying here, but if hes in it for the money and doesnt mind sitting on a bench he knows were to go. Im sure he will make the right choice but.

Danny knows who is watching his performances, he is in no rush to sign anything.

Would you sign a 3-5 year contract not knowing who is going to be manager next season plus into the bargain the owner?

It is an utter pish situation we find ourselves in.

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If he goes to The Premiership now he'll find himself on loan at a championship/league 1 team within a year because he's nowhere near ready, in a physical sense, to deal with Premiership football week in, week out.

He should stay where he is for now. 3 years isn't a long time, especially at the age of 18.

However if he hasn't signed the deal & a 3 million pound bid comes in we should bite their hand off for it.

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If he does decide to leave I will wish him all the best, someone questioned why bother having Minty Park, well the answer is quite simple, if we didn't have this facility we wouldn't be able to develop players of any calibre which could bring money into the club as is the case with Wilson and in the long run we would be even more financially worse of and wouldn't have any players to fill the gaps in our team.

As for any proposed move, I would hope that Bain and Co get a few stipulations in his contract, firstly, a percentage of any fee should another team sell him on, ideally an extra payment for appearances, and finally we could be cheeky enough to ask to have him back on loan next season!

An issue I have with Liverpool though which I think needs to be taken into consideration, I'm not sure if Benitez will be their manager next season!

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An issue I have with Liverpool though which I think needs to be taken into consideration, I'm not sure if Benitez will be their manager next season!

Maybe not, but Dalglish is still likely to be in charge of their youth set up & considering Wilsons age he's the one who is most likely to have reccomended him to Liverpools board/ Benitez.

He's the one who is most likely to be working with Wilson on a day to day basis so even if Benitez leaves I doubt their interest in Wilson will go with him.

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He doesnt seem that keen on staying, so get him sold in the summer. Then how about keeping him on loan next season? That way we get some dough for a new CB, keep him for what would be the remainder of his contract and Liverpool/Spurs would get an even better CB in a years time, probably with a Scotland cap!

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i hope he stays but with the way things are at rangers i would not blame him if he left for a more stable ship.its a shame but its just the way its going to be till we find a buyer

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The sensible option would be to stay for another 2 seasons at least but if he aint gonna sign the contract he has to be punted in the summer

What if we sign another centre back in the summer though, or what if Weir and Bougherra stay on?

That's what Wilson will be thinking about. He's played lots this year because he's our only option, but he won't want to sign for two or three years if he isn't going to be first choice, or at least very close to it.

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The sensible option would be to stay for another 2 seasons at least but if he aint gonna sign the contract he has to be punted in the summer

What if we sign another centre back in the summer though, or what if Weir and Bougherra stay on?

That's what Wilson will be thinking about. He's played lots this year because he's our only option, but he won't want to sign for two or three years if he isn't going to be first choice, or at least very close to it.

Would say he has more chance of playing regularly at Rangers than at any of the sides he has been touted for. I would say it's highly unlikely that both Weir and Bougherra will be lining up together at Ibrox on the first day of next season.

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The sensible option would be to stay for another 2 seasons at least but if he aint gonna sign the contract he has to be punted in the summer

What if we sign another centre back in the summer though, or what if Weir and Bougherra stay on?

That's what Wilson will be thinking about. He's played lots this year because he's our only option, but he won't want to sign for two or three years if he isn't going to be first choice, or at least very close to it.

Would say he has more chance of playing regularly at Rangers than at any of the sides he has been touted for. I would say it's highly unlikely that both Weir and Bougherra will be lining up together at Ibrox on the first day of next season.

I totally agree Tumsh, 200%, but I'm trying to look at this from the player's point of view as I am with the Boyd transfer talk.

Cards on the table - Walter Smith is not absolutely brilliant at producing youth. Wilson isn't daft, he probably can see this. If he couldn't, he'd have signed by now.

So do you take a chance with Rangers on less than £2k a week, or do you chance your arm in the Premiership for five times that with Harry Redknapp where you are playing with better players every day?

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The sensible option would be to stay for another 2 seasons at least but if he aint gonna sign the contract he has to be punted in the summer

What if we sign another centre back in the summer though, or what if Weir and Bougherra stay on?

That's what Wilson will be thinking about. He's played lots this year because he's our only option, but he won't want to sign for two or three years if he isn't going to be first choice, or at least very close to it.

Would say he has more chance of playing regularly at Rangers than at any of the sides he has been touted for. I would say it's highly unlikely that both Weir and Bougherra will be lining up together at Ibrox on the first day of next season.

I totally agree Tumsh, 200%, but I'm trying to look at this from the player's point of view as I am with the Boyd transfer talk.

Cards on the table - Walter Smith is not absolutely brilliant at producing youth. Wilson isn't daft, he probably can see this. If he couldn't, he'd have signed by now.

So do you take a chance with Rangers on less than £2k a week, or do you chance your arm in the Premiership for five times that with Harry Redknapp where you are playing with better players every day?

It's a tough one for me cos I would probably be a daft cunt n stay with rangers n let my heart rule my head. From what I've Wilson isn't a Rangers fan so he won't see it like that. What we have got going for us is the chance for him to be a first team regular, play in the Champions League, win trophies and get into the Scotland set-up.

Been told he's quite a level headed guy and he must realise he will have the chance to go to England and play down there for a decade at least but could he go down there and be stuck in the reserves when he could be playing in the Champions League and winning trophies?

I suppose only he can answer that

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An issue I have with Liverpool though which I think needs to be taken into consideration, I'm not sure if Benitez will be their manager next season!

Maybe not, but Dalglish is still likely to be in charge of their youth set up & considering Wilsons age he's the one who is most likely to have reccomended him to Liverpools board/ Benitez.

He's the one who is most likely to be working with Wilson on a day to day basis so even if Benitez leaves I doubt their interest in Wilson will go with him.

Dalglish might be still be the main man regarding the youth set up, and any manager would be foolish not to listen to those that work with them, but if Benitez were to leave then Liverpool's first concern will be to get a new manager in, and it might be that manager (who will have the final say), might not want Wilson?

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He deserves a much better offer than our initial one, it was utterly appalling if I heard correctly.

What offer did we present him out of curiosity then? If he knows what's best he'll stay at Rangers for long enough to develop his skill then go down south when he has a chance of first team football rather than rotting in reserves.

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He deserves a much better offer than our initial one, it was utterly appalling if I heard correctly.

What offer did we present him out of curiosity then? If he knows what's best he'll stay at Rangers for long enough to develop his skill then go down south when he has a chance of first team football rather than rotting in reserves.

There's probably no point in me even saying, I'll get the usual 'oh you're talking pish' line :pipe:

But it's less than half of what we offered Broadfoot on his new deal. And I personally think that's a disgrace.

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Agree about the initial contract offer, it is derisory now, but not necessary at the time of the contract being offered, I do believe that the contract offer has been revised to what extent I don't know.

My view is that he should at least be offered a contract within the same levels of the majority of the senior squad players now, as I feel he has done enough to warrant being classed as a senior squad player irrespective of his age.

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Smith should sit down with him and explain what an opportunity he's getting. Playing for the Rangers at 18(?) years of age! If he's trying to hold the club to ransom over wages he should wake up, and / or be shafted out the door, he should still be cleaning boots IMO.

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He'll wait and see what the situation is come the end of the season. There are too many questions just now. Will Walter stay? Will we have a new owner? Will any new signings come in which will threaten his place in the team?

He has the advantage of not being out of contract this year so has plenty of time to wait and see what develops before making a decision on his future. I think he will sign a new contract.

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I suppose in a way this should be put into comparison, we were slating both Wilson and Fleck to a certain degree when the news came out that they were going to be offered new contracts, well Fleck has agreed to a new contract and is still one of our players for the next few years.

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