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Can someone please explain to me why there is such petty bickering (i think that is what best describes what happens when the sites get together) the many Rangers Fan sites that cover the net.

I believe that every site (here included) holds themselves up to all about the fans & the club, the sites are there to encourage debate on the issues fo the day as it relates to the club, irreverant humour and they are all open to a wider audience (as long as you have Rangers leanings wink.gif )

I do not understand the rivalry that seems to permiate through each site.

Do we (i use the term 'we' to mean users from each site ... not sepcifically RM) like to think that we ave the best site & everything else is crap. Why is there such loaylty to one site, meaning distrust of the other sites around.

Persoanlly, i hve only ever been on the old BBC 606 then here, i get all the information i want from here but i would never be so petty to believe that other sites such as FF, or VB (or many others i probably know nothing of) do not have similar, or sometimes better information.

This thread came about because i have just read the thread about the Founders Trail and it amazed me (yet again) how much squabbling happens between fellow bears.

The club is still in a time of crisis, it needs ALL it's support to pull as one in helping it through that rough patch.

During Celtic's last uprising, the fans appeared to pull together to oust the board that was carrying them to deaths door and they paved the way for McCann to come flying in and save them, i honestly beleive that, at this time, that is something that would never happen with the Rangers support as it seems irrevocably torn ... fan sites against fan sites ... supporters groups against supporters groups.

I am dismayed at how apart the club fan base is and always hope for a more conjoined support, moving together .. as one, for the betterment pf the club.

Somehow i just don't see that happening sad.gif

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People might have more trust for sites such as follow follow if they didn't ban you for having a difference of opinion to one of their 'elite' members!

Has never happened to me but a few good bluenose mates of mine have been dumped by the sites so I will never use it again.

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Can't ask for help with RangersPedia on Follow Follow because of the Rangers Media branding on the main page. :disappointment: The last thread that I put got pulled and this is the reason why. RP was created by RM but is for all fans, not just the ones on here. Don't see why they can't let me try and get extra help.

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I used to use follow follow but if you disagreed with certain people there you were called a tim, saying that though when I first joined this site as well I was called a tim doh so maybe the fan sites are all as bad as each other <cr>

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I used to use follow follow but if you disagreed with certain people there you were called a tim, saying that though when I first joined this site as well I was called a tim doh so maybe the fan sites are all as bad as each other <cr>

So you have posted on two Rangers sites now and on each you have been accused of being a tim.


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I used to use follow follow but if you disagreed with certain people there you were called a tim, saying that though when I first joined this site as well I was called a tim doh so maybe the fan sites are all as bad as each other <cr>

So you have posted on two Rangers sites now and on each you have been accused of being a tim.



Take it that was just irony, as she ain't a tim.

It's a shame that different site officials can't just bury the hatchet (and I don't mean in the head) and start to work together for the better good of all the fans, unfortunately ego's etc get in the way and this I think to a certain degree prevents any possible move forward.

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I used to use follow follow but if you disagreed with certain people there you were called a tim, saying that though when I first joined this site as well I was called a tim doh so maybe the fan sites are all as bad as each other <cr>

So you have posted on two Rangers sites now and on each you have been accused of being a tim.



Take it that was just irony, as she ain't a tim.

It's a shame that different site officials can't just bury the hatchet (and I don't mean in the head) and start to work together for the better good of all the fans, unfortunately ego's etc get in the way and this I think to a certain degree prevents any possible move forward.

I was only joking about Madina. Too subtle! :-D

There are good and bad points to all of the various sites but too much has happened for things ever to be amicable between the head honchos.

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Why cant we all just get along?

*Holds lighter in the air*

*Sets MisterC's hair on fire

....oh, wait.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dont you bloody start as well! I'll pass your details onto that guy on craigslist who wanmts to shag a midget if you dont behave! :P

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Why cant we all just get along?

*Holds lighter in the air*

*Sets MisterC's hair on fire

....oh, wait.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dont you bloody start as well! I'll pass your details onto that guy on craigslist who wanmts to shag a midget if you dont behave! :P

I already phoned the guy.. :wink:

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Why cant we all just get along?

*Holds lighter in the air*

*Sets MisterC's hair on fire

....oh, wait.

lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dont you bloody start as well! I'll pass your details onto that guy on craigslist who wanmts to shag a midget if you dont behave! :P

I already phoned the guy.. :wink:

You cant have done, I havent had any calls today :sherlock:

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I go round most Rangers forum, RM, FF(been banned three times), Bluenose Bloggers, Bouncey Bouncey, VB, Gersnet, Rangers Online. Most don't concern themselves with other forums, but most have an connection with FF where some of their posters like myself have been banned from it. So that is bound to create a bit of bad feeling towards FF, apart from that i don't see any dislike or rivalry between the sites?

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I go round most Rangers forum, RM, FF(been banned three times), Bluenose Bloggers, Bouncey Bouncey, VB, Gersnet, Rangers Online. Most don't concern themselves with other forums, but most have an connection with FF where some of there posters like myself have been banned from it. So that is bound to create a bit of bad feeling towards FF, apart from that i don't see any dislike or rivalry between the sites?

The arguments between sites are exaggerated by some of those who wish to perpetuate the myth in order to avoid taking part in any debate which may not be to their taste.

Everyone should rise above personal conflicts/dislikes (that is natural) in order to work together to share information and help maximise the success of any intra or inter forum projects.

Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen and some would appear to prefer it that way which is disappointing.

The online community is an interesting facet of modern football supporting and I think it is fair to say some (including the club themselves) have struggled to embrace/cultivate such readily available sources of support; never mind examine ways of improving them.

Some want to blame individuals for that (and there is no doubt there is an element of truth there) but perhaps we all have our part to play in changing the status quo for our benefit.

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I often say it but we are a far more divided support than Celtic which is really depressing when you think about it. Thats why we are open to attack and slander in the media with no retort, thats why the atmosphere at Ibrox isn't what it used to be and thats why suppporters groups and projects aren't as successful as they should be.

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Well so far as I can work out somebody makes a fortune by ripping off Rangers fans.

Somebody else makes a fortune from guided tours, takes it home and counts it at night until the first guy orders him what to do next.

It's a terrible state of affairs and will not be allowed to stand.

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