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Unfit to govern...


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It was encouraging to note yesterday that Martin Bain’s statement included a passage which firmly and unequivocally exposed the hypocrisy within the SFA ......

"We regret that on one hand the SFA Chief Executive today said they had launched an investigation into the whole matter and then in the same statement immediately leapt to conclusions on two of our players.”

For those who maybe missed Stewart Regan’s statement yesterday it can be found here..

SFA Statement - Regan

It’s ironic that Regan mentions the withdrawal of labour by refs earlier in the season. One would have thought that his cowardly silence, whilst both their personal integrity and professional competency was brought into question (on an almost day by day basis) by officials and players of Celtic FC, was something he would rather not mention. His failure to act in defence of our whistlers during this period is nothing short of disgraceful – a complete and utter abandonment of responsibility. That our own manager mounted a greater public defence of our referees than the Regan charlatan only adds to the irony.

Regan’s utter fear of tackling Celtic FC over these comments was highlighted when, after a Celtic FC AGM, a statement was issued promising to draw a line under the matter, ironically this appeared to only increase both the frequency and destructive nature of the attacks on our whistler’s by Celtic FC.

It’s probably in keeping with Regan’s cowardly character that he issued yesterday’s statement when the pack were out so to speak (ie when everyone everywhere was criticising) He is like the coward at the school waiting for a gang to attack an individual and then he delivers a cowardly kick when no-one else is looking. I cannot express how distasteful I find this individual, incompetency and cowardice is a particularly loathsome concoction and Regan appears to have both in abundant measure.

However the utter ridiculousness of the whole situation, and the lack of credibility of the SFA was epitomised yesterday when the architect and primary cause of the refereeing work to rule (Lennon) had his touchline ban reduced by an SFA disciplinary committee on the very day the whole country (Regan exempted of course) was calling into question his fitness to lead from the touchline.

Could you really make this up ???

One thing is eminently clear – Regan is unfit to govern the game in Scotland. His faux pas yesterday, highlighted by Martin Bain, shows a lack of confidence in his ability to govern with the much required statesmanship quality or moral authority.

After yesterday’s events Rangers should demand Regan’s resignation and issue a vote of no confidence in his ability. He is unfit to govern and has proven himself totally incompetent and unable to defend even his own employees and their credibility and integrity, never mind sit in judgment over matters affecting our great club.

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A fine post D'Art, as always.

The part that stands out for me is "leapt to conclusions", the statement was issued yesterday morning. Surely, if he was looking at things fairly and squarely he would need to take a bit more time over it before making his mind up. A top level summit also being organised yesterday, all seems a bit rushed to me.

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Great post D'art. (tu)

I hope that yesterday's statement from MB is a sign of things to come.

From our players being physically abused by their support to being verbally abused by their management ALL forms of inTIMadation must be challenged.

Lets expose them as the hypocrites and liars they are.

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Great post D'Art.

What shocked me most was that Regan condemned 2 of our players, before even reading the referee's report (which is yet to be submitted)

Celtic, Lemmon, Liewell and Reid have the SFA and Regan eating out the palms of their hands.

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Great post D'Art.

What shocked me most was that Regan condemned 2 of our players, before even reading the referee's report (which is yet to be submitted)

Celtic, Lemmon, Liewell and Reid have the SFA and Regan eating out the palms of their hands.

Aided and abetted by a compliant press.


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Great post D'Art.

What shocked me most was that Regan condemned 2 of our players, before even reading the referee's report (which is yet to be submitted)

Celtic, Lemmon, Liewell and Reid have the SFA and Regan eating out the palms of their hands.

Which makes you wonder on what he has based his condemnation. Are Rangers players now subject to trial by television ?

If this was a court case and the jury made a decision based on what they had seen on television or read in the newspapers it would cause the court case to be null and void. This is exactly what Regan has done. Any hearing in the future would be a whitewash as the chief executive has already castigated them as guilty before reading and irrespective of his official referee's report.

The man is a total incompetent.

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Excellent post D'Art.

Its clear to see this incompetent fool, is quick to jump to conclusions, however when Child Molesters FC bring the game into disrepute and openly question referees integrity he say’s ‘a number of clubs’ feel this way, while on the other hand basically saying it was all Rangers fault the events which unfolded on Wednesday night, even though it was that ginger incontinent prick that started the aggression, and if what I’m hearing is true, racially abusing our players.

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Perhaps Regan would care to answer the following question....

How is that a team who claim to be the victims of poor refereeing have seen more opponents sent off against them than any other SPL team. 10 players in total - 9 of these sending offs have occurred since Celtic FC's claims of refereeing bias.

In the last 7 weeks seven red cards have been shown to Celtic's opponents - the last four have all been shown to Rangers players.

These stats are fact.

Who said intimidation does not work ?

Anyone else think these statistics are grounds for an enquiry in themself ?

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regan is a bheggar, recommended for this job by dr death. Years of apathy and Mr Murrays capitulation to the dark side for a knighthood by banning the likes of The Billy Boys and not fighting the constant demonisation of The Rangers by our enemies in the mhedia and elsewhere has put us in the position we are in today. Is Bains contribution on this front to little to late ? I've been warning you about this for years. :sherlock:

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regan is a bheggar, recommended for this job by dr death. Years of apathy and Mr Murrays capitulation to the dark side for a knighthood by banning the likes of The Billy Boys and not fighting the constant demonisation of The Rangers by our enemies in the mhedia and elsewhere has put us in the position we are in today. Is Bains contribution on this front to little to late ? I've been warning you about this for years. :sherlock:

Was about to post same, hand picked by the Dark Forces.

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If thats the case then DO then the we as a club should pile the pressure upon him without mercy - his failure to tackle Celtic's claims of refereeing bias - his compromising of his position as alluded to by Bain - and now this remarkable transformation in the statistics of Celtic's opponents.

My question is the transformation in the latter purely down to the pressure refs were under....or has there been some kind of directive from Regan ? I suspect its purely down to the former...but the latter cannot be discounted.

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If thats the case then DO then the we as a club should pile the pressure upon him without mercy - his failure to tackle Celtic's claims of refereeing bias - his compromising of his position as alluded to by Bain - and now this remarkable transformation in the statistics of Celtic's opponents.

My question is the transformation in the latter purely down to the pressure refs were under....or has there been some kind of directive from Regan ? I suspect its purely down to the former...but the latter cannot be discounted.

Combination of things imo D'Art, the referees have a rather unusually high percentage of 'apparently' celtic minded refs at the moment (if you believe all that you read about them), they are scared of the repercussions on their family life and of course the weakness of Regan et al at the SFA. It cannot be coincidence that the stats show this upsurge in decisions to the benefit of Sellik.

You only have to look at Wednesday to see the referee had selective vision when it came to giving fouls never mind bookings.

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If thats the case then DO then the we as a club should pile the pressure upon him without mercy - his failure to tackle Celtic's claims of refereeing bias - his compromising of his position as alluded to by Bain - and now this remarkable transformation in the statistics of Celtic's opponents.

My question is the transformation in the latter purely down to the pressure refs were under....or has there been some kind of directive from Regan ? I suspect its purely down to the former...but the latter cannot be discounted.

Don't forget this fucker had a stairheid meeting with celtic and their fans and not a word of what it was about has been clarified. This man is letting them do what they want ! :sherlock:

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Which makes you wonder on what he has based his condemnation. Are Rangers players now subject to trial by television ?

If this was a court case and the jury made a decision based on what they had seen on television or read in the newspapers it would cause the court case to be null and void. This is exactly what Regan has done. Any hearing in the future would be a whitewash as the chief executive has already castigated them as guilty before reading and irrespective of his official referee's report.

The man is a total incompetent.

Alas that was not the case when Duncan Ferguson was up in court. And the Tims have the audacity to say that the SFA is full of Rangers minded people. What a load of shite that is.

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