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Bigotry - the big bad bogeyman


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Well the dust appears to have settled over the McCoist/Lennon bust up.

In the aftermath of it all we have had the leader of this country chairing summits....it has been discussed in depth by all parties within the political spectrum...it has fed a media frenzy for several weeks now,with Andrew Smith just yesterday in the Scotland on Sunday more or less saying “woe to you Scotland for your toleration of bigotry”.

Quite amazing really when you consider the incident referred to was little more than “handbags at dawn”. Without entering into the blame culture of it all it appears one side who are suffering considerable stress were unhappy with the treatment afforded to their physio, while the other side were less than happy with the verbal treatment afforded to their employees.

It’s perhaps worthy of underlining for the benefit of the likes of Andrew Smith, that amid all the blame culture which has been thrown about following the incident that neither side ever stated, nor even inferred for that matter, that the whole shehanigans was related in any way to religious bigotry or sectarianism. Strathclyde Police who were some of the chief movers for the summit had highlighted the rise in incidents following an Old Firm game and in particular those which were characterised by domestic abuse. This has been referred to as a notable spike in their call pattern analysis.

Once again the big bad bigotry bogey man of Scotland was unleashed....sectarianism and religious intolerance are at the heart of Scotland’s problems...as warned by Jack McConnell all those years ago as “Scotland’s Secret Shame”. Such unsubstantiated claims prove to be food and drink for the likes of Andrew Smith...and many of his ilk...who like to misinform us (despite the considerable academic research undertaken by Prof Steve Bruce to the contrary) that bigotry is alive and well in Scotland.

One wonders how long the people of Scotland are going to allow this lie to be perpetuated ? What other country in the world would allow the image of their country to be so erroneously vilified by journalists writing on a whim, when there exists credible academic research which puts their false claims firmly in perspective. It is perhaps ironic that following this old firm game that the word “responsibility” has been banded about by many towards messrs. McCoist and Lennon, yet it seems Scotland’s journalists are exempt from such responsibility.

And talking of responsibility perhaps Strathclyde Police should look to their own responsibility following this match. Yes their call pattern analysis does show a worrying and disturbing trend however such a trend is not unique to the old firm. In 1996 following the European Championship qualifier between England and Scotland showed the greatest and most notable spike ever experienced by Scotland’s Police Forces with drunkenness and violent incidents at an all time high.

In short Scotland has a real problem not with bigotry...but with alcohol. Our mortality rate for alcohol related deaths is about double the rest of the United Kingdom. But our shameful record does not end there.... As judged by life expectancy at birth, only Portugal has a lower life expectancy for males and there are no Western European countries whose females have a lower life expectancy.

But there is much worse. During the turn of this century Barnados Scotland showed that a quarter of all Scotland’s children were living in poverty. What a shameful indictment on the 4th richest country in the world.

And of course I haven’t even mentioned drugs yet and a methadone bill which is spiralling out of control. (£17 million in 2009) And that of course takes no cognisance of illegal drugs.

Someone remind me ...what was Scotland’s Secret Shame again ?

Perhaps when our Politicians, Press and Police start tackling the real causes of Scotland’s Secret Shame, (some of which are not so secret) and stop blaming the big bad bogeyman called bigotry for all our country’s ills then perhaps football supporters and football managers will welcome the appropriate use of the word “responsibility”.

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When Andrew Smith was Editor of ra Sellik View, his nom de plume was, 'Andrew H Smith'. Oft, I wondered what ra 'H' stood for?

Yesterday's piece suggests 'Hateful'.


He may become to the SOS what Spiers became to the Glasgow Herald.

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If you were a Celtic fan in the media or in politics and you knew your biggest rival was "weak" and afraid of standing up for itself wouldn't you go on the attack and try to do as much damage as you could.

That is all that is happening and the "Sectarian Industry" is keeping people in a job and giving them something "credible" to write about.

The lack of objectivity from the media and politicians is frightening as it is simply taken for granted that

A) There is a massive Sectarian problem in Scottish Society

B) That the blame lies squarely at Rangers door and with Protestants in general

The facts (should they ever choose to use them) would suggest differently.

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If you were a Celtic fan in the media or in politics and you knew your biggest rival was "weak" and afraid of standing up for itself wouldn't you go on the attack and try to do as much damage as you could.

That is all that is happening and the "Sectarian Industry" is keeping people in a job and giving them something "credible" to write about.

The lack of objectivity from the media and politicians is frightening as it is simply taken for granted that

A) There is a massive Sectarian problem in Scottish Society

B) That the blame lies squarely at Rangers door and with Protestants in general

The facts (should they ever choose to use them) would suggest differently.

And they have no excuse. The poppy protest last year gave us an insight to the depth of hatred which exists not only towards us, but our country and its armed forces.

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Probably but it depends on what happens during the game that will determine that imo.

I doubt that. There was a huge increase in trouble after the awful, passionless 3-0 loss at the Piggery.

There was much less trouble after the more recent World War III. :rolleyes:

Reason? There was less time for idiots to get fighting drunk.

Plus they had work the next day.

A 12.30 kick-off at the weekend is a recipe for disaster.

A 3pm one won't be much better.

The best hope is that most folk will have a few beers watching the game, then go home for their dinner.

I don't think the result, sendings-off or on-field mayhem will affect things much.

Incidentally, after that Ally-TLB bust-up the last time, everyone in the pub I was in (a mixed one) burst out laughing.

People (with a political axe to grind) greatly exaggerate the effects of passionate outbursts like that.

If truth be told, I think we all love to see a good barney! :box:

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When Andrew Smith was Editor of ra Sellik View, his nom de plume was, 'Andrew H Smith'. Oft, I wondered what ra 'H' stood for?

Yesterday's piece suggests 'Hateful'.

Obviously not 'h**' :ohmy:

Seriously though - bigotry sells papers the fact that it harms the perception of the country is a side issue to editors.

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Good article D'Artagnan. The 'bigotry' summits requested by the Police make no sense.

What I mean by this is, are we expected to assume the Domestic violence is 'Bigoted' in nature implying that partners are of a different Religion? It's a cheap Cop out (no pun intended)...

As you say, the problem lies with social deprivation, alcohol and men (generally) being arseholes. And to tackle that is a far bigger task than this exaggerated myth of Bigotry.

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The OP got it spot on. Scotlands real shame is drink and drugs. Bigotry does exsist but without drink or drugs the problem would probably just exsist as a ''bit of banter'' rather than people doing things they normally wouldnt sober.

How many people can recall fights started by any means whilst two people are sober?

And I mean impromptu fights not premeditated.

Sober fights are very few and far between

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Your points well made - domestic violence ('THe' police issue) is not bigoted (unless you go home to your spouse - who is from a different religion and beat them for that reason.

BUT Bigotry (headlines) does sell papers!

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And always has done in this country. Lets face it, many 'journalists' and newspapers have made their fortune beating the flames of bigotry to their own ends.

Not just journalists and newspapers Redmond.... as Prof Bruce pointed out - "Opinion leaders" and "politicians"

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I'm not convinced about the rise in domestic violence after Old Firm games.

Les Gray was rumbled on Newsnight by Gordon Brewer. The rumbling was along these lines. The stats are from memory, but they're not too far out.

Les Gray stated that arrests for domestic violence were 34 after the latest Old Firm game. He went on to say there were 19 on the corresponding Wednesday, without an Old Firm game.

Brewer then said that on the Wenesday preceding that, there were 31 arrests for domestic violence with NO Old Firm game. So the difference in comparing these two dates was 3. So no big difference on that a occasion.

I'd like to see all the stas on domestic violence.

Domestic violence is abhorrent. Let's have a close look at it objectively and try to reduce it, if not eliminate it. Lets have the stats Les.

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Admin query on this one - I notice that there has been responses to this article on facebook one of which I would like to respond to - I do not however have a facebook account - is it possible to respond via some Rangers media account ?

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