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I'd rather Whyte walked away!

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All i can say is that I'm likely a typical (from a financial p.o.v.) Rangers fan. I could and would put up £5,000 right away 'if' the right consortium was organised. If Whyte/Ellis ask for owt they'll get absolutely hee haw from me!

No offence mate, but if you are in a position to just put up £5000 right away I would suggest you are most certainly not a "typical" Rangers fan.

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your threads are funny :D

See, I new (that's your chance to get one back on me - go on take it!) you'd come round and end up liking me!

You'll be wanting to take me for a pint next! ;)

Btw on this Uefa Sectarian charge there's a line from Sting in one of his songs with the Police: "It's a big enough umbrella but it's ALWAYS us that end up getting wet". There, that's there for the Rangers News's next headline!

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That's like having cancer and not getting treatment as it's not a cure, just sit and wait for a cure while you slowly waste away.

This buyout may not be ideal, but we cannot wait for ideal, by then it could be too late.

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I’d rather Murray stayed in charge – for the time being…

To be honest the only takeover I want is one where Whyte (and Ellis especially) are nowhere in sight! I’d rather Murray stayed in charge of the club until a Businessman organising a ‘fans buy-out’ came to the fore. Now, I’m no lover of Capitalists but if there is a (real) Rangers supporting Capitalist out there with the right attitude the time is almost right for you to come to the fore.

What this businessman needs to ensure is that they will be a clear-out of the Murray sycophants, no more ‘David this’ and ‘David that’ asslickers like Alastair Johnston (unpaid my ass – he’ll likely get his ‘after’ ‘David’ has punted the club) and Bain! No more hiding behind business jargon to hide shenanigans in the clubs spread sheets.

I hope Whyte’s bid gets withdrawn at the last minute – for me all those fans desperate to see this takeover go through are like lemmings heading for a cliff.. Not only will Ellis and Whyte asset strip they’ll likely try and con more cash from Rangers fans too, queue headlines of “we can move forward, but only together”…

God, these are worrying times to be a Rangers fan…

i totally disagree.we have got to get shot of murray and his highly expensive flunkys as soon as possible.the mighty glasgow rangers and its long suffering supporters deserve better

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Whyte has done nothing to impress me so far, he has everything to prove.The option of remaining in the hands of an owner who will not invest in the club,has no interest in the club or fans, is not really an option at all.We need new owners,we need investment and Whyte is the only option we have.I am concerned for the future of our club under any new owner but we simply cannot remain static and do nothing.

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Wasn't meaning that ellis and whyte would ask the fans to invest, I was saying that if a fans buyout is the route that you would like to go down would you not rather the club be on much better terms financially with the takeover going through first and then see where we stand? Rather than throw out the this takeover attempt, in the off chance that a fans buyout may materialise...

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Wasn't meaning that ellis and whyte would ask the fans to invest, I was saying that if a fans buyout is the route that you would like to go down would you not rather the club be on much better terms financially with the takeover going through first and then see where we stand? Rather than throw out the this takeover attempt, in the off chance that a fans buyout may materialise...

It's a bit like queues in the Shopping Centre, you leave one to join another that looks as if it's going fast and all of a sudden that queue is shut and when you go back to your original queue...

I say let's stand a while longer and see if a new checkout operator appears, of course we can all tut-tut and hope... or we could get organised and serve ourselves!

Good wee analogy that! :clap:

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Whyte has done nothing to impress me so far, he has everything to prove.The option of remaining in the hands of an owner who will not invest in the club,has no interest in the club or fans, is not really an option at all.We need new owners,we need investment and Whyte is the only option we have.I am concerned for the future of our club under any new owner but we simply cannot remain static and do nothing.

You my friend are spot on! (tu)

Under Murray we will slowly die, as we have been the last few years. A new ownership of whyte and ellis doesnt fill me with confidence but we can only give them time and judge them on how they handle the running of the club. should he make a few bob while the rangers flourish, there will be no complaints from this bear.

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It's a bit like queues in the Shopping Centre, you leave one to join another that looks as if it's going fast and all of a sudden that queue is shut and when you go back to your original queue...

I say let's stand a while longer and see if a new checkout operator appears, of course we can all tut-tut and hope... I say let's get organised and serve ourselves!

Good wee analogy that! :clap:

I say get the wife tae dae the shopping - that's whit they're for.

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I’d rather Murray stayed in charge – for the time being…

To be honest the only takeover I want is one where Whyte (and Ellis especially) are nowhere in sight! I’d rather Murray stayed in charge of the club until a Businessman organising a ‘fans buy-out’ came to the fore. Now, I’m no lover of Capitalists but if there is a (real) Rangers supporting Capitalist out there with the right attitude the time is almost right for you to come to the fore.

What this businessman needs to ensure is that they will be a clear-out of the Murray sycophants, no more ‘David this’ and ‘David that’ asslickers like Alastair Johnston (unpaid my ass – he’ll likely get his ‘after’ ‘David’ has punted the club) and Bain! No more hiding behind business jargon to hide shenanigans in the clubs spread sheets.

I hope Whyte’s bid gets withdrawn at the last minute – for me all those fans desperate to see this takeover go through are like lemmings heading for a cliff.. Not only will Ellis and Whyte asset strip they’ll likely try and con more cash from Rangers fans too, queue headlines of “we can move forward, but only together”…

God, these are worrying times to be a Rangers fan…

You should change your username to A Horse With No Brain!

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I only read as far as the thread heading and felt I had to ask what medication you on?


Definitely not as strong as the stuff you are on son!!!

My God, you'd think people would change the patter - it's like playing Chess with Chimps! Whatever happened to originality? :pipe:

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STAT!!! :D

Away you and watch more reruns of E.R. ffs! :BELM:

I'm away now (Jesus H, if that doesn't line up a decent bit of cheek...) I have to be honest and say I'm disappointed at the level of offensiveness, I could be half pissed (another chance...) and still be more sharp than some of you lot, you must either be very young or from very polite society!

Hang your heads in shame! :craphead:

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