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Rangers fans to contact their MSPs so Salmond does not back down

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has anybody contacted their MSPS

According to leggat we have who is this pressure group.

Thursday, 16 June 2011


COCKY Celtic fans have launched a campaign to force Alex Salmond to allow them to sing songs which glorify ethnic cleansing.

And that is a measure of just how sure they are they rule the roost in Scotland, and that the law of the land does not apply to them.

But now angry Rangers fans are getting set to mobilise and contact their MSPs in a bid to force them to make sure Salmond does not back down.

The rumpus has been sparked by Celtic supporters insisting there is nothing wrong with one of their favourite songs from their IRA repertoire, The Boys of the Old Brigade.

They claim it is a song which celebrates the men who fought in the Irish Civil War.

Now they fear it will be included in the catch-all new SNP legislation first minister Salmond is trying to rush through before the start of the new season.

And that has led to the start of the Celtic supporters’s fight to enshrine The Boys of the Old Brigade as an acceptable song. They insist it is not sectarian.

That much has become clear, following a strong statement of intent on the increasingly influential Celtic fan’s website, The Celtic Underground.

This extremist site states quite clearly: “Celtic supporters have the right to sing The Boys of the Old Brigade at games.”

Yet the song is clearly indentified with the ethnic cleansing inflicted on Protestants in the south of Ireland in the 1920s, particularly in and around Cork.

This sectarian extermination pogrom by the Boys of the Old Brigade, so celebrated by Celtic supporters, has recently been put into sharp focus in Dublin.

The highly respected and much decorated Irish journalist, Kevin Myers, highlighted the atrocities committed by The Boys of the Old Brigade, in a recent piece in the Irish Independent.

Myers named a former long serving Irish politician, Martin Corry, as the leader of this particular battalion of The Boys of the Old Brigade who went on a killing spree, in a chilling forerunner of what Hitler did to the Jewish population of Europe, but with Irish Protestants as their target.

Myers wrote: “In the summer of 1920, 33 Protestants were killed in the city of Cork, and another 40 nearby.

“In 1921, IRA Units killed and ‘disappeared’ 85 people from the Protestant community, with another 26 murdered after the truce.

“Many were buried on Martin Corry’s farm. Among them, six members of the Young Men’s Christian Association in Cork, who were abducted, executed and buried there, on St Patrick’s night 1922.”

This is the reality of the deeds that would shame the devil in hell, carried out by The Boys of the Old Brigade, so admired and sung about by so many Celtic supporters.

Of course, it must be emphasised, over and over, and over again, not all of those who support Celtic admire The Boys of the Old Brigade, and want to sing their praises.

But a significant number of Celtic fans do. And they are more vociferous and better organised. They are the terrorist supporting extremists and zealots who have placed their club in peril.

For even if their highly motivated, well funded and extremely efficient campaign, faces down Alex Salmond and wins them the right to sing The Boys of the Old Brigade in Scotland, they face a harder line in Europe.

UEFA supremo, Michel Platini is an fierce foe of football being used as a vehicle for political statements.

Especially when those statements take the form of a song in praise of ethnic cleansing.

The Boys of the Old Brigade has as much of a place in football as the Horst Wessel Song.

And that is what a huge swathe of the population of Scotland will be contacting their MSPs to tell them.

And to urge them to make sure wee Eck does not cravenly cave in to those IRA terrorist supporting Celtic fans who believe they are above the law.

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Rangers fan groups have meeting reasonably regularly together for a few months now I believe - organised by the Nithsdale.

From that, I'm hoping to see better information sharing and organisation so we can face our challenges as a support together.

This new legislation (due to be presented to Parliament today) and discussed via a Stakeholder meeting in Edinburgh tomorrow is one such challenge. The new Bill is flawed and the organisation of it so far farcical. For example, the RFC fan groups were only invited on the late intervention of a concerned citizen while groups like the Orange Order and Cairde na hÉireann were already supposedly invited.

That is strange given the Bill (Offensive Behaviour in Football and Threatening Communications - to give it its full title) is football and internet related. What do these organisations have to do with this yet no fan forum administrators are invited and fan groups only very late in the day.

Leggo is right in that we must ensure our voice is heard as this 5 year old sham continues to be funded and paid lip service to by opportunity seeking politicians and public figures.

All this comes down to money and when one considers that our club (and support) are about to also be disadvantaged via new proposed Strathclyde Police Authority costing measures; one must ask why finance seems to be the sole motivation for such changes in the law - not genuine concern for a social disease which football supporters are made scapegoats for.

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Rangers fan groups have meeting reasonably regularly together for a few months now I believe - organised by the Nithsdale.

From that, I'm hoping to see better information sharing and organisation so we can face our challenges as a support together.

This new legislation (due to be presented to Parliament today) and discussed via a Stakeholder meeting in Edinburgh tomorrow is one such challenge. The new Bill is flawed and the organisation of it so far farcical. For example, the RFC fan groups were only invited on the late intervention of a concerned citizen while groups like the Orange Order and Cairde na hÉireann were already supposedly invited.

That is strange given the Bill (Offensive Behaviour in Football and Threatening Communications - to give it its full title) is football and internet related. What do these organisations have to do with this yet no fan forum administrators are invited and fan groups only very late in the day.

Leggo is right in that we must ensure our voice is heard as this 5 year old sham continues to be funded and paid lip service to by opportunity seeking politicians and public figures.

All this comes down to money and when one considers that our club (and support) are about to also be disadvantaged via new proposed Strathclyde Police Authority costing measures; one must ask why finance seems to be the sole motivation for such changes in the law - not genuine concern for a social disease which football supporters are made scapegoats for.

It is patently clear the fans groups are being paid lip service as their views are neither wanted or relevant with these new anti Protestant laws. I refuse to call them anti sectarian as they are simply a knee jerk reaction to the shite surrounding Neil Lennon.

It will be discussed in a matter of hours and like you i sincerely hope this mobilisation of fans groups continues to move forward and with unity because if it doesn't the future doesn't bear thinking about.

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It is patently clear the fans groups are being paid lip service as their views are neither wanted or relevant with these new anti Protestant laws. I refuse to call them anti sectarian as they are simply a knee jerk reaction to the shite surrounding Neil Lennon.

It will be discussed in a matter of hours and like you i sincerely hope this mobilisation of fans groups continues to move forward and with unity because if it doesn't the future doesn't bear thinking about.


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This is one instance where we should both be saying the same thing to Salmond.

Get to fuck!

You think they should be allowed to sing songs like that?

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It is patently clear the fans groups are being paid lip service as their views are neither wanted or relevant with these new anti Protestant laws. I refuse to call them anti sectarian as they are simply a knee jerk reaction to the shite surrounding Neil Lennon.

It will be discussed in a matter of hours and like you i sincerely hope this mobilisation of fans groups continues to move forward and with unity because if it doesn't the future doesn't bear thinking about.

Every Rangers fan should be worried when our First Minister is consulting Martin McGuiness on how to deal with the subject. Not to mention Christine Grahame MSP being the likely convenor of the Justice Committee tasked with progressing the Bill.

I just hope we have suitable people at this meeting tomorrow who raise sensible points on our behalf. I can't make it myself to an unavoidable prior engagement but I'm glad the fan groups were informed late in the day and trust a few of them can represent us well in the first instance.

After that, it will be up to us to lobby effectively to ensure this Bill and any other related legislations are written and enforced in a fair manner. That is all we ask.

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Every Rangers fan should be worried when our First Minister is consulting Martin McGuiness on how to deal with the subject. Not to mention Christine Grahame MSP being the likely convenor of the Justice Committee tasked with progressing the Bill.

I just hope we have suitable people at this meeting tomorrow who raise sensible points on our behalf. I can't make it myself to an unavoidable prior engagement but I'm glad the fan groups were informed late in the day and trust a few of them can represent us well in the first instance.

After that, it will be up to us to lobby effectively to ensure this Bill and any other related legislations are written and enforced in a fair manner. That is all we ask.

Aided and abetted by Republican Rosie...Frank Mulholland and ol Bug eyes himself.

We don't stand a chance and we all know it Frankie.

The minute you manouvere yourself in to a position where you not only influence the law but have the power to implement it then it will be used to assist one side of the divide.

And asking for it to implemented fairly...as much chance of that happening as "Candles" smith intervening and telling Paul unFair to cancel the IRA singsong in Alloa Town Hall this weekend.

It doesn't mean we give up though and i for one will be doing my bit tonight and hopefully elsewhere in the future should my circumstances allow.

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Aided and abetted by Republican Rosie...Frank Mulholland and ol Bug eyes himself.

We don't stand a chance and we all know it Frankie.

The minute you manouvere yourself in to a position where you not only influence the law but have the power to implement it then it will be used to assist one side of the divide.

And asking for it to implemented fairly...as much chance of that happening as "Candles" smith intervening and telling Paul unFair to cancel the IRA singsong in Alloa Town Hall this weekend.

It doesn't mean we give up though and i for one will be doing my bit tonight and hopefully elsewhere in the future should my circumstances allow.

More power to your elbow mate!

Let's hope we can all do our bit and show we won't allow these people to ride roughshod over us.

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Aided and abetted by Republican Rosie...Frank Mulholland and ol Bug eyes himself.

We don't stand a chance and we all know it Frankie.

The minute you manouvere yourself in to a position where you not only influence the law but have the power to implement it then it will be used to assist one side of the divide.

And asking for it to implemented fairly...as much chance of that happening as "Candles" smith intervening and telling Paul unFair to cancel the IRA singsong in Alloa Town Hall this weekend.

It doesn't mean we give up though and i for one will be doing my bit tonight and hopefully elsewhere in the future should my circumstances allow.

I wonder if Hugh Jack a local boy will be in attendance. Surley if he did this would be Press worthy you lazy Mhedia cunts.

IRA pair who plotted City `fireball' jailed

Secrecy surrounding joint MI5 and police operation criticised `The device was of truly devastating capacity for harm'


Saturday, 21 January 1995

Two IRA terrorists who planned to set off a Semtex fireball bomb in central London were given a combined jail sentence of 45 years yesterday.

Robert Fryers, 44, was jailed for 25 years and Hugh Jack, 37, for 20 years after they were convicted at the Old Bailey of conspiring to cause explosions.

Their plans for a bombing campaign in Britain were foiled by the first anti-IRA operation run jointly by MI5 and the police.

The case, however, has raised serious questions about future trials involving MI5 after details of the operation had to be kept secret for "security reasons".

Sentencing the men, in what may be one of the last IRA trials, Mrs Justice Ebsworth, said: "You are both shown to be ruthless and remorseless men -prepared to wreak havoc in people's lives, as well as economic destruction."

Armed police ambushed Fryers, from Belfast, in July 1993 as he waited at a bus stop in London with a bomb in his bag. The device, which police believe was intended to be planted in the capital's financial centre - possibly a pub - was made of two-and-a-half kilograms of Semtex high-explosive and petrol. The judge said: "It was a device which was of truly devastating capacity for causing death, serious injury and destruction. On explosion, the debris or shrapnel could be thrown hundreds of metres.''

The petrol meant that "there could have been a fireball and those in range would have no chance of escaping harm, injury or possible death".

Fryers smiled and gave his lawyers a thumbs-up sign before being led to the cells. He told the court: "When I came to this country I believed what I was doing was right, and still believe that."

he hoped that the peace process would work "and will be just and lasting and free from British interference".

Jack, from Sauchie, near Alloa, central Scotland, showed no emotion as he was sentenced.

The judge told Jack that he had gone into bombing campaign "with your eyes wide open".

The two men made unlikely terrorists. Fryers, a former night club bouncer, was indiscreet, while Jack had a string of convictions for drunken brawls.

From the very first day, the terrorists, based in a council flat in Sauchie, were under surveillance by MI5 and police from three forces.

The authorities believed the IRA's aim was to penetrate the "ring of steel" set up to protect the City of London. They had enough explosives for a further six bombs.

Fryers was arrested in London with the first bomb. Jack, who hid bomb-making equipment in a wood, was arrested shortly afterwards.

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You think they should be allowed to sing songs like that?

Doesn't bother me one bit what they sing. I've been hearing it all for years and have been giving it back in spades.

I've not been traumatised as of yet. :rolleyes:

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We should be allowed to sing whatever the fuck we want , rangers and celtic :lol:

'Sectarianism' has only increased outside the grounds because theyve tried so hard to get out of the stadium, before what happened in the stadium usually stayed inside the stadium. Because we aint even allowed that these days, its kicking off all over the place.

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They should be able to sing it and we should be able to sing The Billy Boys. They're just songs ffs.


But the wheels have been set in motion with Celtic Pressure groups that seem to grow strength when Rangers were successful at home and in europe.

If they do not reap the whirlwind that they have created then something well and truly stinks.

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The fact that anyone should even feel the need to draw links between IRA songs and the likes of Martin Corry and his atrocities is absurd. They shouldn't be allowed to sing about the IRA because the IRA as we know it today (and I don't give a fuck if any Celtic fan tries to claim they are singing about the old IRA - given that they mix in their chants of PIRA they are tacitly supporting the new) is a proscribed terrorist organisation, the public support of which, at a football ground or anywhere else, is a criminal offence punishable by a custodial sentence.

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The fact that anyone should even feel the need to draw links between IRA songs and the likes of Martin Corry and his atrocities is absurd. They shouldn't be allowed to sing about the IRA because the IRA as we know it today (and I don't give a fuck if any Celtic fan tries to claim they are singing about the old IRA - given that they mix in their chants of PIRA they are tacitly supporting the new) is a proscribed terrorist organisation, the public support of which, at a football ground or anywhere else, is a criminal offence punishable by a custodial sentence.

Yeah but it should be sectarian no matter what IRA, Old, new, provisional, continuity, I cant believe its not the IRA.

Anyone they all stink with sectarian killings.

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The fact that anyone should even feel the need to draw links between IRA songs and the likes of Martin Corry and his atrocities is absurd. They shouldn't be allowed to sing about the IRA because the IRA as we know it today (and I don't give a fuck if any Celtic fan tries to claim they are singing about the old IRA - given that they mix in their chants of PIRA they are tacitly supporting the new) is a proscribed terrorist organisation, the public support of which, at a football ground or anywhere else, is a criminal offence punishable by a custodial sentence.


Would be fun to sing Al-Quaeda songs or to glorify Bin Laden and see how people react at that

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Yeah but it should be sectarian no matter what IRA, Old, new, provisional, continuity, I cant believe its not the IRA.

Anyone they all stink with sectarian killings.

Oh and its not by the way

Off-duty cop 'sang IRA songs at taxi rank', court hears

Nov 9 2010

An OFF-DUTY cop faced up to a colleague who was singing IRA songs on a night out, a court heard yesterday.

Ian Cameron said he stepped in when Christopher Halaka sparked an angry reaction by singing sectarian songs as he approached a taxi rank.

He said he was trying to calm down Halaka, 31, and his uncle Laurence Winters, 43.

Perth Sheriff Court heard that Mr Cameron, who was at a football team reunion in the city, told the men to stop singing.

The Paisley CID officer added that a woman in the taxi queue also told them to stop.

He added: "Both were shouting at the same time. It was words to the effect of, 'What's it got to do with you?' and, 'We'll sing what we want, mind your own business'."

The court was told that Mr Cameron told them he was a police officer and, when he produced his warrant card, one of them tried to grab it.

He said he phoned Tayside Police when another group of men came forward to confront the men.

Halaka, who is also a cop with Strathclyde, and Winters both deny religiously provoked breach of the peace.

The trial will continue next month.

25 March 2011

Strathclyde Police officer guilty breach of the peace

Christopher Halaka is a Pc at Strathclyde Police

Continue reading the main story

Related Stories

Pc charged over pro-IRA chanting

A police officer has been found guilty of breaching the peace after he was heard shouting and swearing and challenged by an off-duty colleague.

Christopher Halaka, 31, was drunk on a night out in Perth with his uncle when they were heard singing songs.

But a sheriff ruled that Halaka had not wanted to cause "ill-will" to a particular group and deleted religious aggravation from the charge.

Halaka will now face an internal inquiry by Strathclyde Police.

Both Halaka and his uncle Laurence Winters, 43, were fined £250.

They had been charged with committing a breach of the peace aggravated by religious prejudice in central Perth on 28 December 2009.

Sheriff Mark Stewart deleted the reference to religious aggravation before finding them guilty of breaching the peace.

He said: "It is the verdict of the court that a breach of the peace has been proved against both of you. You conducted yourself in a disorderly manner and shouted and swore.

"It was a breach of the peace in a public street and caused offence to members of the public who had been enjoying the night out.

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Yeah but it should be sectarian no matter what IRA, Old, new, provisional, continuity, I cant believe its not the IRA.

Anyone they all stink with sectarian killings.

Well, their argument, justified by the stated aims if not the actions of the IRA, would be that it isn't constitutionally a sectarian organisation. They can make no such arguments about its status as a terrorist organisation.

Their excuses - ignorant at best and intellectually dishonest at worst - that the songs are political rather than sectarian still holds no water in terms of whether or not they should be sung, because sectarianism is not the only thing that ought to be considered inappropriate and even criminal in the football stands, terrorism should too. And they seem to be treated with a surprisingly light hand considering how often and how obviously the commit this offence.

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