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Its Time To Invest In The Community.


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With our financial woes in recent years and major cuts happening at the club very soon, we should be going to schools within the west of Scotland and perhaps beyond and looking for the best young talent we can find.

I understand this gets done within boys clubs etc, but it doesn't get done enough. Instead of having parents fork out 100 quid for a shitty summer camp, have open days at local football fields, schools etc. Get kids interested in playing football again instead of playing the Xbox. Make them feel wanted.

Now more than ever, we need to be trying doubley hard to find talent, and in the mean time, maybe doing something good for the community.

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With our financial woes in recent years and major cuts happening at the club very soon, we should be going to schools within the west of Scotland and perhaps beyond and looking for the best young talent we can find.

I understand this gets done within boys clubs etc, but it doesn't get done enough. Instead of having parents fork out 100 quid for a shitty summer camp, have open days at local football fields, schools etc. Get kids interested in playing football again instead of playing the Xbox. Make them feel wanted.

Now more than ever, we need to be trying doubley hard to find talent, and in the mean time, maybe doing something good for the community.

Nice idea but one which I feel would be destined to fail. Scottish culture would not allow for such long term projects to succeed. It's a sad fact of life but that is the shit hole that we live in. I cant see it changing anytime soon.

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With our financial woes in recent years and major cuts happening at the club very soon, we should be going to schools within the west of Scotland and perhaps beyond and looking for the best young talent we can find.

I understand this gets done within boys clubs etc, but it doesn't get done enough. Instead of having parents fork out 100 quid for a shitty summer camp, have open days at local football fields, schools etc. Get kids interested in playing football again instead of playing the Xbox. Make them feel wanted.

Now more than ever, we need to be trying doubley hard to find talent, and in the mean time, maybe doing something good for the community.

It is the only way forward from here. Very well said 00000042.gif

At Rangers we need to lead the way and drag Scottish football with us. For the good of the whole of Scottish football but ultimately for the good of Rangers!

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Nice idea but one which I feel would be destined to fail. Scottish culture would not allow for such long term projects to succeed. It's a sad fact of life but that is the shit hole that we live in. I cant see it changing anytime soon.

No offense mate, but you have hit the nail on the head there. ATTITUDE is the problem, and if the attitude is, that everything is destined to fail, then that is exactly what will happen! It's amazing what can be achieved when everyone pulls in the same direction.

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It was time to do it 20 years ago and I imagine we'll still be calling for it 20 years from now.

You are right, but 20 years ago we where spending millions on jonny foreigner, while letting our kids get fat. Clubs don't interact with the fans or community anymore, and its never too late to start.

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There are many smaller clubs in Scotland who do this to an extent, but even those clubs normally charge for their camps and classes.

Offering these things for free should be left up to the government and the SFA rather than removing a revenue stream for already struggling clubs in Scotland.

I do though think that schools need to be at the heart of it all. These new football schools across the Country may be a start but there is not enough of them. Time to bring back (or promote) competitive schools games. Performance football can be left to the clubs where scores arent kept and there is no league but games at school should be as fiercly contested as they where when I was at school. Just my opinion.

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Kids should be taught not to play to win but to play for enjoyment and to become better technical players rather than hoof ball, now a days alot of teams/coaches/parents just want to win rather than develop talent. Being 6 foot tall and well built is seen as being better than having skill on the ball. Kids shouldn't play 11 a side until they are into 12-13 age range, playing on smaller pitches with less players means more time on the ball to develop.

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There are many smaller clubs in Scotland who do this to an extent, but even those clubs normally charge for their camps and classes.

Offering these things for free should be left up to the government and the SFA rather than removing a revenue stream for already struggling clubs in Scotland.

I do though think that schools need to be at the heart of it all. These new football schools across the Country may be a start but there is not enough of them. Time to bring back (or promote) competitive schools games. Performance football can be left to the clubs where scores arent kept and there is no league but games at school should be as fiercly contested as they where when I was at school. Just my opinion.

So what happens to the kids that have got talent, but there parents can't afford to send them to the summer camp. As has happened before, they slip through the net.

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No offense mate, but you have hit the nail on the head there. ATTITUDE is the problem, and if the attitude is, that everything is destined to fail, then that is exactly what will happen! It's amazing what can be achieved when everyone pulls in the same direction.

I dont mean to be a negative nelly, mate but I have seen so many initiatives fail due to apathy and not just in football but in all walks of like.

I would like nothing better than to see a nation of youngsters (and oldies) playing sports. I have been part of groups that try to change things but what ultimately happens is everybody thinks its a great idea then leaves it for one or two highly motivated individuals to do all the donkey work while the rest revert back to uninterested/ apathetic.

How do you change the mindset of a nation? I have tried at a local level but you end up banging your head of a brick wall. Everywhere you turn there are barriers. Politicians aren't interested because there isn't enough interest amongst the community, the community doesn't get involved because they want someone to 'do it for them' and the vicious circle goes on and on.

It would be fantastic if Rangers were to lead an initiative like this but they could only do it with the support of the community and Government and I fear both would be sadly lacking.

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Can mind at one time lots of our top players came from schoolboy or junior football.

Shettleston, Drumchapel to name but two

Football and Society have changed dramatically and i doubt you will ever see the kind of numbers and quality again that we had in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's

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Shettleston, Drumchapel to name but two

Football and Society have changed dramatically and i doubt you will ever see the kind of numbers and quality again that we had in the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's

As you both mention, never see them back again . The clubs now are like trawlers fishing at sea, cast their nets haul them in and then throw away the ones they don't need/want. i for one loved school football. Used to turn down offers to play for people like harmony Row as they clashed with the school games. That changed in 3rd year when those clubs at that age played in the afternoon. recall many a great goal I scored against teams like Campsie,Drum Amateurs and the like.

Need to go and look out those paper clippings now :D

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As you both mention, never see them back again . The clubs now are like trawlers fishing at sea, cast their nets haul them in and then throw away the ones they don't need/want. i for one loved school football. Used to turn down offers to play for people like harmony Row as they clashed with the school games. That changed in 3rd year when those clubs at that age played in the afternoon. recall many a great goal I scored against teams like Campsie,Drum Amateurs and the like.

Need to go and look out those paper clippings now :D

Schools Football being stopped had a seriously detrimental effect on Scottish Football as a whole.

It used to be Boys Club, School , Paisley and District and BB and it was literally 4 or 5 games per week sometimes two per day at the weekend. We simply lived for football and in our favour was the fact there were no other sports vying for your talents.

Parks were plentiful as were areas to play on. Costs were relatively cheap which helped Schools and Boys Clubs to play as many games as they did.

Money is in my eyes though the biggest obstacele for sport in general. As councils find themselves having to make cuts after cuts it is inevitable that the first thing to suffer is the non essential services like leisure.

Like i said the Scottish Government has a crucial role to play in stimulating interest in our national game. They have to find the funds required to ease the burden on clubs and local authorities to make it cheaper and more enjoyable to watch and to build the relevant facilities required to get kids interested and playing the game in their formative years.

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Schools Football being stopped had a seriously detrimental effect on Scottish Football as a whole.

It used to be Boys Club, School , Paisley and District and BB and it was literally 4 or 5 games per week sometimes two per day at the weekend. We simply lived for football and in our favour was the fact there were no other sports vying for your talents.

Parks were plentiful as were areas to play on. Costs were relatively cheap which helped Schools and Boys Clubs to play as many games as they did.

Money is in my eyes though the biggest obstacele for sport in general. As councils find themselves having to make cuts after cuts it is inevitable that the first thing to suffer is the non essential services like leisure.

Like i said the Scottish Government has a crucial role to play in stimulating interest in our national game. They have to find the funds required to ease the burden on clubs and local authorities to make it cheaper and more enjoyable to watch and to build the relevant facilities required to get kids interested and playing the game in their formative years.

If they had a will they would find a way. Could link it in with health budget , as after all we hear is the drain on the health service re obesity.

We still get the pundits giving it aww well computer games and all that. Kids are still playing football, it is organised football that is suffering as in the reason mentioned in your post. Other reasons that can be included are this PC correctness brigade , that teachers would be worried sick as would schools and clubs if a kid got injured and the American culture of suing at the least thing has arrived and settled on these shores.

This guys who still run youth teams huge respect for re the time and money the put into it and the examination they have to go through by safety fro children regime (have no qualms about this, only saying the fact that these people allow themselves to be looked into)

David Cameron what has happened to the I am going to get rid off all this over the top political correctness.

So wee fat alex(anyone wanting a signed sandy thom cd)salmond , instead of having your fat face stuck between tow cans of irn bru, proclaiming yourself as the saviour of that drink!!

Get you act together and get schools playing football and watch the obesity levels fall in kids through time and save money on your health expenditure. or wee eck the extra from the goons are you only interested in results today , to get your face plastered all over the papers.

I wonder if eh has an official salmond scrap book employee.

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I gave up youth football coaching for two reasons.

Taking a group of Under 16's for two years and in that time we were involved in numerous touchline "incidents" and intimidation from rival fans and parents.

Secondly when one of our players broke his leg we had no First Aid available and the parent literally attacked me and my mate when he got us as if it was our fault. One belt later on his chin and i managed to stop him in his tracks and explain that it was the Boys Club who were at fault not us. We were just helpers or there was no team.

Would still love to coach youngsters again some day but having to go through all this Disclosure Scotland crap puts me right off.

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Can mind the amount of teams that Possil YM had when i stayed in Possil. Not sur if they are still on the go as i moved away many years ago.

Think they are still up and running. I remember when Bob Dinnie asked to to come and play for them , always had the best of gear Arsenal sponsored them in those days. But as a Kinning Park boy Possil was a trek in those days

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I gave up youth football coaching for two reasons.

Taking a group of Under 16's for two years and in that time we were involved in numerous touchline "incidents" and intimidation from rival fans and parents.

Secondly when one of our players broke his leg we had no First Aid available and the parent literally attacked me and my mate when he got us as if it was our fault. One belt later on his chin and i managed to stop him in his tracks and explain that it was the Boys Club who were at fault not us. We were just helpers or there was no team.

Would still love to coach youngsters again some day but having to go through all this Disclosure Scotland crap puts me right off.

Raise my :beer1: and big (tu) to you an your buddy and as I mentioned before to all those guys that run these teams and I have no doubt the vast majority have been through what you have been through .

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I got sick and tired of all the shouting and aggression from the touchlines ranting to their players about "getting stuck in" kick that bas*ard" blah blah blah.

What i also found difficult to deal with was the really talented young boys we had who should have gone on to much bigger things but wanted to drink and smoke with their mates.

Scottish Culture really is depressing as there is no way out of this drink and drugs culture and the idea that if you want something why work for it.

Would much rather work with 6 to 8 year old kids who want to play to listen and learn but most of all just want to kick a ball around a park.

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Kids should be taught not to play to win but to play for enjoyment and to become better technical players rather than hoof ball, now a days alot of teams/coaches/parents just want to win rather than develop talent. Being 6 foot tall and well built is seen as being better than having skill on the ball. Kids shouldn't play 11 a side until they are into 12-13 age range, playing on smaller pitches with less players means more time on the ball to develop.

This is actually what happens at the moment, well at pro youth level anyway. Up to U15s is trophy free and players play 7 a side up to the age of U11's. Then at U12's (the age group I work at) the first half of the season is 7 a side and the second half is 11 a side before the boys move to 11 a side properly at U13s.

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