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Saturday Leggoland


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Saturday, 17 December 2011


ODIOUS CREEP is at the centre of a devious and dangerous Celtic plot to identify reporters by secretly photographing them in order to place them in harm’s way.

Rebel Celtic supporter Matt McGlone, one of his Parkhead pals, and Philmacgiollabhain are the others involved in this sinister scheme to threaten the Scottish press when reporters try to report on the now out of control Celtic supporters.

However, I can now exclusively reveal what is going on and Celtic, armed with the information, can take whatever action they deem appropriate. It will provide the perfect opportunity for newspapers to discover whether Celtic chief executive can match his fighting words with stern action.

The Celtic plot kicked off when a supporter at the match in Italy on Thursday, whose seat was near the press box, overheard one diligent and conscientious reporter on the telephone to his office to alert them to the F+++ UEFA banner and the flares let off by Celtic supporters, and to warn his newspaper to prepare space for the story about this latest breach of UEFA regulations by those who follow Celtic.

This furious fan immediately contacted rebel fanzine, Not the View, editor, Matt McGlone. McGlone forwarded the message to Philmacgiollabhain, complete with advice on how to identify the reporter.

Apparently the reporter was sitting next to a well known journalistic face, and the McGlone advice was for the Celtic supporter at the game to take a picture of the hack whose professionalism so offended. Presumably the next step would have been to post the picture on the internet. At which stage the reporter’s powerful newspaper would no doubt have contacted the police. They may still do that.

However, it is what McGlone said next which should alarm every good, honest, hard working hack on the sports beat in Scotland.

McGlone revealed that he would get in touch with his pal Odious Creep and ask him to identify the reporter. Creep was in the press box working on behalf of the Times of London’s Scottish edition.

This was extremely revealing as it lifted the lid and shone a light on the sort of relationship which exists between Odious Creep and the wilder elements of the Celtic support.

That is something which Peter Lawwell would do well to consider as he draws up his blueprint to weed out these rebel rabble rousers. That is to say, if Lawwell is as good as his word.

Now, I know the identity of the reporter being targeted by McGlone and was in touch with him on Friday morning to warn him that he may be attacked at the airport.

As it was, those Celtic supporters had a more juicy target….Lawwell was the man in the firing line of their insults and threats.

It is not known whether or not McGlone did contact Odious Creep and if he did, if Creep named the reporter. Certainly some of Creep’s behaviour in Italy verged on the bizarre, especially the night before the game when - as is his habit – Creep was seriously well over-refreshed.

But even if he did not, the fact that Matt McGlone believed his relationship with Creep was close enough and that Creep is sufficiently in tune with the Boys of the Old Brigade, for him to even ask, must be a matter of some concern to reporters who are forced to share their working environment with the slothful, highly unprofessional and now seemingly dangerously irrational, Odious Creep.

Fortunately he is slinking away from the Times of London’s Scottish edition. A number of reporters have expressed their delight, coupled with the hope that they won’t be seeing him again.

Maybe he can head for the Republic of Ireland and hole up with his pal Philmacghiollabhain, taking his other best buddy, Matt McGlone, with him

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Replied to this in another post but..........

Immediate thought I had when reading it. These people have to really come and live in the real world. Everyone knows who they are, so easy to get them banged to right.

I wonder what lawell is thinking now that the new chairman has gone public on their fans. Lawell seems to have had an all seeing eye with regards to what comments come from that place. Apart of course for that uncouth previous chairman who sang from same hymn sheet.

I hope that this reporter is backed to the hilt by his employers and that they turn their attentions to getting the full facts and name names then allow the police to do their job.

Regarding alleged intimidation and possible threats.

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Well apart from the fact that most reporters actually print their names in articles they write and have easily found profiles .....

.... and apart from the fact that OC did nothing....

...... is there actually anything in this story? Leggoland is becoming a must read for the sheer banality and incredulidity of his rants - blogs

Conspiracy Loyal: I do believe it branch

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I'm not totally convinced by Leggat if I'm being honest.

His articles are well written but I sometimes think he gets a lot of kudos simply for being on 'our side' so to speak.

Is he any better than the pro-Celtic writers than hang around the internet without getting a staffing contract?

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Well apart from the fact that most reporters actually print their names in articles they write and have easily found profiles .....

.... and apart from the fact that OC did nothing....

...... is there actually anything in this story? Leggoland is becoming a must read for the sheer banality and incredulidity of his rants - blogs

Conspiracy Loyal: I do believe it branch

Lost for words this time, try getting in to the real world.

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Wether leggo is mad as some say or just a sick and fed up fan like others I enjoy his wee snippets, factual or jumping the gun he certainly brings discussions to the table and little bits of info no one seems privvy too, if it was transfer info then he would have to take a back seat on this aite

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Lost for words this time, try getting in to the real world.

Real world - I am there - Leggo is rabidly (EDIT THat was a dyslexia typo but Freudian all the same -- meant to say rapidly) leaving it!

Did you actually read the article ? Its stunningly bad (IMHO of course)

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Spiers: "The lunacy of the Celtic support here in Italy tonight, in chucking flares onto the track and their ‘F*** Uefa’ banner, was staggering."

This does have a bit of conspiracy theory about it... "Celtic fans are uniting with the two people I have attacked on my blog"

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I'm not totally convinced by Leggat if I'm being honest.

His articles are well written but I sometimes think he gets a lot of kudos simply for being on 'our side' so to speak.

Is he any better than the pro-Celtic writers than hang around the internet without getting a staffing contract?

does he have to be?

its also not like hes never worked or indeed still doesn't work for a paper.

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After reading that I will be somewhat surprised if Leggat doesn't get sued for libel/defamation (not sure which one is for print).

That blog reads like a classic case for proving paranoia.

His story seems to come from the heart of a conversation between a fan, McGloan & MurderPhil & then insinuating that Speirs is involved. The first obvious question for me is ... how did he become aware of this conversation, i doubt any of the participants would tell him.

However, for me, his insinuation regarding the involvement of Speirs is staggering, he has such a hard-on for this guy that he appears somewhat unhinged in his constant reporting (belittling) of him ... did Speirs shag his ma or something ??

I like Leggat, I do like that he is on "our side" but I put him in the same category as Big Bad Phil, yes Leggat was a respected journalist but now he just seems like a rabid blogger pandering to his slavering readership, who is a little jealous of his "obsession"

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