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becoming a laughing stock


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They are two of the better ones ffs, have you forgot O'Connor, Davidson, Riordan, McAuley, Mehmet........

Nuts, just because we are SPL, doesnt mean we need to settle for the lowest of the low, we are still biggest and richest within the SPL, we can do better than O'connor and Sandaza ffs.

Its lazy scouting imo coupled with jhournos taking the piss out of an easy target.

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Ally needs to go im afriad. and we need to think long and hard about bringing in a manager that has been impressing and can bring through youth. If their teams play good football that would be a bonus.

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It doesnt have to be, blaming the game in this country is a poor excuse for our own clubs failings. (tu)

There is no money in the game, and you see the mess that Murray left us in. But Ally cost us money in Europe and also bought players and will not play them.

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Ally needs to go im afriad. and we need to think long and hard about bringing in a manager that has been impressing and can bring through youth. If their teams play good football that would be a bonus.

This! we have to bring through young players and sell them on to the English League. It is a sad fact but if we are doing this we can bring in better players into the squad. I am reserving judgement on Ally but if things continue as they are on Monday and we lose/draw i am sorry to say i would feel he has to go.

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it is a sad state of affairs.

but to be honest, we are the SCOTTISH premier league. We can not compete, and never will be able to again.

I dont really agree with that. Sure, its extremely unlikely that any Scottish club can ever win the CL again, but apart from that, there are clubs who in theory are much smaller than us who can win the UEFA Cup and there is no reason we cant be in there. There is absolutely no reason we cant put together a team that can steamroller the SPL of course, which is always going to be the bread and butter whether we like it or not. The key is, we have to raise a large proportion of our players and we simply aren't doing that because the managers we have had recently would prefer to play duffers. Thats the sad thing. And also look to sign players with a sell on value. Another sad fact is that the days of players spending 20 years at the same club are long gone.

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There is no money in the game, and you see the mess that Murray left us in. But Ally cost us money in Europe and also bought players and will not play them.

Money is what is ruining the game in other countries, it also almost ruined us. What we need is not money, our rivals dont have money, we dont need money, what we need is a real manager with real coaches who know how to and who want to play football the right way, excite fans, create excitement and belief amongst our huge family, do that and we will win together.

It doesnt take millions to pass and move, show desire, shoot on sight, beat your man, tackle, cross a ball, even score from a set piece, it doesnt cost millions to do the basics, it doesnt cost millions to beat the St Middens and Kilmarnocks.

Money, or lack of it, is not our problem, we have the 2nd highest budget and turnover in the country, we have resources our opponents in this league can only dream of.

We are not struggling to compete with the worlds best anymore, we are struggling to overcome this league and Europes poorest teams and its not because of a lack of money.


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TBH irrelevant of our budget we can still find good quality players. Its down to the current manager and his assistants that we are being linked with the pish we are being linked with just now and the stinking players we have been signing.

If we had a GOOD scouting network we would be uncovering good quality players available at a reasonable fee

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There is no money in the game, and you see the mess that Murray left us in. But Ally cost us money in Europe and also bought players and will not play them.

But there has never been money in the scottish game and in fact in the past we lost a hell of a lot more players to England than we do now and still managed to produce quality players, even at clubs like Clydebank and Raith Rovers, can anyone honestly say they could see those kind of clubs produce the likes of Cooper and Baxter again?

Ok. we're never going to be able to afford what you might call the elite players, but there are surely players out there if we look in the right markets that can come in a do a job for a while before being sold on for a nice big profit. If we're run properly I dont see any reason we cant use the lure of the English leagues for players to be stepping stones to. I know that doesnt sit well with a lot of us who think we shouldnt be stepping stones for anyone but thats the modern world I'm afraid and we are not using our position in that world to its best effect.

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It doesnt have to be, blaming the game in this country is a poor excuse for our own clubs failings. (tu)

Cannot believe our record in europe since the UEFA Final, without checking we have played 22 games in Europe since have a guess how many we have won ?

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what has happened to this great club when i look at some of the names we are supposed to be linked to like sutter and sendoza its a joke we are now being linked to players who are not even third raters

Was curry shop not fish shop tonight, nothing fish based ;)

You do well to wonder.

Suggest we've been getting by now, realistically since end of the PLG experiment.

Complete lack of strategy, I guess in part through an owner who was looking to sell & a manager who came in to 'steady the ship'

then was 'on his way out'.

Let's face it, Walter's failure to deliver 10 in a row was down to living in the present, with little/no thought to the future, which led to a team 'dying on it's feet' - that was when we HAD cash to spend on freshening things up!

Not hard to see that the future played little part in the thinking within Ibrox over last couple of years, so we see a team dying on it's feet again.

This is why we bring players through Auchenhowie & see them moving elsewhere, like Wilson, McGeough or now Bendiksen as they don't want to hit the limbo state where Fleck, McMillan, Hutton & so on find themselves due to selection by clique.

If the strategy's to be a selling club, so be it - develop then so 2-3 are ready for 1st team each year, 2-3 are just below that level & can be sold for realistic transfer fees/development recompense.

Then put those who are right into the 1st team - we'd probably see a massive rise in quality of candidate for Auchenhowie if we could show lads actually got through in decent numbers, or could go on to a good career elsewhere.

We top up with 2/3 signings a year from elsewhere at sensible money instead of picking up a random half dozen like this year who have been more hit than miss.

Guys get into 1st team at a good age, get a year or two's experience of real play, not just the bench, & can be sold for decent money to feed the cycle.

Guess we're kinda stuck with tax case & other financial woes kicking about, so hand to mouth may be the order of the day for a while yet, but financial implications of failure & missing out on Euro money are too serious to carry on like this.

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Was curry shop not fish shop tonight, nothing fish based ;)

You do well to wonder.

Suggest we've been getting by now, realistically since end of the PLG experiment.

Complete lack of strategy, I guess in part through an owner who was looking to sell & a manager who came in to 'steady the ship'

then was 'on his way out'.

Let's face it, Walter's failure to deliver 10 in a row was down to living in the present, with little/no thought to the future, which led to a team 'dying on it's feet' - that was when we HAD cash to spend on freshening things up!

Not hard to see that the future played little part in the thinking within Ibrox over last couple of years, so we see a team dying on it's feet again.

This is why we bring players through Auchenhowie & see them moving elsewhere, like Wilson, McGeough or now Bendiksen as they don't want to hit the limbo state where Fleck, McMillan, Hutton & so on find themselves due to selection by clique.

If the strategy's to be a selling club, so be it - develop then so 2-3 are ready for 1st team each year, 2-3 are just below that level & can be sold for realistic transfer fees/development recompense.

Then put those who are right into the 1st team - we'd probably see a massive rise in quality of candidate for Auchenhowie if we could show lads actually got through in decent numbers, or could go on to a good career elsewhere.

We top up with 2/3 signings a year from elsewhere at sensible money instead of picking up a random half dozen like this year who have been more hit than miss.

Guys get into 1st team at a good age, get a year or two's experience of real play, not just the bench, & can be sold for decent money to feed the cycle.

Guess we're kinda stuck with tax case & other financial woes kicking about, so hand to mouth may be the order of the day for a while yet, but financial implications of failure & missing out on Euro money are too serious to carry on like this.

Walter should have won 10 in a row with his eyes shut, plus he got enough money to do it.

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what has happened to this great club when i look at some of the names we are supposed to be linked to like sutter and sendoza its a joke we are now being linked to players who are not even third raters

Sandaza would be ok if he was here to play alongside Jelavic. better than some of the shite i heard from our own fans like.

O'Connor, Davidson, Mehmet.

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