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On what basis?

Bartley got caught out at times vs Motherwell, against a decent winger(not the over-hyped Jamie Murphy) he would have been found out.

Broadfoot as limited as he is has shown he can do a job at RB, whilst Whittaker offers an outlet and width even if his crossing is terrible. I'd rather play both out there than Kyle. If Kirk goes, hopefully we bring someone in because Ally won't play McMillan.

Granted, he's not a natural rb, but he is imo a better footballer than Broadfoot and could grow into the role. As for Whittaker, defensively he's a car crash. He should be used only as a winger, if at all

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How whittaker got that 5 year deal at the start of the season is beyond me! a 2 year deal would have done. hes shocking defensivly and never goes to the by line always when attacking always cuts inside running into trouble. Bartley is a far better footballer without doubt.

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I would let him go for 300k.

I wouldn't, if there are more than one Championship club looking at him I'd be trying to push the price up around the million pound mark. If Aberdeen can get 250 grand for Foster theres no way we should be accepting the same kind of price for Broadfoot.

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How whittaker got that 5 year deal at the start of the season is beyond me! a 2 year deal would have done. hes shocking defensivly and never goes to the by line always when attacking always cuts inside running into trouble. Bartley is a far better footballer without doubt.

Spot on m8. Whittaker should not play at right back again and should be played further forward (Right or Left midfield). The first thing a defender has to do is defend and Bartley does this a hundred times better than Whittaker plus Bartley gives a better platform to start the play than Whittaker because he is a better passer and more comfortable on the ball.

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