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BBC breaking news


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Our defeat is breaking news on the home pages of the bbc website :anguish:

Never seen that before in my life, bastards rubbing it it.


I never thought I would, but I've stopped using the BBC website for sport related news. There are plenty others out there that are far better, more accurate and up to date. And who aren't Rangers haters (although they are getting few and far between).

Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Just don't clik on Rangers-hating websites - it makes for a far more enjoyable life. :beer1:

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I never thought I would, but I've stopped using the BBC website for sport related news. There are plenty others out there that are far better, more accurate and up to date. And who aren't Rangers haters (although they are getting few and far between).

Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Just don't clik on Rangers-hating websites - it makes for a far more enjoyable life. :beer1:

Are you aware our Manager is back talking to them now ???

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Maybe he prefers to read a wide-range of views on the subject, using the information he gathers to form an opinion. ;)

Tbh Casey I Dont trust any news outlets. And thats nothing to do with Rangers or Craig Whyte. The press and media in this country (Britain) are a disgrace frankly. For instance, look at what the Sun editor felt was front page material yesterday.

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Tbh Casey I Dont trust any news outlets. And thats nothing to do with Rangers or Craig Whyte. The press and media in this country (Britain) are a disgrace frankly. For instance, look at what the Sun editor felt was front page material yesterday.

I don't blame you, mate, thereares a fair amount of crooks and chancers within their ranks. There are also some fantastic journalists, mostly outwith the tabloids.

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I don't blame you, mate, thereares a fair amount of crooks and chancers within their ranks. There are also some fantastic journalists, mostly outwith the tabloids.

There is that mate. Its just a shame that muck-raking sells papers and actual journalism is a long way down the list of priorities for papers or TV news outlets.

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To understand the media you have to understand the implied audience they cater for. You can see the direction the country(UK) is heading in when you look at the BBC. Is anyone right to distrust them to give a factual account of any news?: absolutely.

It should be added that any journalist who works for the BBC may not see things, necessarily, from a left-wing bias; he could quite easily work for The Telegraph or, even something like The Daily Mail or The Sun. The BBC is Pro-EU, and left-wing politically; so that is the direction the country has been going in over the decades.

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