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Sale of Club to be accelerated.


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Anyone think they are just forcing Paul Murray to bid now if he wants to keep some of the top players at club?

I think your right mate. Just hope who ever is putting this deal together has got the time.Ma heeds spinning with this shit!

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This just doesn't make any sense at all! Unless one of the buyers has serious money and is planning to just pay everything off completely

Either Paul Murray has some serious backers, or a new interested party is waiting in the wings. Interesting few days ahead.

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To me it looks like the administrators are simply telling all the parties involved to get their fingers out and sort this mess pronto.

That goes to the players as well as the likes of Mini Murray and King and all the other knights behind the scenes.

A point overlooked though is why issue this statement but give a deadline of 16th March for any interested parties to tender their proposals?

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"Without the cost cutting measures or the receipt of unplanned income the club will not be able to fulfil their fixtures this season".

Very, very worrying statement.

Who's gonna buy a quarter season ticket now :craphead:

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anyone else feeling soem anger towards the players?

I understand that even though they all make more in a month than most of us do in 2 or 3 years, they still have mortagage repyaments etc...

but ti was only till the summer to re-evalute where they stand and im sure they have savings and methods of rejuggling their own personal finances.

play for the fucking badge, the shirt, first and foremost.

I have been saying this all along to friends and fellow Gers supporters.

'Better 75% of £20,000 per week, than 75% of £300 per week - or worse - losing one's job'

YES, THESE GUYS HAVE COMMITMENTS MUCH LIKE ALL OF US, BUT THEY CAN DEAL WITH THE LOSS, many of the 'workers' at Ibrox may never see employment again in the midst of an utterly depressed labour market and economy.

The players did NOT have to rely upon their agents, either to negotiate for them or act as their 'mouthpiece' - Gregg Wylde and Mervan Celik didn't!

Where is the 'commitment' to play for nothing - where did it go to - if, indeed, it was ever a substantive proposal?

Personally, I do not expect any of our players to continue to play for no wage at all, but I do expect sacrifices - you or I would undoubtedly make them, of that I am entirely convinced.

Regretably the airwaves are filled at present with charge and counter charge; vitriolic attack after vitriolic attack. Can't help thinking of the old adage of what happens when 'thieves fall out'.

Our hopes now rest (it would appear) with Paul Murray and the Blue Knights, and I hope we are not cling ing to a 'forlorn hope'.

Like many of you I have pledged to Save Rangers.com, but I will not 'ante up' until I am satified that any takeover proposal is a sound one, based upon supporter representation in terms of shares and seats (meaningful ones) on a reconstituted Board.

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The EBTs should be left with David Murray, and the PAYE should be left with Whyte. I wish it worked that way, but i doubt it!

Murray signed off the liability to Whyte

P.Murray was trying to leave it with MIH

Can the admin leave liability with RFC Group (Whytes) ???

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The thing is here these guys have wasted more than 2 weeks of money our club cannot afford by putting off these cuts.

They are earning an absolute fortune (around £500+ an hour if some sources are to be believed), if no agreement is reached and we have to sell the majority if not all the big earners then that’s cost us a huge amount of money in pissing about for weeks.

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I don't understand how we can continue to pay the players wages another day if the cuts required are as bad as they say wacko.gif

Also if the required cuts are as bad as is being reported we can't carry on haemorrhaging money on player wages whoever owns the club. No-one has stepped forward that has money to pile into rangers, regardless we wan't the club to run with balanced books in the future!

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So say the club is sold in the next few days how much will Whyte walk away with ?

Impossible to know ... the sale could be for a nominal sum with the new owner assuming the liabilities. Whyte lost control when he handed over to the administrators.

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