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exactly who is paul murray anyway?


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I'd rather just have someone who loves the club and is willing to look at a sensible way of running the club than these millionaires/billionaires who throw money in then get hired and leave the club in a worse state.

I just hope he's not in it for the money.

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TBH - There aint a single businessman out there i would trust with a tenner, let alone our beautiful Rangers FC

Thats what i've taken from this whole sordid affair

Definition of 'businessman' - Someone who wants to get richer by making their customer poorer.

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I have extreme suspicion of this attempt to take over our Club. I'm sure it's not just me. I feel Paul Murray is tainted by his association with previous regimes, and adding Ticketus to the mix just makes me want to say WAKE UP AND SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE...only I don't know what the bigger picture is..so, as one who signed up happily to Save Rangers I would have to say this lot will not get a penny from me, until and unless I can see that this will be the start of a whole new openness. And so far, this Murray does not appear to give that.

And, I'm really not convinced this is the future of Rangers.

Rangers Till I Die, I'm Rangers Till I die, I know I am, I'm sure I am, I'm Rangers Till I die! We are the People, forever.

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