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Murray - Only made one mistake


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He lost 3/4 of his wealth due the economic problems. He had over £700 million at one time. He ploughed £100 million of his own money into Rangers. Something Whyte certainly wouldn't do.

"He ploughed £100 million of his own money into Rangers". Could you be more specific?

From memory his companies charged between £3-4 million, for services provided whilst his investment through advertizing (MIM) was £300-400k per season.

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Tore Andre Flo was your first one!

EBTs and then PLG.

Ok I do not wish to play devils advocate but...

Plg was a mistake but how is it really murrays fault? At this point rangers were already rooked but McLeish was arguably doing a good job of saving money but we wanted more success.

IMO sacking mcleish was a mistake but he had no choice as we demanded more.

Did walter smith cancel this out?

I believe Murray had been 'warned' over whyte but these warning came from sources that had vested interests. And probably without specific evidence. Also even with the investigative powers of these forums no one mentioned it before the sale. Many were simply glad to see the back of Murray how wrong we were!

Flo.. Aw comeon... . Buying (and even selling) players is gamble at any time!

I think we supporter played a bigger part in the successes and failures than we'd like to admit.

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Not disagreeing with this, but to deny murray didnt gamble with our very existance is niave in the extreme.

I re-iterate, if I had 1/4 of £700m Rangers would not be in this mess. And I'm sure many many fans feel the same.

At no time I have denied he gambled. In fact by stating that SDM chased a dream im effictivly saying he was gambling.

Its easy to say that if you had that money then we wouldnt be in the mess. You dont and we are. Im sure what you are suggesting is if you had over £150 mil you would pay all the debts and we would be great. In reality though who is going to spend half there fortune without a return?

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100million of his own money, i think most would have called MIH money, if MIH goes tits up Murray doesnt pay anything out of whatever personal fortune he has

Wouldn't MIH money have been classed as part of Murrays wealth?

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One mistake! :D

Yet another one who sticks to the 'everything I did was for the good of Rangers' line because their ego just can't accept their failings.

Murray is a proven liar who sold us to the devil because his fucking ego couldnt deal with what was around the corner.

One mistake? Aye very good, keep hiding behind your lies.


Fuck off and die ya cunt. :angry:

This thread can go on for 1000 pages but these 3 posts will be the best and most accurate of them all!

Well said lads.

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I've got be honest guys I hate David Murray like a passion but his careful comments are welcomed by me .anything else said will leave us as a club open to more attack from the media and our enemies in the Sfa .Whats done is done and it does us no favours in my opinion looking for scapegoats . Won't tell you now but there's one of us that will be coming back to sort out those fuck pigs at the Sfa

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I've got be honest guys I hate David Murray like a passion but his careful comments are welcomed by me .anything else said will leave us as a club open to more attack from the media and our enemies in the Sfa.

If he has nothing true to say he should say nothing at all. His "careful" comments aren't welcomed by me. A period of silence on David Murray's part would be welcomed by me.

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he seen this tax case looming and he didnt want to be here when the case had to be answered. he didnt look into whytes history because he didnt give a fuck . he was just glad to give rangers over to any1 who was stupid enough to take us on . sir david is a rat that slips away from blame all the time .

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FORMER Rangers owner Sir David Murray yesterday described his decision to sell the club to Craig Whyte as his “one mistake”.

He said he had been duped into doing a deal with disgraced Whyte and claimed he had no idea that the businessman had previously been banned from being a director of a company.

Two sentences in and we have more than one mistake.

He sold the club to a cunt and didn't bother his arse making important checks on said cunt.

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Murray I have been told is a Gambler, and a very very bad one at that.

Arsehole of the highest order to be in charge of a Football Club such as Rangers and to sell it to a Spiv .Maybe he should remedy it and Pay of Ticketus and we the Fans can then Takeover.

Maybe that will make amends for the Bigget Bloomer you ever made.Woooops a Daisy .

Never even said sorry ya Bastard

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100million of his own money, i think most would have called MIH money, if MIH goes tits up Murray doesnt pay anything out of whatever personal fortune he has

At the time he anti up to recover from the initial debts he owned in the region of 80% of MIH - it is a fine defination, particular pre-ressession, of any difference bewteen his personal wealth and MIH wealth and IMHO disingenueous to say they were different - he caused an issue and fixed the issue.

He made mainy mistakes but his BIGGEST was selling our to Whyte against the advice of AJ and the board. (BUT some would say, from a BUSINESS ONLY perspective - and not a moral one) that it was a good deal for HIM - and as I trusted him with the future of Rangers I feel let down and angry that in this element of his stewardship he let us all down.

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Murray I have been told is a Gambler, and a very very bad one at that.

Arsehole of the highest order to be in charge of a Football Club such as Rangers and to sell it to a Spiv .Maybe he should remedy it and Pay of Ticketus and we the Fans can then Takeover.

Maybe that will make amends for the Bigget Bloomer you ever made.Woooops a Daisy .

Never even said sorry ya Bastard

All businessmen (or self made ones) are gamblers of one sort or another - it is almost an alternate definition of Entrepreneur! From almost scratch he has built up wealth most of us can only dream of - he did NOT do that without risk! Trouble with taking a risk is that sometimes it bites you in the arse!

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