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During debate in recent post 'club ethos moving forward' I was surprised at the amount of secular and anti-religious feedback.

With the sales of the Club nearing, I'd like to hear from the prospective new owners what their principles are, and what there long term plan comprises.

I'm keen for the fan base to be involved in this, and if possible positively steer the new owners to support fair play and ethics in keeping with the long history and heritage of our people which is circa 500 years old.

I'm hoping for sensible mature debate here. I welcome agreement and disagreement, however to distinguish genuine Teddy Bears from Septic infiltrators (who want to burn down our community), I'd appreciate if you do disagree, if you could be kind enough to state why, and preferably provide your own positive contribution to the debate.

Statement of fact: Rangers Football Club had a long history and link with the Reformed Christian Church(s).

Question: moving forward, would you like to retain this link, or become secular in outlook?

Proposed answers (which I invite you to select from or add to):

1 - their is no place in football for religion, we should be a secular club moving forward.

2 - I am non religious, but I acknowledge and respect the Club's history in this regard, I'm happy for the Club to continue these links, though I have no strong wish to participate on the religious direction of the Club moving forward.

3 - I believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and would wish to see the Bible move forward on this basis. Note - this thinking is in keeping with the Septic side of the fence; modified by some if their more bizarre cult type policies (no offence intended - freedom of speech).

4 - I believe in a modern, reformed Christian church, respectful of all cultures and religions.

Why is this important, and what has it got to do with football?

A - the public sale of the Club represents a once in a generation opportunity to define who we are and what we are, in a positive and constructive manner.

B - the Club had been under constant attack for many years, seeking to undermine our Club and community. Unresolved it gags freedom of speech and potentially inhibits people from many cultures investing in the Club or working for us, or playing for us. It is imperative we deal with this threat firmly and with finality, to give us as strong a platform as possible moving forward.

What do I think? I'm option 4) modern reformed; and I would encourage the Club and potential buyers to publically adopt this policy.

In support of my case, and for the religious out there, and there will be some, I'd respectfully encourage you to the a book by the American Biblical Scholar Marcus Borg, entitled 'how to read the Bible again for the first time: taking the Bible seriously but not literally. When I read the book, I found it spiritually enlightening, and page after

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And page after page thought ... This would work well at Rangers, and would stop Septic's corrosive propaganda dead in it's tracks; allowing us to return to the moral centre and high ground.

In terms if the football banter, it'd leave Septic in a rage.

Get in!!

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Qualified on number 1 - There may or may not be a place for religion in society, I don't think that we should limit ourselves to being affiliated religiously, I am wary of the way that the club could go, my personal beliefs are secular, so, if I was choosing that is where I would be comfortable.

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Moving forward as a secular club, acknowledge religious links in the past when a lot of people didn't know better or felt they had to be categorised ..

And Ban Catholics from entering Ibrox due to their serious links with convicted papal pedophiles...

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Rangers were born from a love of football and our doors are open to all regardless of race, religion, creed or colour. We obviously maintain a strong link to Protestantism and we should never be ashamed of that, but as the power and appeal of the Church weakens so will that link.

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I would chose option 1.Rangers should be a progressive beacon in Scottish football, ready to welcome all , regardless of race, ethnicity or relegion.As an atheist, i object to the way people of faith insist on having their personal relgious beliefs adhered to or given prominence by an institution which is supposed to represent all people, of many faiths, equally.

The thing celtic fans fear more than anything, is that one day we will leave our personal religious beliefs at the gates of Ibrox - and that they alone will be seen as the sole exponents of sectarianism  in scottish football.

Our relationship with Protestant Christianity(and our need to let the world know about by singing sectarian songs on the terraces), has had a solely negative impact on the club.It has allowed celtic fans to launch their bitter, hate-fuled campagins to get our club into trouble, and it has projected a negative picture of our club to a global audience.

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well since you asked... religion has it's place in human history, aswell as our club's, but imo all religion is a poison and embarrassmentt on humanity. the world would be a better place if we were all to adopt einsteins views on religion and became agnostic.

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Think you may be on to loser for a serious discussion on this one unfortunately, by my initial thoughts.

You are focusing on a specific element of "Rangers"culture which some (may or may not) feel is important. Surely it would have been more beneficial to look at all aspects of our culture and the prominace this actually takes when defining what we represent or think we represent as a whole.

Ultimately our culture will be displayed by the bahaviours of our fans and these will change over time, the direction of these changes may be influenced by laws banning songs for example, whoever, until they are accepted by the main body of the support the culture will remain.

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All religion is a pile of shite..If i went to the doctor and said i do what a guy in the sky tells me and i drink his blood and what not i'd get sectioned. I feel for all the sad muslims that remain virgins dont drink and dont take drunks thinking they will get to pump virgins in the afterlife or whatever they believe in.

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All religion is a pile of shite..If i went to the doctor and said i do what a guy in the sky tells me and i drink his blood and what not i'd get sectioned. I feel for all the sad muslims that remain virgins dont drink and dont take drunks thinking they will get to pump virgins in the afterlife or whatever they believe in.

I always think its akin to a my imaginary best friend is more real than your imaginary friend scenario.

I personally think religion is bollocks, divisive and damaging. But if people get comfort from it then fair play.

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