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BBC Radio Scotland having a Rangers hate-fest...now.

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The Sportsound crew ripping into us. Rheinhart, Trayknob, Dung, Bicycle-helmet-heid...they're all at it.

Level playing field? Non-biased reporting?

Forget it.

I was going to post this. Their show was full of the assumption of a newco happening and the certainty that we must be punished for it and that it should be Division Three.

But then I heard the same as WVB..

Traynor & Young seem to be saying that Rangers shouldn't be held accountable for the SFAs incompetence, although they aren't exactly defending Rangers.

They basically said that the SFA are using a document to claim others "must have known" what Whyte was up to and that nobody did anything which is speculative regarding the former claim, rather than proof of fact, and false in the latter case since people did speak out. They said that the SFA ignored all of this and sat back and unfolded. They also stated our lawyer should be able to demolish their case.

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Traynor & Young seem to be saying that Rangers shouldn't be held accountable for the SFAs incompetence, although they aren't exactly defending Rangers.

Yes they would never actually come out and defend us but they are saying who are the sfa to have a go at Rangers when they did absolutely nothing despite Alistair Johnston's warning about a whyte takeover. The sheep shagger who runs the programme can't quite seem to understand this point which I think says it all :rolleyes:

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"Spence! Spence! Spence!" The famous pools winner, Viv Nicholson's famous line when she won that fantastic (nay, spectacular) amount of.......(wait for it)......£152,319 back in 1961. :rolleyes:

I remember it well.

The cow never even sent me a fucking fiver. :wanker:

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"Spence! Spence! Spence!" The famous pools winner, Viv Nicholson's famous line when she won that fantastic (nay, spectacular) amount of.......(wait for it)......£152,319 back in 1961. :rolleyes:

I remember it well.

The cow never even sent me a fucking fiver. :wanker:

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the Vernons and Littlewoods days.

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