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WTF is Lego on?

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Leggo's articles have been very strange for a while now. Not that they were any good before that.

Also, it pisses me off how he calls everyone by their full name. (Alistair Murdoch McCoist an example). Is he trying to imply Catholics and Protestants when does that?... Anyhoo, dafty.

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I think Leggo has spent too much time talking up TBK and also conflabbing with RST, well Dingwall really, to come up with this.

Can you picture the pair of them at MD's mums. MD dipping his jaffa's into cocoa, and Leggo into meths - he has lost the fucking plot.

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Someone once claimed that a million monkeys with a million typewriters could eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare. In this case it looks like three monkeys with a ZX81 and a load of poppers wrote Leggo's last blog.....

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Fucking hell this guys finally lost it... Someone should send that article off to Steven Speilberg or better yet, Francis Ford Coppola. Its like reading something from the Godfather! Also i don't think David Whitehouse's missus will be too happy about Leggo suggesting hes gay :P

The second question on the lips of many has also been asked privately by other insolvency practitioners. By lawyers. By members of the hallowed halls of academia. Even by accountants.

Question number two is this.

Are Duff and Phelps BENT?

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In fairness, he did ask a serious question in all that: Should the men in white coats be heading to Leggoland? Well, no doubt mental health professionals in Scotland reading the blog may well be asking the question. And, not being a mental health professional, I shall leave that to the experts.

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Can someone post the article please its horrible to try read on a phone.



Posted: 12 May 2012 10:58 PM PDT

THERE are more questions than answers when it comes to the way Duff and Phelps have been behaving. When it comes to the behaviour of, in particular, managing director, David Whitehouse.

And there are two questions which have been posed to me time and time and time again. Over and over and over again. By supporters, obviously. But also by other insolvency practitioners. By lawyers. By members of the hallowed halls of academia. Even by accountants.

Number one is this.

Are Duff and Phelps INCOMPETENT?

Well, the insolvency practitioners are better qualified than I to answer that question and many of them, interviewed in newspapers and on television, have expressed surprise at many of the decisions Duff and Phelps and David Whitehouse have taken.

Lets leave the question of Duff and Phelps competency to them.

The second question on the lips of many has also been asked privately by other insolvency practitioners. By lawyers. By members of the hallowed halls of academia. Even by accountants.

Question number two is this.

Are Duff and Phelps BENT?

Others may ask such a question, but I could not possibly comment.

For those lawyers who pose such a question are better qualified to answer.

Therefore, lets just leave any question of whether or not Duff and Phelps are bent, to them.

But within hours of Duff and Phelps turning to a man who has had business links with Craig Whyte, the decidedly dodgy looking Charles Green, someone with impeccable contacts within the world of insolvency practitioners and lawyers in Edinburgh, told me those people are now asking another question.

One, which if the answer proves to be in the affirmative, would go almost all the way to explaining some of the otherwise inexplicable decisions Duff and Phelps and in particular the firms managing director, David Whitehouse, have taken.

The third question, the new question, is this.

Are Duff and Phelps being THREATENED?

Are they the mere puppets of dark and sinister underworld forces? Gangsters? And is there a link between any such people from organised crime in, for instance, London, and Craig Whyte?

One thing which is surprising is that none of the big hitters in Scotland in the world of insolvency, even got a sniff of being called in to handle the administration of Rangers.

There was no sign of people with such impeccable credentials as Nimmo Smith or Bryan Jackson, men with experience of the administration of Scottish football clubs. Men who know the lie of the land in Scotland and in Scottish business circles. Why?

Surely they were not warned off?

Surely we are not entering the world of John Le Carre and James Ellroy?

Is all of the above fanciful? Should the men with white coats be sent for and given the SatNav route to LeggoLand?

Or should the Serious the VERY Serious Crime Squad the Sweeney by whatever their name is now - be hitting the road with tyres screeching and Blues and Twos flashing?

And heading for Duff and Phelps to take David Whitehouse into protective custody?

At any other time, in the midst of any other story which I have been involved in, stretching back for nigh on half a century, had anyone posed such questions, had they been insolvency practitioners, those who walk the hallowed halls of academia, lawyers or accountants, I would have been the first to order the strait jackets.

But these are different days. This is a different story. It is like no other I can recall in close to half a century.

And if we are agreed that Duff and Phelps are not incompetent. If we are agreed that Duff and Phelps are not bent, then what are we left with?

The question of whether or not Duff and Phelps and the firms managing director, David Whitehouse, are being threatened by dark evil and sinister forces? Gangsters? Organised crime? People with links to Craig Whyte?

This time it isnt Stewart Regan and the SFA who should be asking the questions. Its Jack and the Sweeney.


Posted: 11 May 2012 11:47 PM PDT

SO now we know. David Murray was not Doyle Lonnegan after all.

Not the bumbling buffoon of a simpleton he told us he was. Not the Scottish version of the boorish Irish gangster of a mark, played by Robert Shaw in the Sting.

No, David Murray was more like a character in a James Bond movie. But not the one played by his pal, Sean Connery. Not 007. The character I have in mind is Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the arch villain.

Not just the bad guy, the evil bad guy.

That is exactly what the Scottish Football Association Judicial panel has revealed David Murray to be.

David Murray was not duped. David Murray was duplicitous.

Duplicitous in the sale of Rangers to Craig Whyte, the cheating lying conman and crook who brought Rangers to this low.

That Craig Whyte.

In cahoots with that David Murray.

Far from David Murray having had the wool pulled over his eyes by a cunning con perpetrated by Craig Whyte, David plunged straight in, eyes wide open.

But only after admitting that he had to sell Rangers because he was so deeply in debt to Lloyds Bank. That is, David Murrays other companies were so deeply in hock to Lloyds that he had to do just exactly what they told him to do.

And Lloyds Bank told him to sell Rangers to Craig Whyte.

Lloyds Bank insisted that David Murray sold Rangers to Craig Whyte.

Lloyds Bank ORDERED David Murray to sell Rangers to Craig Whyte.

And David Murray did just exactly what he was told and sold out Rangers to Craig Whyte in a damning act of cowardice and utter and shameful betrayal.

And then David Murray lied and lied and lied. He was even willing to be held up as a laughing stock by saying Whyte had duped him. David Murray was even willing to be compared to Doyle Lonnegan.

All to avoid admitting what he had really done to Rangers. All to avoid telling the truth.

But the truth will out.


No matter who it concerns. Charles Green and the shadowy men he is involved with should remember that. As should Duff and Phelps in general and David Whitehouse in particular.

For the moment though the spotlight shines on David Murray and there will be no place for him to go to escape from it. Not his estate in Perthshire. Not his French vineyards. Not his Edinburgh home. Not his office in Charlotte Square.

The truth is like that. It follows you about, popping out to confront you with a grin every time you think youve ducked it. Or that people have forgotten it.

And the truth is that the Rangers Independent Board, formed to probe Craig Whyte, hired a private investigator to delve into Whyte and presented his report to David Murray. That was in March last year, two months before David sold out Rangers to Craig Whyte.

But David Murray simply ignored all of the warnings about Craig Whyte.

It was Martin Bain who delivered the black spot to David Murray. And it was Martin Bain who, giving evidence to the SFAs Judicial Panel - evidence which they believed - revealed what David Murray told him.

A revelation which will damn David Murray for all time.

What David Murray said was that he was under pressure from Lloyds Bank to sell Rangers and that he had no option, other than to sell Rangers to Craig Whyte.

But David Murray went further. David Murray showed just how desperate he was. For he begged Bain to urge the specially formed Ibrox Independent Board to approve his sale of Rangers to Craig Whyte.

He begged Bain to get men of honour such as Paul Murray and Alistair Johnston to lie on his behalf.

But Bain, David Murrays loyal ally and lieutentant for more than a decade, finally snapped.

He saw his old boss stripped of all the veneer of power, laid bare as a man willing to go to any lengths to please his Lloyds Bank masters, no matter what dreadful damage his actions inflicted on Rangers.

He saw David Murray for what he really was.

And Martin Bain told David Murray to get stuffed.

Bain told him that he would not urge the other members of the Independent Board, Alastair Johnston, John McClelland and John Greig, to approve David Murray selling Rangers down the river to Craig Whyte.

Its all there in the 27,000 word Scottish Football Association explanation.

All the questions about the way David Murray behaved during the sale of his 85.3per cent shareholding in Rangers to Craig Whyte, are answered.

All the credible evidence which was believed, is there in detail.

And it all reveals the lies David Murray has been hiding behind for the last year as he watched the consequences of ignoring all the warnings about Whyte, just so he could do his master's bidding.

His master was and remains, Lloyds Bank. David Murray, in effect, acted as their agent in sending Rangers plunging to where they are now.

Theres more. And other aspects from the SFA Judicial Panel. And I will be examining some of them, attempting to interpret some and commenting on others.

For the moment it is best to start at the beginning and the beginning of this whole sorry saga was when Craig Whyte appeared on the scene and David Murray sold out Rangers to him, despite evidence which warned him not to.

Despite the report of a private investigator and advice from cool heads. Despite advice from true blue Rangers men such as Alastair Johnston.

David Murray ignored it all. The only voice he listened to was that of the man from Lloyds Bank who was screaming the banks order in David Murrays ear….


David Murray was no Doyle Lonnegan. He was and remains, Ernst Stravro Blofeld.

David Murray was no dupe. David Murray was duplicitous.

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