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Monday, 11 June 2012


HERE is the gospel according to proven liar Charles Green. Bamboozle them with bullshit! Confuse them with crap!

And fair play to him. Charles Green’s bullshit has got Rangers supporters well and truly bamboozled. Charles Green’s crap has got Rangers fans well and truly confused.

Or at least his bullshit and crap has got some Rangers fans – Assembly leader Andy Kerr among them – bamboozled and confused.

Others, however, are far from bamboozled. They are the ones who are a long way from being confused and who can see just what a snake oil salesman Charles Green really is.

For instance, in the last three days Charles Green has told daily newspaper reporters that if his CVA is successful he will then bring in some big time money men who will invest anything between £20m and £30M in Rangers.

Before then going on to tell Sunday newspaper reporters that if his CVA is successful he will launch a share issue and ask Rangers supporters to invest £30M.

Actually, when it comes to how full he wants his begging bowl filled by Rangers supporters in the next six weeks, the bottom line is close to a staggering £50M.

That’s right, nearly £50M! That is what Charles Green needs from Rangers supporters in the next six weeks to make his get-rich-quick scheme work .

Work it out if you do not believe me. And I know there are more than a few out there who don’t.

The season ticket money comes to £16M and the deadline for renewal is July 2nd.

Charles Green wants a share issue to be rushed through by the end of July, according to what he has been quoted as saying and that will, he believes, coin in another £30M.

That is a total of £46M, which isn’t a kick in the backside away from the eye watering figure of £50m and it is what Charles Green is demanding from Rangers supporters over the next six weeks.

The trouble with Charles Green is that he is a liar. A proven liar.

And the trouble with liars is that they cannot remember the lies they have told. Therefore they often tell subsequent lies which contradict their original lies.

Lies such as the one Charles Green told originally when he said he had 20 investors.

Lies such as the one Charles Green told when he said he had £20M available.

Lies such as the one Charles Green told when he said that if Rangers got a CVA they would emerge from administration debt free.

Of course Charles Green is not the only one telling lies in the rush for his dodgy scheme to be bulldozed through. Some Rangers supporters have joined in.

One even went so far as claiming there was no truth in my story that self confessed unreconstructed Celtic supporter, David Low, had been involved with Charles Green.

That lie was peddled in spite of the overwhelming evidence to back my story. Evidence in the shape of David Low admitting that it was correct and that he had acted as a go-between for Charles Green in Green’s desperate efforts to raise money.

I know what Charles Green’s motives for lying are. He wants to rip off Rangers and make a fast buck.

But, for the life of me, I cannot imagine what motivation lurks behind the lies being peddled by some Rangers supporters. For I refuse to believe they are working hand in glove with Charles Green on the basis of some sort of reward Green may have promised.

That is too preposterous, too potty, to be believed.

Isn’t it?

But let me predict what is going to happen in the next 72 hours as the countdown begins to Thursday’s meeting when creditors will get the chance to vote on Charles Green’s CVA proposals.

Charles Green will make even more and more outrageous and contradictory promises. Charles Green will tell bigger and bigger lies.

And some Rangers supporters will continue to be bamboozled by his bullshit and confused by his crap.

Others will not.



IT is too early to tell too much about how the European Championships will pan out.

But one thing is already crystal clear. If you want to beat the Czech Republic, it is best to play a forward against then.

Something, which almost two years on from his infamous and catastrophic 4-6-0 Scotland formation was defeated in Prague, manager, Craig Levein, still refuses to acknowledge.

The latest humbling of Levein’s side – 5-1 by America – has led to outrage on the Tartan Army message boards.

But here is a wee tip for those angry foot soldiers.

You are wasting your time. The Tartan Army will be ignored.

For as long as Stewart Regan remains as chief executive of the Scottish Football Association and effectively Levein’s boss, Craig Levein’s job is safe. No matter how much matters go from bad to worse for the national team.

Which is how 80 per cent of those who voted in a recent poll believe things will go when the qualifying campaign for the 2014 World Cup gets under way in a matter of weeks.

That was the astonishing percentage of those who voted who said that they didn’t think Craig Levein’s Scotland would qualify.

posted by leggoland @ 08:01

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Leggo makes me laugh and the only reason I read it is the comedy gold, I always picture him as an old guy wearing tartan trousers and a sweater waving a stick about, get orf my land style, every now and again he regains his sanity and posts a good article and then BOOM the buffoon strikes again, gon yersel Leggo ya trumpet

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There will be many fans feeling silly should the doubters again be proved right. <cr> I have no idea what side of the fence to sit.

The question is has anyone done DD on charlie before the event ?

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The question is has anyone done DD on charlie before the event ?

Lets face it Spangles, most of us wouldnt know where to start and in all honesty most of this board have sat on the fence with regards him. But talk from "certain" individuals of not buying ST's etc could kill the club and we wouldnt need to worry about who owns us.

I await your research of him and then i'll comment and if he can impress the man who likes people with pots to piss in then that will do me

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You dont trust Green, do you Ray?

The fact that I am very very wary of his intentions is of no consequence as he is apparently the only show in town, unless of course Liberty Corporate has a surprise in store.

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I do not trust Green one bit.

Why can he not name his backers ? Who are they, how much have they got to invest ?

He is asking us to invest our money in Season Tickets and a Share Issue without outlining what his plans for the club are, and what level of investment he will be making.

Only a fool would "invest" money blindly in a company without some kind of Business Plan being made available for public scrutiny. I sincerely hope I am wrong about this, but Green looks very like another Whyte to me...

"Fool me once, shame on YOU. Fool me TWICE, SHAME on ME !!"

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