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Just what do they want?

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Im getting really fed up with all the shit getting thrown our way! You know the ‘rangers played players they couldn’t afford’, ‘they have lived outwith their means’ etc,etc, etc. Now I like most other Rangers fans am prepared to accept the punishment that fits the crime, but are our accusers prepared to? Its easy to have a kick at someone who is low, although I feel they benefited from a strong Rangers.

Let me explain, If and I mean IF they want to think that way then the following MUST also be true. Following Rangers spending over the last two decades, Celtic and other clubs have increased the quality of their squads to try to compete. This has had the effect of increasing the quality of the leagues and has increased to TV money and sponsorship deals being inflated (admittedly not to the level seen in England). So arguably the SPL is now a better product and have a better level of sponsorship than it would have been. Every member club has therefore enjoyed money that they shouldn’t have had as a result, will they be punished as a result or look to restore their sporting integrity?

The press for years have been going about how poor the SPL product has been, can you then imagine how bad it would have been. Now I’m not saying for a second that Rangers were therefore correct to conduct business the way it has done, because we shouldn’t have. However to me there is NO DOUBT that Scottish football as a whole has benefited from it.

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I think we will shortly be seeing just how poor the quality of the SPL can become when as expected they vote to exclude Rangers and put the whole TV deal at risk. Love to know how teams that have struggled to pay taxes and players salary with RFC and TV money, are going to cope with the loss of both.

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I think we will shortly be seeing just how poor the quality of the SPL can become when as expected they vote to exclude Rangers and put the whole TV deal at risk. Love to know how teams that have struggled to pay taxes and players salary with RFC and TV money, are going to cope with the loss of both.

Exactly, with clubs like Hearts who have twice been publicised for not paying HMRC, Players etc on time, the hypocracy stinks

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Im getting really fed up with all the shit getting thrown our way! You know the ‘rangers played players they couldn’t afford’, ‘they have lived outwith their means’ etc,etc, etc. Now I like most other Rangers fans am prepared to accept the punishment that fits the crime, but are our accusers prepared to? Its easy to have a kick at someone who is low, although I feel they benefited from a strong Rangers.

Let me explain, If and I mean IF they want to think that way then the following MUST also be true. Following Rangers spending over the last two decades, Celtic and other clubs have increased the quality of their squads to try to compete. This has had the effect of increasing the quality of the leagues and has increased to TV money and sponsorship deals being inflated (admittedly not to the level seen in England). So arguably the SPL is now a better product and have a better level of sponsorship than it would have been. Every member club has therefore enjoyed money that they shouldn’t have had as a result, will they be punished as a result or look to restore their sporting integrity?

The press for years have been going about how poor the SPL product has been, can you then imagine how bad it would have been. Now I’m not saying for a second that Rangers were therefore correct to conduct business the way it has done, because we shouldn’t have. However to me there is NO DOUBT that Scottish football as a whole has benefited from it.

Innocent till proven guilty.

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Im getting really fed up with all the shit getting thrown our way! You know the ‘rangers played players they couldn’t afford’, ‘they have lived outwith their means’ etc,etc, etc. Now I like most other Rangers fans am prepared to accept the punishment that fits the crime, but are our accusers prepared to? Its easy to have a kick at someone who is low, although I feel they benefited from a strong Rangers.

Let me explain, If and I mean IF they want to think that way then the following MUST also be true. Following Rangers spending over the last two decades, Celtic and other clubs have increased the quality of their squads to try to compete. This has had the effect of increasing the quality of the leagues and has increased to TV money and sponsorship deals being inflated (admittedly not to the level seen in England). So arguably the SPL is now a better product and have a better level of sponsorship than it would have been. Every member club has therefore enjoyed money that they shouldn’t have had as a result, will they be punished as a result or look to restore their sporting integrity?

The press for years have been going about how poor the SPL product has been, can you then imagine how bad it would have been. Now I’m not saying for a second that Rangers were therefore correct to conduct business the way it has done, because we shouldn’t have. However to me there is NO DOUBT that Scottish football as a whole has benefited from it.

I keep imagining how this would be played out in England if say one of Manyoo, Griverpool, Chelsea or Spuds were caught out like this.

The FA would move heaven and earth to protect the giants.

In Scotland, the SFA seem to hate success and tradition, either that or they are bigoted. Either way, the manner in which Rangers are being treated is seriously ABNORMAL.

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I keep imagining how this would be played out in England if say one of Manyoo, Griverpool, Chelsea or Spuds were caught out like this.

The FA would move heaven and earth to protect the giants.

In Scotland, the SFA seem to hate success and tradition, either that or they are bigoted. Either way, the manner in which Rangers are being treated is seriously ABNORMAL.

My line of thinking as well. Dragons den is full of guys who have done much worse, Tom Hunter had done what Rangers have done. But we are the anti-christ!

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This thing about EBT's meaning we were able to get players we couldn't afford is pish also. The way Rangers were run over the past 2 decades we;d probably have signed them and paid higher wages anyway without EBT's and just run up larger debts. The fact we got to about £80m in debt at one point tells you no one was caring. In any event what hypocrisy from other teams and fans to say "You won titles with players you couldn't afford." How exactly did Kilmarnock get to their level of debt, Hearts and their debt, in fact are Hibs not the only team in the league that have got to a position of little/no debt, and they've had to turn a half decent squad in to a fucking awful squad to do so. We play in a league of teams with players they can't afford, and in the wider football world it's the same. Man United and the rest of the Premiership, Barcelona and Real, all in massive debt playing players they can't afford.

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This thing about EBT's meaning we were able to get players we couldn't afford is pish also. The way Rangers were run over the past 2 decades we;d probably have signed them and paid higher wages anyway without EBT's and just run up larger debts. The fact we got to about £80m in debt at one point tells you no one was caring. In any event what hypocrisy from other teams and fans to say "You won titles with players you couldn't afford." How exactly did Kilmarnock get to their level of debt, Hearts and their debt, in fact are Hibs not the only team in the league that have got to a position of little/no debt, and they've had to turn a half decent squad in to a fucking awful squad to do so. We play in a league of teams with players they can't afford, and in the wider football world it's the same. Man United and the rest of the Premiership, Barcelona and Real, all in massive debt playing players they can't afford.

Yip, its true of every club and its coming home to roost if they do vote against us.

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All this talk of Rangers cheated, the expensive players, thats why they won. That concept is nonsense, PLENTY of clubs have spent money on players Liverpool : Andy Carrol £35million, hardly got a goal all season, same with Fernando Torres £50million, a hefty price tag does not guarantee success and if you think 3 in a row there we hardly had anyone and still won, yet Celtic had bought yet more players. It is how you play on the day whether you were £50 million or worth a can of bru, a goal is a goal, a win is a win. They are all jealous fools, wish they would shut up and give us a break.

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In response to your excellent post, I was talking with a group of mates who support Airdrie (hate us for what he see's is killing their club with the 'final demand' as he calls it), Motherwell (leanings towards us rather than Ceptic), Hamilton (stand up gut who has no bias of Ceptic or us) and a few bears and Ceptic fans. Pretty much the same things were being spoken about and here is what the consensus was:

the ‘rangers played players they couldn’t afford’, ‘they have lived outwith their means’ etc,etc, etc.

This was brought up several times by a few of them and there were a few replies that 'it was due to Rangers spending that firstly Ceptic and then the rest started spending. They said that before Murray came in that success was spread around Scotland as teams were pretty much relying on their attendances etc to get players. When 9iar was on and others clubs then started bringing in more expensive overseas players that clubs over spent.

I can actually see this way of thinking, however other teams did not have to try and keep up with our (what is now seen as) suicidal spending.

Now I like most other Rangers fans am prepared to accept the punishment that fits the crime.

The thoughts were that we deserve the book thrown at us and they all to a man said that they feel that we should have to go through SFL3 otherwise we will always have this cloud hanging over us that everything from now on was gifted to us. They said (and it is hard to argue) that if it was ICT or St Johnstone then they would have to start again. I gave them the best for Scottish footy argument and they said that if we get paracuted back in then what is the point of ever trying to compete. They also asked what would happen if we get into SPL and have a horrendous season and get relegated, would a new rule be made that we can't get relegated as its for the commercial benefit of Scottish footy? Would managers have to go lighter on us to avoid it.

I told them that there is no chance that it would happen and that teams would all lose cash (they said that in sport, money is secondary to, you guessed it, Sporting Integrity).

These are guys who are quite educated and not bitter, I would n't be mates with them if they were. I am also quite an open minded guy who believes that we have done wrong. I don't buy into the thought that it was only a few people who done wrong and therefore the club shouldn't be punished. We deserve to be punished for what we have done. I see this as a new start from everything that our club has done, from the alleged illegal way that we used EBT's, dual contracts to the fact that we never paid our taxes this year. I think that we should be startin in SFL3 and should be doing this of our own accord, not going cap in hand to a bunch of no mark attention seekers. I also think that as a new club in SFL3 that we should let these players go (Davis, Naisy, Greegs etc) and start with products of our youth system and naturally bring in players that match our level as we progress upwards every year. I also think that this new start should begin with the fans being in control of our club, not Green who doesnt know what we stand for, not Walter who left it too late, our fans who will make sure that this doesn't happen again. As a new club then we will all have our history in our hearts and memories of Manchester, 9iar etc that will be passed down to our sons even if on paper we will start a fresh. I believe that if we are starting from now then everything in the past should remain there with the old club, the debt, HMRC tax case etc and if this happens then we cannot pick and choose what we bring with us or our new era will always be help back with accusations of others.

I know this is a total rant but I have never felt like this in my life and I am actually getting some for of therapy by writing this down. I want to finish by saying that our new club, THE RANGERS will rise to become the dominant side in Scotland soon and that these horrible days will feel long ago when we watch a young side rise from nothing to become champions. When we do this then we will truly show all our haters that they cannot keep us down and that we have done it through our own efforts without the help of any of those bastars.


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They want us dead this is not not hysteria nor paranoia it's a cold hard fact .

The likelihood that we may well come back stronger than before fills them with nothing but fear.

It is this dread of our return to our place at the top of the tree that drives their hatred .

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The repercussions of their hatred will damage this country for decades,this obsession with punishing one group of people was started by celtic zealots,others have jumped on the bandwagon in the clamour to punish the most successful club in the land.

At it's very core this urge to wipe a group of peoples history from existence is sectarian and xenophobic,the fact that not one person in Scotland has spoken out against it is worrying,because we will react,throughout history people always do when they get treated differently from others.

If its in the rules to punish us for craig whytes or even david murrays actions,fine,we have already proven we will accept this,all we are asking is stop making them up specifically just to punish us or change them so that the repercussions of our punishment doesn't affect your own club.

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Our history is intact and we're not a fucken new club. Sick of hearing that from self proclaimed quite educated no bitter people.I hope you informed your mates that there's a lot of gers fans that want to drop a division or three to get out this cesspit that is the spl.Most of these guys wouldn't know fucken sporting integrity if it kicked them in the balls. IMO

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The bit I don't get is when you hear people on the Radio or Tv saying someone from Rangers should apologize. Who are they wanting to do this? The fans?

We certainly have nothing to apologize for, we have been the victims in this if anything. Four long months we have had to watch our club and its name dragged through the mud, kicked and hit from behind at every opportunity and have punishment after punishment given to us for the actions of reckless individuals.

If anyone should be apologizing, it should be David Murray or Craig Whyte and they should be apologizing to us fans.

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Scotland is a small country we are the big bad guy and bully they hate us but sellik seem to be more accepted because of their oppressed image today i can categorically state for the first time ever i fucking hate the country i live in.

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Im getting really fed up with all the shit getting thrown our way! You know the ‘rangers played players they couldn’t afford’, ‘they have lived outwith their means’ etc,etc, etc. Now I like most other Rangers fans am prepared to accept the punishment that fits the crime, but are our accusers prepared to? Its easy to have a kick at someone who is low, although I feel they benefited from a strong Rangers.

Let me explain, If and I mean IF they want to think that way then the following MUST also be true. Following Rangers spending over the last two decades, Celtic and other clubs have increased the quality of their squads to try to compete. This has had the effect of increasing the quality of the leagues and has increased to TV money and sponsorship deals being inflated (admittedly not to the level seen in England). So arguably the SPL is now a better product and have a better level of sponsorship than it would have been. Every member club has therefore enjoyed money that they shouldn’t have had as a result, will they be punished as a result or look to restore their sporting integrity?

The press for years have been going about how poor the SPL product has been, can you then imagine how bad it would have been. Now I’m not saying for a second that Rangers were therefore correct to conduct business the way it has done, because we shouldn’t have. However to me there is NO DOUBT that Scottish football as a whole has benefited from it.

The fudpackers are going to have a heart attack when the FTTT is announced, what a fucking GIRFUY timmy that day is going to be. :uk: :uk: :uk:

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they think by getting rid of us, our fan base will turn to their local clubs, deluded or what?, they thinking by getting rid of us that our fan base will continue to pour money into the scottish game, they think by getting rid of us that they would get more tv revenue but little do the fickle tits know that there own club will bump up the ticket prices, they want our money but don't want us.

our club will live on while every other clubs dwindles and dies a slow n painful death.

you hurt our club, we in turn hurt you

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All other clubs in the SPL are in debt. They don't have any right to preach their morals to us.

If they make the wrong fiscal decision LBG who hold the majority of accounts have been known to require, nae demand, instant repayment of debt. What a fuckin beauty that will be, get right roon the fuckin Turkeys voting for Xmas. :wanker: :wanker: :wanker::uk: :uk: :uk:

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If they make the wrong fiscal decision LBG who hold the majority of accounts have been known to require, nae demand, instant repayment of debt. What a fuckin beauty that will be, get right roon the fuckin Turkeys voting for Xmas. :wanker: :wanker: :wanker::uk: :uk: :uk:

Yes, we have had a few sleepless nights recently. Now its their turn, we just need to sit back and watch

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Yes, we have had a few sleepless nights recently. Now its their turn, we just need to sit back and watch

I'll no be sitting back and watching fuck all. I'll be doon the pub celebrating and ripping right intae any cunt that wants tae listen!

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I'll no be sitting back and watching fuck all. I'll be doon the pub celebrating and ripping right intae any cunt that wants tae listen!

Aye, and if I see you I will buy you a pint and a half and we can laugh together! :beer1:

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