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Please help defend Rangers

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Hi there, me first post.

Been a rangers man from...well forever really.

I know its cheeky to pop on here and ask for help straight off the bat, and it may even be against the rules here, i dunno, but heres the thing.

I am a member of Digital spy, its a huge website, millions view it daily, well there a thread on scottish football, the thread is full of celtic bastard ripping rangers to shredds hour after hour, its relentless, every latest rumour is there with smiley emoticons cheering, they are absoloutly loving it.

I really have stayed from commenting or discussing with them as to be honest i dont know have the knowledge of whats happenning with the club in order to argue back effectivly.

It seems they must spend hours watching our club, actually seems like they have no interest in their own club, only in ripping ours to shredds.

Im hoping someone from here could go have a look and maybe defend rangers from these parasites.

Heres a link the thread HERE

I am really gutted with this, i used to imaging i was davie cooper when i was a wee boy out playing amoungst the washing lines, and it guts me that these fucking celtic fuckers are dancing on what they think os our grave.

Guts me even more that the last game i went to was the hearts game where Craig Whyte showed up for the first time.

Anyway, if you all dont wanna get involved fair enough, just thought id try, feel free to tell me to fuck off. LOL

Thanks for reading, and keep up the fight.

Oh and by the way, we need to tell the spl to go fuck themselces and go straight to div3, and then stanp on all the fuckers who have stamped on us while they thought we were finished.

Wanker the llot of them.

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