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A wee twist for the traitors

The Dude

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This is the reason I think why green left it do late to apply for SFA membership. The membership is still currently assigned to the oldco and at present the oldco still exists. Therefore players in breach of contract with oldco.

What these players also forget is when Webster broke his contract he was given a lengthy ban. I think it was about 10 games.

Hopefully FIFA will take until Sept to make a ruling and therefore registrations will be delayed further due to transfer window being closed. That would mean they probably won't play for almost a season.

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i think Rangers have a strong legal case in this one. The SFA won't look kindly upon other countries taking valuable assets out of scottish football for free. FIFA have notoriously came down hard on any team who is seen to have tapped players up. Sion especially, they cunts just seem to play by a different rule book and they could easily get hammered again.

HMRC & the creditors could also weigh in on this. They might think there is an arguement that if the players didnt transfer over, they could potentially be intangible assets of the OldCo and perhaps another means of recouping some of the money for creditors.

Either way, these players are udner contract at Rangers.

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Does this mean Rangers have to fork out on huge wages for players who don't want to play for them while this is sorted out? Hope any transfer fee is worth it.

Actually, if they are contracted with the bankrupt oldco, I suspect no wages will be paid!

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This is great news hope it takes months to sort out

I heard someplace that the oldco could take as long as 1 year to be fully wound down, and thats not allowing for any possible on going investigations into the dealings of minty and shytey

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Seemingly the SFA will reject the transfer of Whittakers registration to Norwich. Something about the oldco still holding the registration and both the new and old co have to approve the transfer. FIFA will be required to step in.

While I would live this to be true, it's the 'seemingly' part that gets me, more rumour & innuendo, nothing confirmed, no SFA statements.

I don't want these players back, I want the money for them. They lost thier rights to be called Rangers men the day they put money over loyalty.

If they wanted to leave, they could have transferred over and then left, giving us a fee but instead they took advantage of a loophole and left us high and dry only to seve them (& thier agents) financial desires.

I hope this is true, I hope they get caught in the middle of a legal marsh.

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Haha, this was inevitable.

Seriously how did these players/their agents/advisors not see this coming. They will end up in no mans land while this gets looked at, apart from maybe Lafferty cause no doubt sion will just play him anyway regardless of rules. They are mentalists.

Well looks like a bit of a bump on the road for the lads, shame that :lol:

Then even if it does get resolved whitts has the pleasure of being torn a new one by every winger he comes up against, being shunted to the bench then farmed out to a lower league team only to come back to see the canaries relegated. Well done, great choice pal doh

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Thats my understanding. Papac, Healy, Kerkar, Little and Aluko are all free to move elsewhere. Whittaker and the rest may have to sweat it out whilst FIFA decide they are above the law again.

If the OP is correct and the oldco still hold registrations, are Little and Aluko actually free to move to another club until oldco is liquidated? As they are under 23 would any club not have to agree compensation with the oldco then? Exactly the same as when Aluko actually moved to us in the first place - out of contract but sheep still held his registration?

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Seemingly the SFA will reject the transfer of Whittakers registration to Norwich. Something about the oldco still holding the registration and both the new and old co have to approve the transfer. FIFA will be required to step in.

Karma's a fucking bitch.

Fuck them all - they are dead to me anyway. :angry:

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