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Don't even think about it Charlie, sell out.


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Where is the sporting integrity with RFC starting with another points deduction? Possibly same the following season? Exactly what do we have to apologise for? David Murray sold the Club to Whyte who is under criminal investigation for the way he ran OUR Club. The players have done nothing wrong, the fans have done nothing wrong, the new board has done nothing wrong, the old board tried to prevent Whyte's takeover, the Club's ordinary employees have done nothing wrong, what is the apology for??? When does the victim ever apologise for the crime committed against him?

The concessions to the fairer split for the SPL clubs, etc. I can accept also the repayment of football debts. Transfer embargo only until football debts repaid and embargo not to include players signed on free transfers. The rest is admitting guilt where none exists.

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I repped you for this to even up the negative someone gave you, while I dont agree with all of your post I do see where you are coming from on it.

i agree personally I think div 3 will be pish.............continued support isnt the issue but i dont think we desrve all this crap. good points mate............integrity bla bla bla its all aload of pish we know who we are

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The acceptance of the transfer embargo is totally unacceptable under any circumstances.

Notwithstanding that one of the highest judges in the land described it as "unlawful", the fact is that the legal representation for that case was paid for by the supporters.

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We're The Rangers ffs, we're don;t have to be sorry for anything...... This reeks of begging and a loss of dignity, fuck this..

Div3 and watch Rome burn, fuck them all!

I wholeheartedly agree with this.

Green doesn't need to worry about the future (points deductions, etc) if he's gonna' sell up straight away - not his problem any more - but it will be us and future generations of Rangers supporters who will have to suffer the bullshit that will fly our way.

No - it's Div 3 and fuck them I say.

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Posted this in one of the other threads...

  • Back SPL voting reform and slash the Old Firm's influence
  • Agree a fairer split of revenue and cut payments to the Old Firm;

These two were going to happen regardless of the league we end up in.

  • Accept the transfer embargo given by the SFA appeals body;
Very difficult to compete in the SPL with our current squad, serious risk of relegation. Is Green worried that the SFA will suspend us for a year, is this a serious risk if we choose not save the SPL? Have the SFA warned him about this?
  • Pay all Gers' football debts at home and abroad;

Why is one type of debt prioritised over other debt? Does not seem fair, could it open up other previous debtors claiming against us?

  • Take a points deduction for at least one, possibly more seasons;
Again makes it even more difficult to compete, almost certain relegation.
  • Issue a public apologise for Gers' past wrongdoing.

Apologies for the wrongdoings of Craig Whyte and David Murray. Would depend on how it was worded. If there were phrases such as "hope they burn in the pits of hell" I might go for it.

Overall the downsides are far too risky for me. That is me looking at it with as level a head as I can. Don't waist your breath Green. Let's do things the right way. Why should one footballing company be allowed to fail for their apparent wrongdoings but others are saved when clearly they haven't been running things in the correct and proper fashion.

If that point (in bold) about the SFA suspending us for a year unless we capitulate has any legs then I hope our QC is onto the case and in contact with the Procurator Fiscal with a view to charges being brought against those making such criminal threats. :angry:

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If that point (in bold) about the SFA suspending us for a year unless we capitulate has any legs then I hope our QC is onto the case and in contact with the Procurator Fiscal with a view to charges being brought against those making such criminal threats. :angry:

It is just the tone Green uses every time he says 'we might not have a league to play in'. It makes me think he knows, or at least suspects, more than he is letting on.

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David Murray a big time business man didn't realise what he was doing and Whyte didn't realise what he was not paying ... There's a reason Alan Carr apologised because there is no one in their right mind that would not know these schemes are not okay in business plus... It turns out Murray ran the club on a bank loan and we payed no one for players ect! Take it on the chin and carry on and lets get back to football

This is utter nonsense, it was Jimmy Carr for a kick-off and also the scheme was LEGAL....End of! It may well have been a loophole but every day of the week businesses and people in general look for loopholes to make things cheaper etc. If we do get found guilty even then the apology should be from Murray not Rangers FC. Also Whyte knew exactly what he was doing, dont kid yourself.

You have been listening to all the propoganda in the media from the bitter tims and bought into it. I want nothing more than to get back talking about football but Rangers shouldnt have to bend over backwards for everyone and grovel to get there.

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At the end of the day we have to accept there was wrong doing by people at the club and responsibility for the mess lies with us BUT why would you expect Green not to push for us in the Spl? I know I'll get bad reps and probably be told I'm reeking but I would rather we just tried to draw a line and get back to football I'm fucking sick of all the shite and te romance of playing in Div3! If green feels the club would Benefit better in the Spl ten so be it and I'm telling you every consortium would have done the same! Walter included

We all want to get back to the football mate but not under these conditions. Yes pay our football debts, we should be doing that no matter what, along with the rest of our debt apart from the tax and ticketus money, thats for those two to deal with now. l dont mind sharing the money about more so the league as a whole becomes more competative because lets face it if it goes on like this then we may as well chuck it. There's only two people that have to come out and apologise and they have fuck all to do with Rangers anymore so that's there problem. If this story is true then is this not what all the other clubs in the spl wanted anyway? Maybe we will be left with no choice but to be take whats dished out and just get on with it.

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David Murray a big time business man didn't realise what he was doing and Whyte didn't realise what he was not paying ... There's a reason Alan Carr apologised because there is no one in their right mind that would not know these schemes are not okay in business plus... It turns out Murray ran the club on a bank loan and we payed no one for players ect! Take it on the chin and carry on and lets get back to football

You are not a Rangers supporter.

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Transfer embargo - does this include small print for replacing stars that left out of contract AND the rebels? Maybe Green hides some hope that the remaining rebels will stay? huh aye right.

Points deduction - What for, we have done nothing wrong. If it rumbles on beyond the start of the season, maybe.

Public Apology, again, what for?

I agree with voting restructure, fairer split of revenue and the payment of all sporting debts, the rest they can whistle for.

We have done nothing wrong!

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I have been a Rangers season ticket holder for over 20 years and have given up to now Green the benefit of the doubt This so called compromise proposal is total mince. Would be happier to start again in Div 3 rather than "compete" in SPL with yet another points deduction and the illegal transfer embargo.The voting restucture and fairer split of money maybe but the rest NO WAY!

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The chairmen of SPL and SFL clubs have been warned that a Rangers in Division 3 will take £16 million out of the game so in reality the SPL clubs chairmen, for the good of their diddy clubs,should be begging us to join the SPL.

There should be no FURTHER points deduction and certainly no agreement to accept an illegal transfer embargo. If Green does accept either of these I do fear for the future of our club.

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Shockerooni!! Ed, you feeling alright mate?

Its funny, I was swaying towards Green on Sunday cos there was no word from Brown's side.

Its a headfuck for loyal fans, whichever way you look at it. No one is wrong for wanting Brown to succeed, neither can supporters of Green, our current owner, be criticised.

Greens proposals in todays press are simply an outrage. He knows nothing about this club if he thinks we will pander to these terms. Not a chance, ill say again. We did nothing wrong.

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it would be very difficult to compete with 13 players,a few injuries and relegation would be staring us in the face. That would be worse than staring in the SFL. Anyway with all this integrity stuff going on how can we accept a punishment the courts consider outwith the SFAs powers and on the same basis how can the SFA impose it. It sets a very bad precedent for the future and effectively would mean that the SFA could do what they liked to us for all time coming.

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If this comes to fruition the I am afraid my views would change..................................also what is there to apologise for????????????? did brown not apologise last week and well ..........I'm out .....................

I had you down as a realist Ed. You usually are anyway.

There's no solution that provides for a smelling-of-roses outcome for one and all. It's impossible now. A succession of suits have fucked it up over and over and over again.

A sham apology, for example, would be just that: a sham played out for the sole benefit of the business principles you have been keen to praise Green for of late.

We simply can't have it all ways. None of it is enough to keep me away.

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I had you down as a realist Ed. You usually are anyway.

There's no solution that proves for a smelling-of-roses outcome for one and all. It's impossible now. A succession of suits have fucked it up over and over and over again.

A sham apology, for example, would be just that: a sham played out for the sole benefit of the business principles you have been keep to praise Green for of late.

We simply can't have it all ways. None of it is enough to keep me away.

It won't keep me away either. (tu)

..and I am sorry, I'm sorry that Murray ever sold the club to Whyte and of the consequences.

I'd be fine with that apology from Green.

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I had you down as a realist Ed. You usually are anyway.

There's no solution that proves for a smelling-of-roses outcome for one and all. It's impossible now. A succession of suits have fucked it up over and over and over again.

A sham apology, for example, would be just that: a sham played out for the sole benefit of the business principles you have been keep to praise Green for of late.

We simply can't have it all ways. None of it is enough to keep me away.

Agree with all you have said mate. However, it applies also to those that are against us in this. They also cant have it all ways.

This wont keep any of us away, im certain of that. Im assuming Ed was inferring to his support of Greens consortium, more than to his undying support towards our club.

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How can we compete in the SPL with 13 players and a transfer embargo????

The powers that be don't want us to be able to compete ovenwash. They sure as hell want us in the SPL, but only to see us defeated & too weak to challenge because the sanctions are too heavy

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Agree with all you have said mate. However, it applies also to those that are against us in this. They also cant have it all ways.

Of course it does - it's a cluster-fuck for all.

We should be expecting the carve-up that's about to come our way - because that's all that's left to offer.

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