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McCoist wins trophies fight

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Remember this is Leggo

CHARLES GREEN was on the brink surrendering to Celtic and handing over titles and trophies in a desperate bid to get a licence to play from the Scottish Football Association.

For right now Charles Green is under mounting pressure from his investors as he fails to deliver on the promises he made to them about making money out of Rangers in a get-rich-quick scheme.

But Ally McCoist was the man who stepped forward to defend the honour and integrity of Rangers silverware seasons.

It is manager McCoist who has been inside Hampden over the last few days playing hardball with the SFA as Rangers bid to have their membership of the governing body and with it, their licence to play, transferred from the Oldco to the NewCo.

It has been a combination of performing a high wire act without the balancing pole or safety net for McCoist and Stewart Regan…and all above thin ice.

So far McCoist has not blinked and he has been doing a wonderful job for Rangers. A job he has been able to do, thanks to the absence of Charles Green who has disappeared into thin air for the last few days.

Time will tell where Charles Green actually has been and what lies he may have told about his whereabouts.

However, I can also reveal that as far as those trophies are concerned, there does not appear to be any appetite within the Scottish Football Association to pursue a vendetta against Rangers and strip them of Scottish Cups they have won.

But Regan refused to blink either when McCoist suggested Rangers would accept the transfer embargo if it was suspended for five years, pointing out that any infringement of the SFA rules during that time would see the year-long-transfer embargo applied immediately.

Regan dismissed that offer.

However, it now appears that the SFA and especially chief executive Stewart Regan, have to be given some wriggle room by Rangers.

McCoist has already won a famous victory in making it clear there is no way he will have anything to do with Rangers rolling over and agreeing to be robbed of trophies they have won fair and square.

That is a lot more than Charles Green intended to do. He was all for surrendering. Simply because he is under increasing pressure from his backers to make sure they can make their quick buck profit from Rangers.

McCoist is divorced from that mucky money making scheme, which is the only reason why Charles Green and his mysterious investors have hijacked Rangers. McCoist’s only motivation is Rangers.

But now, in the interest of Rangers, perhaps it is the right time for the Rangers manager to give serious consideration to taking a step back and negotiating with Stewart Regan is good faith.

From what I have been hearing from a number of extremely well informed sources, McCoist may find he can cut a deal with Regan.

With the clock ticking it is perhaps the time for principles to make way for pragmatism.

For the alternative may be that Charles Green gets back in there with Regan and undoes all McCoist’s good work, leaving Rangers and their silverware at the mercy of their enemies.

And there are enough of them out there who have been shouting their message of hate from the rooftops. Tom Boyd. Neil Lennon. I wonder who wrote the hymn sheet they are singing from?

Peter Lawwell?

Rangers supporters should be grateful they have a man of McCoist’s mettle fighting the club’s corner so well, even as he is stabbed in the back from the enemy within Ibrox, chief executive Charles Green.

For I can reveal that Charles Green did not consult with McCoist or even inform his football manager of the role new investor Craig Mather will play, particularly in relation to the club’s young prospects.

On the official Rangers web site Mather spoke out strongly about what his role will be, making it clear he intends to have a hands-on role regarding young players and be a high profile presence inside the Rangers training complex in Milngavie.

Of course Craig Mather is managing director of Simply Sports Management, a fancy name for a company whose business is being football agents and he is obviously only in for the money too, with the special privileged access his status will give him to the Rangers youth stars, a sure fire cash cow for Craig Mather and his Nottingham based Simply Sports Management.

Many shrewd observers see the recruitment of Mather, plus the disappearance of Charles Green to goodness knows where over the last few days, as last desperate throws of the dice for the increasingly discredited and more and more harassed looking Charles Green.

While McCoist remains on the home front, fighting the good fight on behalf of Rangers. Just as Rangers supporters would expect a true Ranger to do.

posted by leggoland @ 08:00

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Is there nothing Leggo won't try and spin as a negative against Green ?

Ally wouldn't be doing anything that wasn't sanctioned and agreed upon by Green for a start.

So if Ally is taking a good stance it is because of Green and not in spite of him.

With his mixed metaphors and yet more accusations without evidence, this Leggo character puts another nail in his coffin with the Rangers fans.

When this is all behind us there are going to be a lot of fingers pointing at Leggo, the dingbats and folk like Brown who tried to destabilise our club for their own ends, at a crucial point in its history.

We won't forget.

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Is there nothing Leggo won't try and spin as a negative against Green ?

Ally wouldn't be doing anything that wasn't sanctioned and agreed upon by Green for a start.

So if Ally is taking a good stance it is because of Green and not in spite of him.

With his mixed metaphors and yet more accusations without evidence, this Leggo character puts another nail in his coffin with the Rangers fans.

When this is all behind us there are going to be a lot of fingers pointing at Leggo, the dingbats and folk like Brown who tried to destabilise our club for their own ends, at a crucial point in its history.

We won't forget.

Agreed. they are doing Celtic and SFA's work for them.

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If McCoist has been brought in by Green to the meeting with Regan, I think it is a very smart move.

Ally is the face of the Rangers fans and the Rangers players of old. He represents the club, not the company. He is far more personable than Green as a character, it is far more difficult to explain to Ally why any titles should be stripped without conclusive evidence that the players did not earn those trophies on a level platform. Regan is sitting with a very well informed fan and being made to explain his ridiculous sanctions.

Whoever made that decision, hats off to them.

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"I hate Charles Green. I really wanted Paul Murray to buy Rangers. I like Paul Murray. I really liked his idea of the True Blue Knights running Rangers. I love that name, the True Blue Knights. I made it up, you know. I don't trust anyone else to run Rangers, especially not some guy from Yorkshire who refuses to talk to me. I'll show him."

Thanks, Leggo. Riveting stuff and a real departure for you.

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:lol: - Leggo - Conspirator in Chief

- Ally has not been in to the SFA on his own - he was there with Murray and the new CFO. Green is in Switzerland discussing Rangers with UEFA (and both these have been widly reported)

There is a lot happening and there is a division of labours - some poeple just want to see fault or conspiracy in everything.

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"I hate Charles Green. I really wanted Paul Murray to buy Rangers. I like Paul Murray. I really liked his idea of the True Blue Knights running Rangers. I love that name, the True Blue Knights. I made it up, you know. I don't trust anyone else to run Rangers, especially not some guy from Yorkshire who refuses to talk to me. I'll show him."

Thanks, Leggo. Riveting stuff and a real departure for you.

laugh.gif Nail on head.

It's also sad for Leggo as this saga has sent him to the loon bin and incredibly frustrating for the more level headed fan to read his twisted logic.

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If McCoist has been brought in by Green to the meeting with Regan, I think it is a very smart move.

Ally is the face of the Rangers fans and the Rangers players of old. He represents the club, not the company. He is far more personable than Green as a character, it is far more difficult to explain to Ally why any titles should be stripped without conclusive evidence that the players did not earn those trophies on a level platform. Regan is sitting with a very well informed fan and being made to explain his ridiculous sanctions.

Whoever made that decision, hats off to them.


Who knows what is true , but its better to have the familiar face of Ally negotiating.

He has a personal likeability about him which could possibly sway decisions our way.

Personally I think any stripping of titles is a step too far, and don't honestly think the SFA would seriously be looking at that.

Not if they want to have a chance of winning back any sort of goodwill in the future.

Pragmatism works both ways.

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Is there a choice?

I thought it was both with no chance to appeal?

Maybe the wording of the first sentance has threw me off:-

handing over titles and trophies in a desperate bid to get a licence to play from the Scottish Football Association

I read that as

handing over titles and trophies in a desperate bid [or] get a licence to play from the Scottish Football Association
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If McCoist has been brought in by Green to the meeting with Regan, I think it is a very smart move.

Ally is the face of the Rangers fans and the Rangers players of old. He represents the club, not the company. He is far more personable than Green as a character, it is far more difficult to explain to Ally why any titles should be stripped without conclusive evidence that the players did not earn those trophies on a level platform. Regan is sitting with a very well informed fan and being made to explain his ridiculous sanctions.

Whoever made that decision, hats off to them.

Dont expect that prick Leggo to give Green the credit for shrewd delegation. He would much rather pervert everything to the contrary, for his own nefarious purposes.

This whole item is nothing but a farago of twisted facts. Most specifically, this is far from the stage when the removal of titles might be looked at in detail - the SPL arent even due to rule on the matter until August 10th. Rather, the key to the current negotiations are the acceptance of the fine and transfer embargo, along with the footballing debts. And as for the suggestion of a five year suspension for that embargo - that is even more obvious rubbish. It would be laughed off the table. Far more reliable sources close to the negotiations are hinting that it might be suspended until September 1st, to allow us to reinforce the squad. That would be far more acceptable to both sides.

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:lol: - Leggo - Conspirator in Chief

- Ally has not been in to the SFA on his own - he was there with Murray and the new CFO. Green is in Switzerland discussing Rangers with UEFA (and both these have been widly reported)

There is a lot happening and there is a division of labours - some poeple just want to see fault or conspiracy in everything.

This is what I was thinking. I must admit I'm not the best informed over these matters but if I know things like where Green is how the hell can somebody with all this inside information not know?

Talk about making yourself look like a complete arse :wanker:

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