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Charles Green

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Hope CG has a thick skin for the crap that will come his way . The Gers have been pilloried for years using this particular rod as though it was our exclusive province. The scum, either in the media or without, won't like it being thrown back at them. Keep returning the serve CG.

I don't think Charlie will give much of a fuck.. He's a Bear now anyway so fuck them all!

No Surrender Charlie Green!

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Did Charles Green know what he was doing when he claimed that decisions made about Rangers were based partly on bigotry? I don't have the answer but he appears a shrewd character and I'm sure he will have done his homework before releasing such a statement.

Was he pandering to the blue emblazoned gallery's? Almost certainly in my opinion but does that make him wrong? Well I say no, it doesn't make him wrong.

What Charles Green has done is taken a word that for years now has been used as a stick to beat Rangers and Rangers fans at any and every opportunity and used it against the very people who have so gleefully spouted it in the past. The word has been banded about and used so liberally that it has lost it's true meaning, that is assuming that the purveyors knew the true meaning in the first place. The word, in Scotland, has become synonymous with Rangers.

This one single utterance of the word by Charles Green has left the Rangers nae sayers dumbstruck. They have been labelled with the very word which they use as a derogatory term for all things Rangers. I can just imagine the howls of objection, 'how can we be bigots? That's what Rangers are!'

Someone from out with these shores has dared to lift the lid on 'Scotland's secret shame' and you can be sure that the real bigots don't like it.


The cobwebs of apathy are being wiped away, we will destroy anything and everything on our path back to the top.

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Feel like he's one of these foreigners that have heard we are a good big club etc then has come to us only to find he has to divorce his wife because he is now married to rangers! a man that is made a legend by gers fans will be worshiped everywhere in the world, a man who makes an enemy of us will have a life that will have him on edge!

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Maybe shouldn't have used the word but for someone who has no emotional ties to us he's certainly backing us to the hilt and not afraid to stick up for us. Unlike many others in the past.

So far so good.

He said it was bigotry which just means someone taking an unreasonable action because the don't share the same views and opinions as yourself. It is only in Scotland that that will be assumed to mean he was implying Sectarianism. Therefore the word he used was accurate. The so called fans of the other clubs acted unreasonable out of a hatred and not sharing our views in respect of football. As a non Scot he may not even a thought about the Sectarian anlge.

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I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a fight back. When we get the full license, I can see a full scale investigation into the SFA from UEFA. Why else would CG go over there if he was not making them aware of what is going on.

The rest of the world must be looking at this and thinking wait a moment, there is something not quite right about all this.

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It's a Bheast foursome that leads the way against us from the SPL. Liewell, Petrie,Thompson, Mil e

It's a Bheast lawyer leading the way for the PFA in moving our players on with no recompense for the club.

He's got his definition spot on as far as I am concerned.

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I think as an outsider he was staggered by other businessman prepared to put their club out of business and came to the conclusion there was more to our expulsion than meets the eye.

Bigotry and jealousy were as good terms as any to use as what else could it be.

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He said it was bigotry which just means someone taking an unreasonable action because the don't share the same views and opinions as yourself. It is only in Scotland that that will be assumed to mean he was implying Sectarianism. Therefore the word he used was accurate. The so called fans of the other clubs acted unreasonable out of a hatred and not sharing our views in respect of football. As a non Scot he may not even a thought about the Sectarian anlge.

The Sectarian Angle being Religious by your definition I take it ?

Sectarian as in a sect does not need to nor have any reference to Religion.

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good post OP.

I watched the interview and i felt that the guy interviewing him sounded totally shocked that the word biggotry was being used as anything other than a word to describe us Rangers fans. This is where we are at the moment, biggot means Rangers fan, and it pisses me right off.

I am so glad that someone finally had the balls to come out and say what most of us have felt for years.

It was a great interview IMO, and he knew EXACTLY what he was doing when he said what he said.

Edit: i bet this thread flushes a few bheasts out.

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Im not sure if he should or shouldn't have thats why i said maybe.

His statement will be forgotten now and they will focus on that one word.

Fuck knows?

Should maybe just have went for it and called them fenian child molesting bastards!!

:D that would have been epic.

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The word Bigot has been, as the OP said, used as a stick to beat us with for many a year now. It's almost always used out of context. However, i think CG is right. I don't think the SFA are full of Celtic fans, but i do believe it's full of corrupt individuals who want to punish us and extract every penny that can from us. That's what really pisses me off.

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i hope CG used this word thoughtfully and deliberately - it does reflect the attitude of many towards this football club. if he is as tuned into the real driving forces as it appears i think we might well hear him say that any future sanction against this club is "persecution" which is another word that some seem to think belongs exclusively to them.

it is interesting to see language so powerfully used; these words have long been used as weapons by a certain section of society to demean those who hold opposing views. it is about time that they were used to accurately describe people's attitudes and behaviours and this is indeed a two-way street and always has been.

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Love him or loathe him, and let's face it the Jury the may may be out for years on this one, understandably, I

don't see Green as any form of shrinking violet, in fact I reckon he is a guy not to be f*cked with much at all.

Dave Bassett was on TV whinging how, at Sheffield he would offer to take discussions out into the car-park for further clarity,

By the looks on Bassett's face when he said this, he may have taken the wrong option at least once, hence the skelly demeanour.

I believe CG has shown his diplomatic side in spades and done so well but underneath he has the mettle of a proud Yorkshireman who takes shit from no mother.

I hope I am right, he is certainly no fool, and knows when it is time to take the gloves off

I'd like to think he is biding his time and warming up a hardy haymaker for the first wipe to give him justification to deliver an earnest KO, Regan, Doncaster and top of the list Lawell being among them, - I wonder who from that discredited list will offer to "haud the jaikets"?

I suspect we need this type of leadership at the present time.




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Didn't Gordon Brown call an English Woman a Bigot during the election?

Don't think he was refering to anything other than her politcal views.

In the west of scotland, courtesy of the scottish media it is religiously motitivated

only, in their eyes.

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Well said :praise:

Doubt very much that he will be called to Hamdump to explain his explanation as they will not like said explanation. The truth hurts and that lot have been avoiding it like the plague.

The goldfish bowl that is Scotland is about to get a rude awakening and I can see a lot of people losing their head. The whole game needs reorganising from top to bottom. I just hope that this time we get it right.

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Finally some one in our corner and telling it like it is.

He is no fool and will box clever.

Seems he is ready for the fight he was almost asking them to bring on their stripping titles nosense.

Really starting like him that statement was badly needed and I applaud him for it.

Still feel bit sad inside that it took Green to do this whilst scores of Rangers men did nothing.

No surrender Charlie Green.

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