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Cringe Time

Henry Brown

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Typical response to the truth

The SFA and EUFA will be on the case soon

Like or lump it but they are doing the club no favours continuing singing abusive

If you were one of us it would read our support not the support.

Now fuck off ya boaby licking nonce.

No Surrender


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Typical response to the truth

The SFA and EUFA will be on the case soon

Like or lump it but they are doing the club no favours continuing singing abusive

Its UEFA is the above how you spelt it on the Banner?

Now why would UEFA get involved in a Domestic Game?

Havent you noticed we are not in Europe for at least 3 years?

Now piss off ,and what abuse are you jibbering about?

Give it a Fucking rest.

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Some of the chanting/singing IS rancid.... not needed.... but the away support are in general quite amazing.... just need s better tune-master is all.

It's division Three... no need whatsoever to sing about taigs nor taig lovers.... sounds daft these days and gives THEM acknowledgement which they SHOULDN'T be getting.... hell the taigs will be laughing.... us chanting about THEM.... c'mon.... Gers songs only please :)

THEY will be saying that WE have an obsession about THEM if we keep it up ... let's not give them the satisfaction.

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The away support disgrace Rangers with all the outdated drivel they sing.They only embarrass the club and give ammunition to our enemies,who,I am sure will be on our case in the near future.You who will come on and accuse me of being something other than a Rangers supporter I can only say Thre truth hurts

Well if your not one of hem then, can i ask why is no one on there case for sing there drivel? Even Neil Lennon said a section of the ra sellick support need to stop singing IRA songs.

It's not just IRA songs though is it.

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Well if your not one of hem then, can i ask why is no one on there case for sing there drivel? Even Neil Lennon said a section of the ra sellick support need to stop singing IRA songs.

It's not just IRA songs though is it.

I'll answer for him... who cares ?

Let THAT lot make a nonce (A British and Australian slang term for a sex offender, usually a child sexual abuser. ) of themselves.... we should be above it.... WE ARE RANGERS.

They will show themselves up without US singing about them.... remember THAT lot at Tynecastle and THEIR RANCID CHANTING ?

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We COULD go through this division singing and chanting decent Rangers tunes and the whole of this division's fans will ALL get around to thinking and believing that it is the other lot that sing and chant vile ditties... we DON'T have to lower ourselves. Football fans, remember.... there are other places for anti-catholicism sentiments.

Rangers Football Club, always and Forever ... onward and upwards.... Onward and Upwards.... future things (tu)

We don't live in the past.... but we will Always remember it.... no need to sully the football club though.

hunger-striker (dead ones at that) and vile priests and others ...buggering wee boys... we don't want nor need that sort of chanting at football games which kiddies attend.... never mind decent folks... time it stopped tbh.

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Well if your not one of hem then, can i ask why is no one on there case for sing there drivel? Even Neil Lennon said a section of the ra sellick support need to stop singing IRA songs.

It's not just IRA songs though is it.

Just for you... not a good thing to give those murdering, cowardly bastards ... capital letters when referring to them... makes it look as though they ARE a legitimate outfit which they most certainly ARE NOT ! ... the Scum.

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The away support disgrace Rangers with all the outdated drivel they sing.They only embarrass the club and give ammunition to our enemies,who,I am sure will be on our case in the near future.You who will come on and accuse me of being something other than a Rangers supporter I can only say Thre truth hurts

Has the priest's helmet engaged in your bullet hole yet Henry ?

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Our support is tremendous....................one or two of our songs need updated.

Big difference from saying our support is a disgrace.

I'd ban me though.

We'd all ban you if we could. Unfortunately your technical wizardry means you've hacked the server and made it impossible. And you've got those incriminating photos...

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We'd all ban you if we could. Unfortunately your technical wizardry means you've hacked the server and made it impossible. And you've got those incriminating photos...

Those photos have served me well. (tu)

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What does my nut in, is the fact that Ally's suit costs more than the payroll of these minnows we play, and yet they pumped us rotten, save for that miracle at the end.

Gonnae be a tortured season if this heap of pish keeps up.

Songs are the least of the problem.

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