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Ally: Not All Questions Have Been Answered


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Well it is not holding back our progress because as supporters we have no other choice but to back the Green consortium. We have no power. Unanswered questions frustrate me, particularly when the SFA appear to know more about the men behind the club than the supporters. You are right, trust is an issue for many supporters including myself as after the Whyte debacle I felt transparency would be a given, sadly I was a slightly optimistic.

Again Green has my support, but based on what we know I find it difficult to comprehend how any supporter can proclaim full support behind his group. That is why recent posts on Charles Green have concerned me. We are not there yet.....

As fans we will never have full trust in the custodian , unless he is a former legendary player , and when did you last see a player legend own a club ? I don't think there is an example of that in world football so it will never be a perfect fans / owner relationship but what really fucks me off are the real de-stabilisers such as bomber and certain fan groups supporting a certain humpty dumpty . CG and his investors may not be perfect but everyone else's balls shrunk when it really mattered .

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That's not what the RST said and no I don't want to start an argument with regards to them but they did ask fans to hold back from buying seasons tickets so technically you do have a choice,you could pay for match tickets one by one rather than buying a season ticket.

We're never going to know every single detail but that doesn't mean that there's anything bad being hidden either.

Time will tell.

Yes supporters can do as you have stated, but my point was more about how you cannot go and support another club, Rangers is like a drug for many and therefore the options open to the support are limited. Lets hope your optimism rather than my pessimism is found to be well placed as we move forward. If I am honest, I think Green etc will be fine.

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Yes supporters can do as you have stated, but my point was more about how you cannot go and support another club, Rangers is like a drug for many and therefore the options open to the support are limited. Lets hope your optimism rather than my pessimism is found to be well placed as we move forward. If I am honest, I think Green etc will be fine.

I think there are a lot of people who won't go now though,there's some amount of new season ticket holders as in first timers.

I think we'll be fine and we will eventually be in the hands of 'Rangers men' once Zeus have turned us around and leave us with cash in the bank and a budget that doesn't rely on European income.

I'm happy with who we have foreseeable future though.

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Clearly Ally has asked questions and not received a satisfactory response on all issues. Considering what the club/fans and the manager have been through I think it is fair to say Ally is suspicious.

I really don't see how you can jump to that conclusion. It is quite clear that McCoist is equating season ticket sales with the fans' concerns and not any that he himself may harbour. Moreover, as he states an expectation that sales will increase it is hard to justify an assertion that McCoist himself has any concerns.

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Clearly Ally has asked questions and not received a satisfactory response on all issues. Considering what the club/fans and the manager have been through I think it is fair to say Ally is suspicious. Maybe it is the wrong assumption, but if I do not get the answers I seek on a troublesome issue then I am naturally suspicious, and I am sure you would be too.

I think your use of the word ; 'Suspicious' is wrong. Now if you would have used the word ; 'Perturbed' or 'Anxious' I would have agreed with you.

Ally has every right to be anxious as to certain things still surrounding our owners, but to say he is suspicious of Green is unfounded because I have never heard Ally say that word when discussing Charles Green.

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That looks like a pretty positive interview for me,doesn't he mean the questions the fans have asked?

I'm not really sure why anyone's troubled right now,we're signing better quality players than expected,season tickets are going great guns,heading for a sell out tomorrow and investors coming in slowly but surely which is fantastic considering the league we're based in.

What's the negatives?

00000042.gif Spot on Bombay, Only thing I would like to add is, Everything we "the fans" have done has been absolutely brilliant, but we could have doubled that if there wasn't certain sections of our support dead set on slaughtering the people who put their hand in their pockets.

They wanted the Blue Knights, but the truth is, the Blue Knights didn't want the club, if they really wanted it, they would be the owners now. RST should be disbanded as their leaders views are not shared by the VAST majority of the true supporters of the club.

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I think your use of the word ; 'Suspicious' is wrong. Now if you would have used the word ; 'Perturbed' or 'Anxious' I would have agreed with you.

Ally has every right to be anxious as to certain things still surrounding our owners, but to say he is suspicious of Green is unfounded because I have never heard Ally say that word when discussing Charles Green.

I think you might be correct, 'suspicious' is possibly too strong a word to describe his thoughts on the issue. Although, even if Ally was suspicious, there is absolutely no way he could utter such a word. It would make his working conditions/life unbearable. My point remains the same, Ally is not 100% convinced by Green and his partners (not yet, anyway) and my only concern at this stage is that sections of the support seem keen to overlook this fact. Its too early to jump in with both feet praising Green to the hilt, he has still got plenty to prove. The signs however, are positive.

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I really don't see how you can jump to that conclusion. It is quite clear that McCoist is equating season ticket sales with the fans' concerns and not any that he himself may harbour. Moreover, as he states an expectation that sales will increase it is hard to justify an assertion that McCoist himself has any concerns.

I can jump to that conclusion because it is clear in the article. How many times has Ally stated that first and foremost he is a supporter of the club? Almost every interview, and so therefore, questions unanswered from a fans perspective are questions he will hold himself. I have yet to see an article or interview where Ally's support for Green appears unwavering. He is not at that stage, he clearly is not 100% convinced, yet.

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I can jump to that conclusion because it is clear in the article. How many times has Ally stated that first and foremost he is a supporter of the club? Almost every interview, and so therefore, questions unanswered from a fans perspective are questions he will hold himself. I have yet to see an article or interview where Ally's support for Green appears unwavering. He is not at that stage, he clearly is not 100% convinced, yet.

Why the fuck do you seem so unhappy that Rangers fans are getting behind Ally Mccoist. :mad:

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Why the fuck do you seem so unhappy that Rangers fans are getting behind Ally Mccoist. :mad:

Where an earth have I stated my disappointment at Rangers fans getting behind Ally? Your looking for something that is not there. If anything, I have stated the opposite to what you are suggesting.

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Where an earth have I stated my disappointment at Rangers fans getting behind Ally? Your looking for something that is not there. If anything, I have stated the opposite to what you are suggesting.

If it was left to people like you, we would have sold no fucking tickets at all.


If I, and thousands of Rangers fans are wrong, at least it wont be for not trying the best for our club, and we will sleep at night knowing, that we done what we thought was right, not sitting doing everything we could to stop Rangers fans buying tickets to help our club. Excuse me but are you a Rangers fan?.


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What is the point of posting this article and hinting that Ally does not trust Green? Ally didn't say that.

Go pay as you go or don't go at all OP. I couldn't give a fuck either way but don't come on here and try and pretend you know what Ally thinks. I doubt you know what you think. You probably struggle to decide what socks to put on in the morning.

Now, go back to trolling the media for articles that remotely reflect your slant on the world. We have a team to support!

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McCoist added: "It's totally understandable that they wanted to wait and see after the exploits of the last owner.

"They wanted a little bit of trust and belief back and they wanted to see what was happening before they spent their hard-earned money, which I find totally understandable.

"They wanted to see if we would bring quality players in, they wanted to see what league we would be in.

"There were a lot of questions that were needing answered before they could give us their support.

"Not all the questions have been answered but some of them have to the extent that we have sold another 7,000 season tickets since Monday so we are up to 32,000 or 33,000 season-tickets and I think that will rise again.


The above seems to have been forgotten in the clamour to praise Charles Green. Like I have previously stated, Green has certainly made a better impression in the past few weeks than before, but he certainly does not deserve lashings of praise. Our manager has just confirmed, we should still be wary of Charles Green until satisfactory answers to all questions are forthcoming. This is not an 'anti Green' post, nor is it 'pro Green', but it is a reality check for a significant number of supporters; let the men in power earn our praise.

We all hope for a bright new era with the right man in charge, but clearly our manager is still suspicious of his motives and it is therefore our duty to remain cautiously optimistic as we aim to move forward.

Trust but verify

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I can jump to that conclusion because it is clear in the article. How many times has Ally stated that first and foremost he is a supporter of the club? Almost every interview, and so therefore, questions unanswered from a fans perspective are questions he will hold himself. I have yet to see an article or interview where Ally's support for Green appears unwavering. He is not at that stage, he clearly is not 100% convinced, yet.

This would be the same Ally McCoist who declared he would buy a season ticket "in a heartbeat"? I still don't see how you have jumped to the conclusion that McCoist is suspicious based on that article. Nothing in it hints at personal concerns on the part of McCoist.

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Are Rangers playing at Ibrox? Yes? Well that the only question anyone needs answering before buying a Season Ticket. Can't believe some cunts are still looking for excuses for turning their back on the Club. Yes we should remain vigilant over the owners of the Club - everything sounds good but we can't trust that alone, however everyone should be behind the Club 100 per cent.

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I think you might be correct, 'suspicious' is possibly too strong a word to describe his thoughts on the issue. Although, even if Ally was suspicious, there is absolutely no way he could utter such a word. It would make his working conditions/life unbearable. My point remains the same, Ally is not 100% convinced by Green and his partners (not yet, anyway) and my only concern at this stage is that sections of the support seem keen to overlook this fact. Its too early to jump in with both feet praising Green to the hilt, he has still got plenty to prove. The signs however, are positive.

Of course Ally would be mad to completely put his trust in our new owners 100%, just as our supporters would be, for there is a lot of healing to be done at our club before we can put our full trust in Gree & Co. but he has started off well and he has shown more bottle and committment to our club than any other bidder did when it came to the crunch of putting up or shutting up.

Sure he and his investors are out to make a profit from the sale of our club further down the line,and I hope he makes an absolute fortune from our sale when the time comes because it will have meant that he has put us on a sound footing with a strong business plan that will ensure we never have to go through the horrors again like we have in the past year or so.

Do I trust him implicitly???? NO I don't at the moment.

Will I give him the time and opportunity to prove himself? Most definitely (tu):pipe:

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