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I’ve lived in England for 17 years and for most of the time most of the people I’ve spoken to couldn’t give a toss about Scottish football. The English have the best league in the world and have their own team to support so why would they be interested in Scottish football? The people in Scotland subscribe to Sky to watch English football but it has never been the other way round (I would think that the majority of subscribers in England are Scots living there). Ask yourself this, if Sky lost the Premiership how many Scots would stop their subscription? Now ask yourself how many English would cancel their subscription if Sky stopped showing Scottish football?

This said, the English did show a little bit of an interest in the Old Firm games (not enough to join me in the pub to watch it mind you). All that is left now is a morbid curiosity about the Rangers situation and a general feeling of disbelief that the people running Scottish football could let this happen to one of the two teams that some people outside Scotland actually care about (even if only a little). The majority think that it was a stupid (bigoted even) decision that is likely to mean that the only people who will be left watching Scottish football are Scots actually living in Scotland (especially once the TV companies stop caring).

You might ask yourself the question “do I care what the English think?” or “have we any ambition for Rangers to win anything outside of Scotland?”. If your answer is “No” then stop reading (surprised you even started even reading this post). If it’s “Yes” then the only way to generate an interest (and with it commercial success) is to do well in Europe (as we’ll never play in England). My fear now is that by the time Rangers are back (3 seasons at best) then permanent damage will been done to Scottish football; finding a place in Europe will be tougher than it is now and when we do get there, the lack of quality in the teams that are left in Scotland will mean that winning anything will be nigh on impossible. The gulf between the big teams with money (in England, Spain, Italy, Germany etc.) and those without mean that Scottish teams may never win anything outside of Scotland again.

Not what you wanted to hear perhaps but you did ask!

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no in the chapel probably.

the scouse thread annoyed me with the usual suspects spewing their shit all over it

Merseyside /Greater Manchester doesn't know anything about Rangers or NI aye ok.

I've not read this other thread and was only interested in how Rangers fans get on down here when talking football with locals. There is no agenda with me

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I've not read this other thread and was only interested in how Rangers fans get on down here when talking football with locals. There is no agenda with me

It wasn't aimed at you.

as for the sash bash aye had a few over the years at the Derry club and Beaky.

Must be few dusty photos somewhere with the law taking photos of everyone outside.

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Not what you wanted to hear perhaps but you did ask!

I was not looking to hear anything but what I said in the last post. your right enough in what you say it's common knowledge that success and money are deeply related in football. The interesting part for me was no one watching a game with you. I'm in the same boat unless visiting family. Pub gives me a room to watch our games once their matches start which is mighty decent of them :beer1:

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Yeah they drink in the Wheatsheaf now, still in Stockport. I sometimes get a lift up with a few of the guys who go there. There's another one in Salford called The Palatine Inn apparently although I've never been in it. Where abouts in Manchester you based?

Cheers m8, will give it a try. I'm in Hulme, know Salford well from working in the area so will give that pub a call too :beer1:

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I was not looking to hear anything but what I said in the last post. your right enough in what you say it's common knowledge that success and money are deeply related in football. The interesting part for me was no one watching a game with you. I'm in the same boat unless visiting family. Pub gives me a room to watch our games once their matches start which is mighty decent of them :beer1:

Sorry mate, it went off in my hand! Should stick to the question, went all heavy for no good reason (except maybe the depression, more prozac before I logon next time).

I only get to watch the games in the pub if there is absolutely nothing on the other channel (English football/rugby/horse racing usually trumps the Old Firm. I reckon that Come Dine With Me will trump any Scottish game for at least 3 years!).

I did find a pub Christmas before last (2nd Jan 2011) which I took my brother-in-law and my nephew to who were visiting from Glasgow. Before we found the pub we passed some Celtic fans on the street and I asked them where the game was being shown. I knew they were Celtic fans because they were unusually ugly even for Sandbach (that and their hoops). One replied saying "The Lion but it's Tims only". He had clearly recognised me as a Rangers fan by my George Clooney good looks. After searching every other bar we'd no choice but to slum it with the Tims. We had to leave when it got to 2-0 before my 13 year old nephew got us a kicking!

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I live and study in south shields, although i've only spent june and july there since march for health reasons. but the majority are ignorant to our situation, thinking they know the story but really they only know what the twisted headlines in the rhags have told them. most are understanding of the situation and when I explain the real deal are even more understanding. a good few of them look at me as though im stupid when i explain, and wont believe it. some dont want to know because either it doesn't interest them or theres too much and its frying their brain.

and some are complete arseholes about it. but they probably have oirish blood in them.

in general though, i get them impression people are sad to see it happen to a club of our size and history, but dont really care

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1346180389' post='1060382280']

All the guys in my work are really sympathetic and are really interested in the story, they never have a bad word to say about Rangers, wonder if its because I am the boss :cgreen:

Same as me but they do look for the score on a Monday morning in case I come back down from Scotland in a cunt of a mood..

Tbh, real football supporters thst I have met think Rangers are a huge club..they are the ones who know its the TV money thst makes the difference......

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I've lived in England for 25 years now and grown up with alot of my mates. These boys are happy to take the piss, but through the years i've converted the majority of them to have a genuine interest in us. These lads tend to read up and not take everything they read as the truth, asking questions etc. But I'd say on the whole most football fans I know couldn't give a fuck about us. Back in the 90's there was a higher level of interest when I could actually say that we would have easily competed in the top flight in England.

I was at a party the other day, only knew the hosts. When i heard some Manc Fans, banging on about the state of Rangers and how we were a joke, not one of those idiots knew anything, it was just rubbish sproating from their mouths, they then went onto bang on about how Manchester was ruined by our fans. Put those boys straight quick sharp! I'd say 75% of people in England just don't care, unless they have mates who are bears.

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I couldn't give a toss what non-Rangers fans, English or otherwise, think of us, but I work with a QPR fan and was surprised by how sympathetic she was. I always imagine fans of small clubs in big cities being generally hostile to big clubs.

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Your right about MU fans, most i know think that football started with the PL and Sky in 1992. Ive found most people sympathise with us but dont know much about the situation, i do my best to put them right but tbh i dont think they really care, SFA corruption takes second place behind Van Persies signing and Rooneys cut leg im afraid.

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Just wondering how other bears down here have found English people to be with regards to their thoughts on what has happened to Rangers?

I've not been down here that long and live in Manchester but I find most utd fans to be too ignorant towards other teams to be worth talking to about football as you would need to spend an hour on their team for 10 minutes back. City fans are becoming as bad. Most think it's terrible what's happened without really knowing much about the situation.

I was talking to a Liverpool fan earlier though and he was going on about our treatment being a disgrace and all about jelousy. I looked the guy up and down because it was like talking to a Rangers fan and I had not even said anything

at that point. He started going on about our former players, recent crowds, and how he thought we were too good for up here. Was music to me

Cheered me right up as most people down here don't really know how big a club we are never mind what's been going on. Despite our wee trip down a few years ago :uk:

Was only talking to him for about 10 minutes so never even asked him about his team, lol

I'm thinking bears who have been down here longer will know more true football people with real opinions on Rangers instead of these glory hunters who only know about one team :pipe:

Also wanting to know if any Rangers fans in this neck of the woods are interested in a petrol share so I can get to more games? My motor of course :lol:

hi bud i live in rochdale im looking for some1 2 share car 2 ibrox

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Also wanting to know if any Rangers fans in this neck of the woods are interested in a petrol share so I can get to more games? My motor of course :lol:

I'd be up for this, I'm a student and train prices to Glasgow are robbery. I'm staying in Cheshire at the minute though, might be a bit out of the way? :ulster:

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I'd be up for this, I'm a student and train prices to Glasgow are robbery. I'm staying in Cheshire at the minute though, might be a bit out of the way? :ulster:

The Stoke loyal picks up along the M6 if thats any good for you being in Cheshire. Cheaper than train and much more of a fun way to get to the games.

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I lived in Reading for a good few years in the 90's. Most of my English mates weren't into Scottish football at all. But you'd sometimes find a few paedo supporters who when asked as to why they liked the manky mob would refer to some guy they'd worked beside for years who supported the filth. I would proceed to enlighten them on the bomb hurling, kiddy fiddling proclitivities of them and their support, not to mention the anti-British/English/Scottish attitudes held by them. To a man, they would say fuck 'em after they heard the truth. You were only ever left with plastic and not so plastic paddies with a chip on each shoulder still supporting that shite.

I enjoyed my missionary work in the South of England. :uk:

p.s. One or two of the lads did have Rangers leanings after I had worked my magic. One very religious RC lad became a Ger. A Scottish Tim he met was nearly greetin' when he told him he hated Celtic. Oh the sectarian bile that spouted forth at that point was a site to behold!

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Alright John kerr and Antrim Bear, I know Rochdale well enough and that Cheshire is near Stockport so don't see any problem with meeting up but I must say I'm keen on this bus Mr C mentions so I can have a few shandy's, lol. Mr C can you give any more info or number for me to contact? Would be appreciated. Will google it but still helpful. If it works out cheaper and they have seats then I'm up for that. If it's a pick up nearer you Antrim I will just park up somewhere nearby after getting John or vice-versa if it's nearer us. Let me know and I'll mention us all to whoever runs this bus. Also found out yesterday national express coaches go to Glesga for £5 if booked early so that's another option. I've been paying £60 in petrol as well doh

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Alright John kerr and Antrim Bear, I know Rochdale well enough and that Cheshire is near Stockport so don't see any problem with meeting up but I must say I'm keen on this bus Mr C mentions so I can have a few shandy's, lol. Mr C can you give any more info or number for me to contact? Would be appreciated. Will google it but still helpful. If it works out cheaper and they have seats then I'm up for that. If it's a pick up nearer you Antrim I will just park up somewhere nearby after getting John or vice-versa if it's nearer us. Let me know and I'll mention us all to whoever runs this bus. Also found out yesterday national express coaches go to Glesga for £5 if booked early so that's another option. I've been paying £60 in petrol as well doh

Send a PM to Fog who posts on here, he goes on that bus and can give you info on them. National express can be a good way, same with megabus for getting up here. Hope this helps mate. :)

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Alright John kerr and Antrim Bear, I know Rochdale well enough and that Cheshire is near Stockport so don't see any problem with meeting up but I must say I'm keen on this bus Mr C mentions so I can have a few shandy's, lol. Mr C can you give any more info or number for me to contact? Would be appreciated. Will google it but still helpful. If it works out cheaper and they have seats then I'm up for that. If it's a pick up nearer you Antrim I will just park up somewhere nearby after getting John or vice-versa if it's nearer us. Let me know and I'll mention us all to whoever runs this bus. Also found out yesterday national express coaches go to Glesga for £5 if booked early so that's another option. I've been paying £60 in petrol as well doh

Last time I got I coach to Scotland it was Liverpool to Aberdeen via Newcastle. Most horrible journey know to man, it made the train to Aushwitz look like a pleasure cruise.

But for £5 to Glasgow you can't complain. Anyone got a rough idea of journey times from Liverpool/Manchester to Glasgow by coach?

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I have lived in England for a while now (Southport)and have worked all over England

I would say your casual sky watching fan couldn't care less.

but the English guys in my local who actually go to the games mostly Liverpool, Everton and Man U fans do know what is going on and think it's disgusting.

In fact the majority hate the tims even the Man U ones it's a myth spread by the Tims that all teams in England are their friends.

sick of reading shite on forums by fellow Bears who's whole experience of England is a weekend in Blackpool.

100% a myth! Other than the "My Scottish team are Celtic because I'm Roman Catholic" people, everyone hate Celtic down here. Celtic fans are hated as much as the Poppy-burning Islamic extremists down here, and after septic's "bloostained" banner it has only raised the hatred and generally raised the neutral support for Rangers due to hating Scotland's Shame septic fc.

I'm in London, and most people I know who 'have a Scottish team' support Hearts though - no idea why, but out of the old firm, the vast majority of us support Rangers either way.

I hear a lot of people on the train talking about Rangers sometimes and everyone says it's stupid what the SFA have done and that it's only punishing half the clubs who are going to lose out on revenue - some have been 'ha ha division 3' but they're rare.

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