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Charles Green confirms bid for David Cooper Templeton

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Bet Vlad's valuation of him will be through the roof now after his goal tonight. Although, I didn't think him coming here would be a likely outcome, especially at £300k. Didn't we bid that for Wallace originally then ended up paying £1.5 mil?

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We'd be allowed to renew the loan or sign the player permanently as they'd already be registered (tu).

We might be able to extend the loan mate but doubt we will be able to make a it a permanent signing as surely that requires a different/new registration.

If the loans are 18 months/2 years then fair enough but unless they are going to improve our starting 11 I would prefer our youngsters to be given match experience if we aren't able to sign more players.

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im sure Templeton will be interviewed on ESPN shortly, will he say anything??

Doubt hel say anything out of respect for the Hearts fans, either way. I hope im wrong but any chance we had of signing him has probably gone after that tonight as if it becomes well known he is available for 500k or whatever it is, I can see a lower level prem or championship team taking a punt on him.

If I were Green I would offer the carrot of us signing him but loaning him to Hearts for the rest of the season. Effectively gives us a new player next season when we have the signing ban.

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Is it sad that i'm nearly crying with joy over us potentially signing Templeton. :)

Just play it cool big-man and tell yerself he ain't signing. A bonus if he does :)

I'm sooo naturally pessimistic about it. I'm still thinking the manky bastards (or Everton :lol:) will come in for him

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