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I see Jim McColl Clyde Blowers is backing snp ?


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Your assertion was the Italian Government was APPOINTED by another country (or countries)

And it was - again, can't you read? Berlin isn't in Italy. You're clinging to (a bungled) literalism like shite to a blanket.

How can the following be misunderstood: Antonio Di Pietro, said that, “Italy is under the tutelage of the EU, and a country under tutelage is not a free and democratic one.”

I'm more than content I've supported my point.

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And it was - again, can't you read? Berlin isn't in Italy. You're clinging to (a bungled) literalism like shite to a blanket.

How can the following be misunderstood: Antonio Di Pietro, said that, “Italy is under the tutelage of the EU, and a country under tutelage is not a free and democratic one.”

I'm more than content I've supported my point.

Rather like we are under tutelage (such an emotive word for being fucked over) of big business, no matter what shitehawks are elected to westmidden, cue jump the dyke tony bliar multi millionaire and somewhere to the far right of thatcher. (tu)

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Rather like we are under tutelage (such an emotive word for being fucked over) of big business, no matter what shitehawks are elected to westmidden, cue jump the dyke tony bliar multi millionaire and somewhere to the far right of thatcher. (tu)

If that is your belief, then why do you think Independence will change anything. If anything it will make it worse, as Herr Alex chases big business with promises of no tax if they'll relocate to Scotland.

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If that is your belief, then why do you think Independence will change anything. If anything it will make it worse, as Herr Alex chases big business with promises of no tax if they'll relocate to Scotland.

I believe that capitalism should be left to work under its own tenets, much as it was during the days of UCS when the yards were refused a subsidy of £6 million to survive despite having full order books.

What was good enough for the yards should have been good enough for the banks, if you need it explained why we had and have selective capitalism rather than original capitalism where the strong survive and the weak fail you haven't been paying attention while being regally fucked over from fags to fuel.

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What was good enough for the yards should have been good enough for the banks, if you need it explained why we had and have selective capitalism rather than original capitalism where the strong survive and the weak fail you haven't been paying attention while being regally fucked over from fags to fuel.

The banks, of course, are in charge and are now so secure in their carefully constructed positions of power that they are happy to publicly subvert democracies to further their goals.

Barber (financial Times) : “Eurozone policymakers have decided to suspend politics as normal in two countries because they judge it to be a mortal threat to Europe’s monetary union.”

"Thus, these policymakers have ruled that European unity, a project more than 50 years in the making, is of such overriding importance that politicians accountable to the people must give way to unelected experts who can keep the show on the road.”

Such control mechanisms - now in place for banks the world over - have been written about extensively in The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, Der Spiegel, The Telegraph, Le Monde and many more.

BluePeter9 is convinced it is not happening. :lol:

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The banks, of course, are in charge and are now so secure in their carefully constructed positions of power that they are happy to publicly subvert democracies to further their goals.

Barber (financial Times) : “Eurozone policymakers have decided to suspend politics as normal in two countries because they judge it to be a mortal threat to Europe’s monetary union.”

"Thus, these policymakers have ruled that European unity, a project more than 50 years in the making, is of such overriding importance that politicians accountable to the people must give way to unelected experts who can keep the show on the road.”

Such control mechanisms - now in place for banks the world over - have been written about extensively in The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, Der Spiegel, The Telegraph, Le Monde and many more.

BluePeter9 is convinced it is not happening. :lol:

For banking I just see it as selective capitalism in general, big business as always dictates no matter what government no matter what country, much like the Politburo was communism's elite despite the socialist tenets of its birth.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, it has never been any different and never will be democracy is a utopia fed to the masses, who all to willingly swallow it, while big business under the guise of government continues to rape us every day of our lives.

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For banking I just see it as selective capitalism in general, big business as always dictates no matter what government no matter what country, much like the Politburo was communism's elite despite the socialist tenets of its birth.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, it has never been any different and never will be democracy is a utopia fed to the masses, who all to willingly swallow it, while big business under the guise of government continues to rape us every day of our lives.

Again, if you believe this then why do you insist on Independence when it is all a sham?

Today is no different from the Stone Age. Might makes right, the rest is illusion.

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Again, if you believe this then why do you insist on Independence when it is all a sham?

Today is no different from the Stone Age. Might makes right, the rest is illusion.

What I believe is of little or no consequence, you may come to realise that of yourself one day, it doesn't mean that I don't and can't hope that things can change for the better, one thing that living this life has taught me is that it won't change under westmidden.

£7 a gallon for diesel £7 odds for a packet of fags., that says it all.

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The banks, of course, are in charge and are now so secure in their carefully constructed positions of power that they are happy to publicly subvert democracies to further their goals.

Barber (financial Times) : "Eurozone policymakers have decided to suspend politics as normal in two countries because they judge it to be a mortal threat to Europe's monetary union."

"Thus, these policymakers have ruled that European unity, a project more than 50 years in the making, is of such overriding importance that politicians accountable to the people must give way to unelected experts who can keep the show on the road."

Such control mechanisms - now in place for banks the world over - have been written about extensively in The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, Der Spiegel, The Telegraph, Le Monde and many more.

BluePeter9 is convinced it is not happening. :lol:

Big is bad - small is good! Banks - like big pharma need a reality check on their power - and I note that literalism suits you when YOU want but not when you FAIL to back up your crap assertion that the Italian Government was appointed by another country (or countries) ! Again ...Wheres the deeds proof?

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We know. How we know.

Amazingly shameless - but good to know that once again you have lost but basically stayed true to type - basically deflection did not work so try any low level means to TRY to score a point - and even a BIG FAIL at that. :lol: :lol: - that's laughing AT you!

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You don't want to know the facts.

I'm convinced it's because you don't understand. It cannot be that you read the responses and simply do not acknowledge their validity given the sources.

Or are we to believe you know better than members of the Italian government itself?

Antonio Di Pietro said: “Italy is under the tutelage of the EU, and a country under tutelage is not a free and democratic one.”

BluePeter9 said: "you have NOTHING to back up your assertions"

I think most would accept that the Italian minister might be somewhat better informed on the status of his country than a known Rangers hater.

I certainly do. :sherlock:

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More and more people are coming to realise that banks are no more than legalised ponzi schemes, unlike any other ponzi scheme where people get jailed, when banks are unable to meet their exposure/debts or cover their deposits the nice government/big business by any other name bails the crooked fucks out with taxpayers money.

The fucks should get life at hard labour each and every one of the thieving bastards.

PS these legalised ponzi schemes are big business i/e. government/banks in tandem with their big business partners and fellow robbin' bastards.

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You don't want to know the facts.

I'm convinced it's because you don't understand. It cannot be that you read the responses and simply do not acknowledge their validity given the sources.

Or are we to believe you know better than members of the Italian government itself?

Antonio Di Pietro said: “Italy is under the tutelage of the EU, and a country under tutelage is not a free and democratic one.”

BluePeter9 said: "you have NOTHING to back up your assertions"

I think most would accept that the Italian minister might be somewhat better informed on the status of his country than a known Rangers hater.

I certainly do. :sherlock:

my goodness you accuse me of literalism and then use the same literalism to try to back up your failed assertions. you said the Italian government was appointed by another country ( or countries) and your support for this is a quote from a politician saying the government is under tutelage - :lol: you have failed! again!

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my goodness you accuse me of literalism and then use the same literalism to try to back up your failed assertions. you said the Italian government was appointed by another country ( or countries) and your support for this is a quote from a politician saying the government is under tutelage - :lol: you have failed! again!

My goodness? My fucking goodness? Are you Graham Speirs?

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you accuse me of literalism

I'm long past directing accusations of literalism at you. I'd redirect you to post #287, but given that you obviously cannot understand it, I suggest you get a clever person to explain it.

I further suggest you could ask anyone at all to help you. Your local street-sweep for example. Because, as I am past accusing you of literalism, I'm not past recognising your base stupidity.

The collected reports and understanding of politicians, bankers and journalists analysing the Italian crisis are all wrong.

BluePeter9, Rangers hater, is right...

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I'm long past directing accusations of literalism at you. I'd redirect you to post #287, but given that you obviously cannot understand it, I suggest you get a clever person to explain it.

I further suggest you could ask anyone at all to help you. Your local street-sweep for example. Because, as I am past accusing you of literalism, I'm not past recognising your base stupidity.

The collected reports and understanding of politicians, bankers and journalists analysing the Italian crisis are all wrong.

BluePeter9, Rangers hater, is right...

I laughed reading that, these cunts with their tame journalists from papers they control couldn't fuckin spell understanding, it was these useless fucks who have got the world economy into the state it is, the fuckers wouldn't be safe in the hands of God.

It's a firing squad the thieving bastards should be collected for.

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I'm long past directing accusations of literalism at you. I'd redirect you to post #287, but given that you obviously cannot understand it, I suggest you get a clever person to explain it.

I further suggest you could ask anyone at all to help you. Your local street-sweep for example. Because, as I am past accusing you of literalism, I'm not past recognising your base stupidity.

The collected reports and understanding of politicians, bankers and journalists analysing the Italian crisis are all wrong.

BluePeter9, Rangers hater, is right...

This deflection technique has obviously worked for you in the past - or you would no persevere with it - but this time just a FAIL.

To try to make the question easier - just NAME a country (or countries ) that appointed the Italian Government (with the exception of Italy :pipe: ) and I'll research it ?

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He has kind of got you here. You are going to have to name countries to win this one.

On the contrary, I think the EU as a bloc is strongly indicative of the behind-the-scenes activity that led to the imposition of technocrats in Italy. Di Pietro acknowledged the facts as an Italian minister and it was he who referred to the EU. Not me. It feels embarrassingly simplistic to have to point out the EU is a group of countries.

Additionally (and earlier in the thread) the FT journalist specifically referred to decisions being taken in Berlin. That's not in Italy. But it is in the EU.

And I also offered the sources that reported on the issues at the time - FT, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde and more. They are damning. All the information is available to anyone who wants to understand what happened.

And, of course, I refer you to the Italian ministers quote in post #287. He could not have been clearer.

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On the contrary, I think the EU as a bloc is strongly indicative of the behind-the-scenes activity that led to the imposition of technocrats in Italy. Di Pietro acknowledged the facts as an Italian minister and it was he who referred to the EU. Not me. It feels embarrassingly simplistic to have to point out the EU is a group of countries.

Additionally (and earlier in the thread) the FT journalist specifically referred to decisions being taken in Berlin. That's not in Italy. But it is in the EU.

And I also offered the sources that reported on the issues at the time - FT, Wall Street Journal, Le Monde and more. They are damning. All the information is available to anyone who wants to understand what happened.

And, of course, I refer you to the Italian ministers quote in post #287. He could not have been clearer.

And if that wasn't enough, then the spirit of your argument was sound, even if the pedants would try to argue otherwise.

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I refer you to post #287.

The Italian minister reveals all. Re-hint: the EU isn't Italy.

Tutelage is not appoint ? - perhaps you think differently - but still waiting on your proof that another country (or countries) appointed the interim or any Italian government!

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