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Craig Levein admits: I should have ended Steven Fletcher feud ages ago


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Fletcher should never play for Scotland anyway he's English this daft rule that allows someone who ate a bit shortbread once play for your country is daft.

I watched morris dancing once can i now play for England.

It makes a mockery of the sport i'm surprised the sporting integrity guys at the SFA have let this cheating go on for years.


His maw's Scottish ya daftie.

Plus he's lived in Scotland since his dad died when he was like 10.

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His maw's Scottish ya daftie.

Plus he's lived in Scotland since his dad died when he was like 10.

Makes no difference to me its a daft rule if your born in Scotland/England you should only be able to represent your own country of birth, not your mother or fathers.

I think playing his mum could be a goer though cant be any worse that Caldwell and co.

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